What's the Sound of One Librarian...
The sound of one Librarian is not anything like the 'sound
of one hand clapping'.
The sound of one Librarian can be the sweetest sound
you've ever heard.
Or it can strike fear into your heart.
One sound, but so many possibilities.
On the sweet side, I think the 'sshh' sound mimics the
sound we hear inside our Mother's womb. So Mommies
the world over instinctively know to settle us down and
soothe us, they say, 'sssssshhhhhhhh'.
And that's probably why it's part of the word 'hush'.
'Hush little baby, don't you cry...'
But as we get older and start expressing our exuberance,
fully liberated from the womb and making our own mark
in this world, 'huuusssshhhhh' turns to 'Hush' or 'hush-up'
And when you shorten it up with intensity, in true
Librarian fashion --'Shh!'-- it can be a little scary: What'd I do?
So it's not surprising that we lose our connection to 'quiet'--
and even fear it--as we get older.
My friend David told me recently that he was working with
some Somalian refugee middle-schoolers, and after a rousing
round of group drumming, asked them to sit still and close their
He was about to lead them through a short relaxation
visualization, and one of the kids piped up:
'Are we in trouble?'
We're scared of the dark, and we're scared of the quiet.
Which is ironic, because that's where we were formed. It's
the most peaceful and serene we've ever been.
But we get busy...disconnected...as we get older and don't
take the time to get quiet and reconnect.
We're not scared of the boogey-man. We're scared of
the Big Man.
Your Big Self.
Or like Marianne Williamson says
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.'
Being too quiet, or too dark (closing your eyes) gets you a
little too close to your Power.
There's nothing wrong with being quiet. You're not in trouble.
It's OK...
Dr. Vince
P.S. I know it's hard to get quiet with all the noise in your
modern life: TV, talk radio, cellphones (those blasted ring
tones), Instant Messages, laptops, blackberries, blueteeth,
high-speed everything.
That's why I wear a Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant. I guess
you could call it my 'Quiet' Link. It helps filter out all the
chatter, helps your mind relax and focus...making it easier
for you to find a few quiet minutes each day, and get more
out of them. Get yours NOW, and re-introduce yourself to
your Self:
of one hand clapping'.
The sound of one Librarian can be the sweetest sound
you've ever heard.
Or it can strike fear into your heart.
One sound, but so many possibilities.
On the sweet side, I think the 'sshh' sound mimics the
sound we hear inside our Mother's womb. So Mommies
the world over instinctively know to settle us down and
soothe us, they say, 'sssssshhhhhhhh'.
And that's probably why it's part of the word 'hush'.
'Hush little baby, don't you cry...'
But as we get older and start expressing our exuberance,
fully liberated from the womb and making our own mark
in this world, 'huuusssshhhhh' turns to 'Hush' or 'hush-up'
And when you shorten it up with intensity, in true
Librarian fashion --'Shh!'-- it can be a little scary: What'd I do?
So it's not surprising that we lose our connection to 'quiet'--
and even fear it--as we get older.
My friend David told me recently that he was working with
some Somalian refugee middle-schoolers, and after a rousing
round of group drumming, asked them to sit still and close their
He was about to lead them through a short relaxation
visualization, and one of the kids piped up:
'Are we in trouble?'
We're scared of the dark, and we're scared of the quiet.
Which is ironic, because that's where we were formed. It's
the most peaceful and serene we've ever been.
But we get busy...disconnected...as we get older and don't
take the time to get quiet and reconnect.
We're not scared of the boogey-man. We're scared of
the Big Man.
Your Big Self.
Or like Marianne Williamson says
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.'
Being too quiet, or too dark (closing your eyes) gets you a
little too close to your Power.
There's nothing wrong with being quiet. You're not in trouble.
It's OK...
Dr. Vince
P.S. I know it's hard to get quiet with all the noise in your
modern life: TV, talk radio, cellphones (those blasted ring
tones), Instant Messages, laptops, blackberries, blueteeth,
high-speed everything.
That's why I wear a Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant. I guess
you could call it my 'Quiet' Link. It helps filter out all the
chatter, helps your mind relax and focus...making it easier
for you to find a few quiet minutes each day, and get more
out of them. Get yours NOW, and re-introduce yourself to
your Self:
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