Tuesday, July 17, 2007

He Almost Fried our Brains

Saturday we went to the Georgia Dome and watched the
Drum & Bugle Corps Regional Championship. Kids from
all over the country come to march, play, spin and
perform their hearts out. And I used to be one of

The shows have changed a lot since I marched back in
'80-81, but one thing will always be the same: lots of
practice in the peak heat of summer.

Our marching instructor Ralph was pushing us pretty
hard to get ready before our first show. He'd checked
with a doctor to see how much water we REALLY needed,
and how long we could practice without taking a break.
(not for our benefit, but for his).

"The doctor said 4 ounces of water every hour to
prevent brain damage."

So we'd stop at the o'clock of each hour just long enough
to take a drink and then would get back at it.

Those were the days.

Was there a better question to ask? How about:
"Hey, doc...I've got a bunch of kids marching out in
the hot sun, and we're trying to win a world championship.
How much water should they have each day to make sure
they can give us their peak performance?"

But instead, we got 'what's the minimum to prevent
brain damage'

People ask me all the time what to eat, what supplements
to take, how much water to drink, etc. But I always
answer with a question: what are your health goals.

Lots of folks just want the bare minimum to squeak by
Even though we were only 0.8 points out of first place,
we still came in fourth that year...maybe if we'd focused
on peak performance rather than avoiding brain damage
things would've been different.

Funny thing is, most people don't even drink 4ounces of
water every hour. Fewer drink the recommended 8 -8oz
glasses. And just a handful drink as much as they need.

Why? because most recommendations are based on the
minimum. So, go ahead and do the minimum...if you want
a minimum life.

But if you want more, if you want to excel, you have to
do more. Sometimes not so much 'more'...you have to do

I give you the best water recommendation in the Caveman
Cuisine quick-start Guide.

Water is the third Caveman Connection, and one of the
most important things you can do to improve your health.
(the other is fish oil--especially for the brain)

Small changes make a BIG difference. Positive and
negative. And something as simple as water can improve
your body AND your Mind (it's harder to be a champ
without it)

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Most of my old marching buddies I saw this
weekend are looking older and grayer. But they told
me I haven't changed a bit. Looks like this
Caveman's on the right track. A little Caveman and
a little Core 4 goes a long way. You can learn the
secrets, too:

Quadruples your Resistance to Stress

We live in a technological age. And that's not going
to change. Yes, technology has improved our lives in
many ways. But the fact of the matter remains that
serious health consequences are taking a toll on us-
that are directly related to using this very same

This new kind of stress, that comes with our new
high-tech lifestyle, is called Electro-Magnetic
Frequencies (EMF) stress.

"Electromagnetic pollution may be the most
significant form of pollution human activity has
produced in this century, all the more dangerous
because it's invisible and insensible."

Andrew Weil, MD

According to CNN (11/06/2002),people who spend a
few hours a day in front of the computer are...

"...increasingly likely to suffer physical,
mental and sleep related problems, too. The most
common physical complaints are headaches, eyestrain,
joint pain and stiff shoulders. Researchers say that
computer time can also take its toll on you mentally,
which causes lethargy, anxiety and a general
reluctance to go to work..."

Sound familiar?

But you don't have to live this way. You can use
technology to your advantage, to improve your health
quickly and easily.

The secret lies in a micro-chip. But this chip doesn't
go in your computer. It doesn't go IN your body.
It goes ON your body--around your neck or in your
front pocket. And this micro-chip resonates with your
unique energy field and amplifies it, giving you
Inside-Out protection against the negative effects of
stress in the home or workplace.

I learned how stress makes you sick while I was
in Chiropractic College. Not from a book, but from
the hacking, sneezing and coughing during finals week.
Row after row of over-tired, over-studied and over-
stressed chiropractors-to-be. That real-world experience
(every quarter for 14 quarters) proved over and over
that stress can make you sick-even if you're trying
to be healthy.

That was ten years ago-even before laptops, iPods,
blackberries, and other tech-tools became part of
our everyday life. And now the number of technological
marvels we're being given to use each year is
certainly not decreasing-it's increasing-and we have
to have them all!

Our high-tech lifestyle bombards us with information-
and EMF-stress. The pressure is building. We cant' relax.
We're getting more impatient, more irritated, more
uptight. Less time. More stress. No wonder we're one
of the sickest nations in the world (38th last time
I checked).

We're burning the candle on both ends-and need more wax.
Do you want your health back?

Good. You have a choice:

You can get rid of all your electro-magnetic pollution:
computer, cell phone, microwave, TV, PDA, laptop, iPod,
hair dryer, alarm clocks...and go live in a cave.


for the rest of the story, click here:

Are We gonna be French Fried?

In this month's Popular Mechanics, there's a feature about
scientists near Geneva who are going to re-create the
Big Bang.

They're going all out: 17-mile long particle accelerator,
cooled to just above absolute zero (around -270 F), with
the particles flying at almost the speed of light.

All buried a few miles below France.

I'm wondering: Is this really such a good idea?

"The energy released will be so vast that the impacts
will recreate conditions in the universe as they existed
just a fraction of a second after the big bang."

If all that energy created the Universe as we know it,
what's going to happen to France? Maybe that's not such
a big deal...But do you think the Earth can hold a whole new Universe?

