Thursday, November 16, 2006

Same Difference

Everyone is special. Everyone is Different.
Heck, I even know a girl named Unique.

But as different as we all are, we're pretty much alike
under our skin. Funny thing is, we're not really all that
different from our pre-historic ancestors. Our genetic
makeup hasn't changed a whole lot since the early days.
You're really just a more civilized, less hairy version of
the ancient caveman (Dr. Elise prefers the term
'Cave-Deweller'), who probably knew the real Barney.

So if you eat like they did, you'll be healthy and strong
like they were. And avoid the 'diseases of civilization'.

Here's what one of our fellow homo-sapiens has to say
about the Caveman Cuisine Quick-Start Plan:

'Dr. V--

'I believe I can live with this one. I haven't announced
it to anybody, just making the small changes. The
hardest habit to break is eating out. But it's pretty easy
to look at something and say (in my best Neanderthal
head voice), '_____ causes inflammation. _____ bad.'
And then avoid it.

Even if it's on the plate. I just don't eat it. I can wrap my
head around avoiding something because it causes
inflammation. That's the combination to the lock!

'I also like the fact I'm not counting calories. It's so boring,
discouraging and never works.'

I didn't give his name, since he's not 'announcing' his goal.
And I put the blanks in there to not give away the secret
to preventing inflammation. But I unlock the secret in the
Caveman Cuisine Quick-Start Guide (And I revealed another
secret in this paragraph, if you're paying attention).

One big difference between us and our ancestors is that
we have access to all sorts of modern food processing
technology. The dark side of this technology is the highly-
processed junk food (that's not really food at all). The
bright side is being able to get highly-refined, pharmaceutical-
grade fish oil.

Fish Oil saves us from having to invent a hook or barbed
spear, stand at the creek all day, eat a pound or two of
fish, and deal with the bones, scales, smell, etc. It's one
big secret to eating in the Stone Age while living in the Space
Age (see, I'll tell you some of my secrets...just don't keep this
one to yourself...or 'from' yourself).

Take a virtual trip to the sea, and make excellent health
a reality. Be sure to get enough for everyone in your cave.

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you learn the inflammation secret by Thursday,
you'll really thank me for helping you make it through
the holidays at or below your current weight.
Get the scoop at