Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Slow Service Stinks

Our local pizza joint is not just slow. They're
S - L - O - W

The Cracker Barrel is about 50/50 (I think sometimes
they have to go out back and kill the chicken)

Sunday we went to Jason's Deli, and the word of
the week was "Slowness". Uh-Oh.

But it was the good kind of slowness, like slowing
down to relax and eat with your family.

One thing that will help you reach your ideal weight
and body composition is relaxing while you eat.

The way we've got ourselves scheduled these days, I'm
not even gonna try to tell you about eating slower
(you're probably speed-reading this email anyway to
get to your next 'thing')

The best way to relax is not about HOW you're eating;
it's to relax about WHAT you're eating.

Here's what most people think while they're eating, or
just as they're about to start eating. Sometimes it's
in their head, but it's funny how we lose our filter
when the food starts getting passed around and we say
this out loud, too:

- Is it fattening?
- How many points is that?
- How many fat grams?
- How many calories does that thing have?
- Can I eat this now and skip supper?
- I know I really shouldn't be eating this...but...
- Well, I'll be good again next week
- This is good for me, right?

All these thoughts stir up all those stress hormones,
which disrupts the normal digestion process...so you're
worse off than if you just ate the thing.

You've got to get some new thoughts to replace those
old thoughts. That's why Caveman Cuisine focuses as
much (or more) on the Mental side of eating as it does
on the Physical (there's even some Spiritual in there
as well).

We're moving too fast already to really slow down and
go back to a more natural lifestyle. Which is cool,
because Caveman Cuisine is designed to fit within
your current lifestyle--and bring the Nature to you.
It even shows you how to use technology to your advantage.


Eating can be a glorious experience, fast or slow. And
besides...your Life depends on it. So don't go so fast
that you miss it.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS I came back from the Beach at exactly the same
weight and body composition that I left for the Beach
the week before.

Did I eat boring food? Was I "good"? I got two words
for you: Beach & Birthday. Ha! I ate all kinds of
'good' food.

There was a time in my life when I would gain ten pounds
at the Beach--and it wouldn't go away. You may have
gained ten pounds recently and not even had the beach
as an excuse.

It's supposed to get harder as you get older...then how
come it's getting easier for me?

Two more words: Caveman Cuisine
See for yourself http://www.cavemancuisine.com