America's Most Neglected
One of my patients told me the other day:
'I really like reading your emails. They help me a lot...
not only mentally, but also spiritually.'
I was grateful to hear that. Because 'spiritual' is one of
the spokes on the Wheel of Life. And one of the most
Even if we are involved in many 'spiritual' activities, they
tend to be just that: activities. They start. They end.
But true spirituality permeates your whole life. Because
spirituality is rooted in 'connectedness'. Being connected
to your Self, to Others, and to the Source.
In Wallace Wattles' 1910 classic 'The Science of Getting Rich',
he gives us what I believe to be the secret of spirituality:
'...the mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into
closer touch with the source from which the blessings come.'
Since we're getting ready for Thanksgiving, I want to give
thanks to all of you for being part of my family, and
helping me express my Unique Contribution.
So I'd like to give you a copy of 'The Secret Power of Gratitude'.
In this course, I've included a chapter on Gratitude from The
Science of Getting Rich, and some practical exercises to help
you learn how to express your gratitude.
You can get it by following this link (just fill in the required
fields, but skip the credit card's free!...and go all
the way down to the bottom and press the 'Continue to
Payment Information' button) You'll get the download link
right away, and you can save it and print it out.
Hope it helps you get warmed up for Thursday...
Dr. Vince
P.S. Feel free to forward this to your friends and family...
I'd love for them to have a copy as well. It can be a small
token of gratitude to them.
'I really like reading your emails. They help me a lot...
not only mentally, but also spiritually.'
I was grateful to hear that. Because 'spiritual' is one of
the spokes on the Wheel of Life. And one of the most
Even if we are involved in many 'spiritual' activities, they
tend to be just that: activities. They start. They end.
But true spirituality permeates your whole life. Because
spirituality is rooted in 'connectedness'. Being connected
to your Self, to Others, and to the Source.
In Wallace Wattles' 1910 classic 'The Science of Getting Rich',
he gives us what I believe to be the secret of spirituality:
'...the mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into
closer touch with the source from which the blessings come.'
Since we're getting ready for Thanksgiving, I want to give
thanks to all of you for being part of my family, and
helping me express my Unique Contribution.
So I'd like to give you a copy of 'The Secret Power of Gratitude'.
In this course, I've included a chapter on Gratitude from The
Science of Getting Rich, and some practical exercises to help
you learn how to express your gratitude.
You can get it by following this link (just fill in the required
fields, but skip the credit card's free!...and go all
the way down to the bottom and press the 'Continue to
Payment Information' button) You'll get the download link
right away, and you can save it and print it out.
Hope it helps you get warmed up for Thursday...
Dr. Vince
P.S. Feel free to forward this to your friends and family...
I'd love for them to have a copy as well. It can be a small
token of gratitude to them.
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