Success Comes in Cans
I took my Senior quote from Henry Ford: 'Success comes in
cans-not 'cannots'.
Too often, we limit ourselves. 'I can't' or 'It won't work'
(especially in committee meetings). But you're not living by
committee you're living your own life (or at least you should
be). Start thinking 'I can' or 'How can I.' and you'll start
seeing and attracting new possibilities for change into your
One of the hardest things for us to change is our physical body
(that's why I put it first on the Wheel of Life). Sometimes it's
just the inertia of our old habits. And the hardest part about
changing your physical habits is figuring out a plan that works,
but most importantly, a plan that works for you.
That's why I was encouraged after the 'Caveman Cuisine'
tele-seminar last week. In the Live Chat after the call,
everyone who joined in said,
'I can do this!'
I was surprised that so many people said 'I can do this'. Many
times when people hear something new, they just say, 'That's
nice' and file it away in their 'Some Day' file.
And Some Day never comes.
But something about this program and presentation inspired the
listeners to act and got them enthusiastic about their health
again. I've created a way around the hardest part of changing
your physical body--'Caveman Cuisine' works, and it'll work for
you. Because it's easy, and it works with your Internal Wisdom
to re-create your ideal body-quickly-from the Inside-Out
So, I'm offering you a chance to get inspired, enthusiastic, and
healthy, too. Pretty soon, I'll be turning the Caveman Cuisine
call and guidebook into a product on my website. But I've got to
fix the letter, make the copies and decide on a price (which is
definitely going up) and a few other technical things.
So, until that's done, I'm leaving the old letter up for another
day or two. So if you hurry, you can still get the Caveman
Cuisine audio, the guidebook (which includes a 30-day quick start
plan, fast-food menus and frozen food menus.see, I told you it
was easy) AND the 30-day email support--all for only $17
Even though it's got the wrong dates, etc on it, the page still
works. When you click the link and purchase the Caveman Cuisine
pre-publication pack, within just a few minutes you'll get links
to download the call and the guidebook. Print out the book and
burn the CD-and you're on your way.
You CAN eat the foods you were designed to eat. You CAN get
your energy back. You CAN sleep better, feel better and look better.
And you can eat as much as you want, and still eat your favorite foods.
Remember: if you think you can, or you think you can't-you're
You can do this.
Dr. Vince
cans-not 'cannots'.
Too often, we limit ourselves. 'I can't' or 'It won't work'
(especially in committee meetings). But you're not living by
committee you're living your own life (or at least you should
be). Start thinking 'I can' or 'How can I.' and you'll start
seeing and attracting new possibilities for change into your
One of the hardest things for us to change is our physical body
(that's why I put it first on the Wheel of Life). Sometimes it's
just the inertia of our old habits. And the hardest part about
changing your physical habits is figuring out a plan that works,
but most importantly, a plan that works for you.
That's why I was encouraged after the 'Caveman Cuisine'
tele-seminar last week. In the Live Chat after the call,
everyone who joined in said,
'I can do this!'
I was surprised that so many people said 'I can do this'. Many
times when people hear something new, they just say, 'That's
nice' and file it away in their 'Some Day' file.
And Some Day never comes.
But something about this program and presentation inspired the
listeners to act and got them enthusiastic about their health
again. I've created a way around the hardest part of changing
your physical body--'Caveman Cuisine' works, and it'll work for
you. Because it's easy, and it works with your Internal Wisdom
to re-create your ideal body-quickly-from the Inside-Out
So, I'm offering you a chance to get inspired, enthusiastic, and
healthy, too. Pretty soon, I'll be turning the Caveman Cuisine
call and guidebook into a product on my website. But I've got to
fix the letter, make the copies and decide on a price (which is
definitely going up) and a few other technical things.
So, until that's done, I'm leaving the old letter up for another
day or two. So if you hurry, you can still get the Caveman
Cuisine audio, the guidebook (which includes a 30-day quick start
plan, fast-food menus and frozen food menus.see, I told you it
was easy) AND the 30-day email support--all for only $17
Even though it's got the wrong dates, etc on it, the page still
works. When you click the link and purchase the Caveman Cuisine
pre-publication pack, within just a few minutes you'll get links
to download the call and the guidebook. Print out the book and
burn the CD-and you're on your way.
You CAN eat the foods you were designed to eat. You CAN get
your energy back. You CAN sleep better, feel better and look better.
And you can eat as much as you want, and still eat your favorite foods.
Remember: if you think you can, or you think you can't-you're
You can do this.
Dr. Vince
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