Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Catholics and Jews Unite

In spite of all the hubbub over Easter between Catholics
and Jews, there's one thing they have in common.


As I understand it from my Catholic and Jewish friends
(I grew up Scotch-Hillbilly-Baptist), they both claim
bragging rights for who can out-guilt whom.

Guilt can make you do things because you should, or not
do things because you 'shouldn't'...and you end up a mess
because you're should-ing all over yourself.

Eating seems like a physical process, but it's mostly a
mental/emotional process...that can be influenced strongly
by guilt.

I should eat better. I shouldn't be eating this.

Etc. Ad nauseum.

You've been brainwashed by parents, clergy and other
well-wishers (I had a preacher friend who always liked to
quote "Eat whatever is set before you, raising no question
of conscience."... right on his way to a heart attack before

You've been confused by conflicting scientific studies
(I guess it depends on who pays for the science.)

And there's a food you may be avoiding right now for no
good reason at all.

It may even be one of your favorites, but you've been
spooked into not eating it.

Or you may be eating it, even though you know you're not
'supposed' to, and feeling guilty about it.

Well, Brother Vince is here to absolve you of your guilt.
Remember: the Truth shall set you Free.

I'll reveal this 'demonized delight' in the April Caveman
Cuisine newsletter. Once you know the truth about this
food, you're brain will work better because you're eating
it again.

And you're brain will feel better because you can eat it
(and even more of it) without all the guilt.

Take a test-drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club, and get
the April newsletter/CD, as well as the Caveman Cuisine
QuickStart Guide & CD, Wheel of Life workbook, Hidden
Eyes CD, and Caveman Concentration (any of which are
well worth the price of the test-drive 29.95)

I'll even throw in last month's CD with clinical hypnotherapist
Mitzi Crall, Ph.D. to help you replace some of those "I told
you so" tapes still playing in your head.

Check it out here (I changed the page a little, so tell me
what you think):


Live like You Mean it (not like you 'should'),

Dr. Vince

P.S. I'll also give you the secret to eating the rest of your
Easter Basket without guilt. And no, not the basket itself
(lots of fiber) or anything like that. The candy. The
chocolate. All of it. And feel great about it.

And how it can help you lose weight.

I've only told a few people about this secret, and it's not for
the Masses. It takes a special kind of person to understand
and appreciate this info, so join the club and find out for