This could be the End of the World as We Know it.

But somehow I doubt it. Why?

Because of 'that Something'. The Whole is always
greater than the Parts, and as much as scientists try
to re-create Nature, it's never quite the same.
It's usually missing something. The Power. The Life

You've got the Life Force. You are powerful. Or at
least have amazing creative potential. But the stress
of life...mental, physical, chemical...can keep you from
expressing it.

There's a Big Bang inside of YOU, just waiting to be
set free. It just needs a clear path, with no

YOU can let the Big Bang genie out of the bottle with
a Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant. It helps protect
you against Electro-Magnetic Stress (those French
scientists definitely need them), keeps you calm and
focused...even keeps your blood cells the right shape.

Check it out here:

But just in case Pierre does blow us to smithereens,
Live like You Mean it Today...

Dr. Vince

PS The black, white, titanium, silver and gold Q-Links
all have the same technology. They all have the same
power--to unlock your power. The one(s) you pick have
more to do with your 'fashion statement' and which
bonuses you want. I'm kind of partial to the Titanium.

Why Even Good Diets Fail

One of the keys to relaxing is to separate the 'good'
from the 'best', and focus on the Best. Stephen Covey
says that the Good will keep you from your Best...if
you let it.

Here's a twist, which seems to say exactly the opposite:

"A person's pursuit of goodness leads to greatness,
but the pursuit of greatness leads to ruin. Pursue
goodness and you will achieve great things."

John E. Kramer, Institute for Justice

These guys aren't contradicting each other. They're both
talking Inside-Out.

Covey says that the 'good' things people want you to
do, or you feel like you should do (from the Outside),
can interfere, distract or keep you from doing what you
really want to do, from making your unique contribution
(that comes from Inside).

Kramer is saying that if you try to be 'Great', you're
only working on the Outside, what people think of you
and how others see you. And that leads to failure.

But if you focus on doing good things, then you'll do great
things, make your unique contribution, in the process.

This is why so many people fail to get the body they want.
Why so many good attempts to change, to get thin again
are ruined.

Because the focus is on the Outside. Looks only.
or looks primarily.

For some reason, that outside motivation is too shallow
and runs out of steam pretty quick. Don't know why, but
just look around.

Or if you can go too far the other way, and get TOO thin,
and still be unhealthy.

Longer lasting change, healthy change, permanent change comes
from the Inside. Focused on Respecting and Protecting your
precious Human Biology. Because you are created in the
image of God.

And like another wise man said, "When the Inside of the
cup is clean, the outside is clean, too."

If you feed your Body right and feed your Mind right (the
right kind of food and right kind of thoughts), they will
respond the only way they know how--the only way possible
under those circumstances--and re-create your Ideal body
from the Inside-Out.

I give you all the tools you need to get started feeding
your Mind and Body in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart
Guide. http://www.cavemancuisine.com

It's as natural and automatic as goodness leading to
greatness...and as an apple falling to the ground.
That's just the way it works.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS I share the #1 secret for keeping the 'good' from
getting in the way of your 'Best' on this month's
Wheel of Life CD. And two other big secrets that
have helped me finish Chiropractic School, run a
successful practice, raise a family, be active in
the community, etc...without losing my Mind in the

You'll get your CD, along with all the other tools
when you test drive the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.
Trust me, you can't afford to miss this.

59-year old has Kindergarten Energy

While I like to give good energy to all my patients,
some of mine send a lot back my way, too.

"B" is one of those.

I guess she gets it from hanging out with
five-year olds--She's a kindergarten teacher.

Even though her body will soon be 59 years old,
her mind and spirit are still much younger. And
her body's in pretty good shape, too. Even though
she treats it rough, she bounces back pretty

She was excited about the school year starting.
Besides getting her physical school space ready,
she's getting her physical Self ready, too.

"I'm going to start taking CoQ10 and Magnesium
next month. I'm already taking fish oil and a
multi. That way I'll have the whole Core 4 together,
and I'll be needing that energy this year."

And how. She still sits on the floor with them and
runs around outside...so if she's not slowing down
any, she's got to find a way to keep up.

So she uses chiropractic and the Bronze Core 4 (which
is actually the Core 2)..soon to be the Core 4 Gold
Pack http://www.drvinceonline.com/core4.htm

That's why she and I, along with all the other
people wanting more life in their years, like the
Core 4. Because it's flexible--you can get any one
of them ala carte, or in any combo you choose.

I've put a few together, but you can mix and match
to suit your own health goals. You can read about
each one separately here:

If you're not sure where to start, let me know and I'll
quiz you a little to see what might be best for you.

Whether you're in school, chasing school kids or darn glad
to be out of school, you'll do it better if you feed
yourself better. So use the "last half of the year" or
the "beginning of school" as a good starting point to
start a great habit.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS If I had to pick the 'desert island' supplement,
the one I'd take if I could only take one...it would
be fish oil. But not just any old fish oil. Not some
stinky, brand X, you-get-what-you-pay-for, discount
warehouse fish oil. Only pharmaceutical-grade, thanks.

These Omega-3s are essential for life, for everything
from heart to brain to skin, and help prevent the
'diseases of modern civilization'. And the long-chain
Omega-3s from fatty fish are far superior to those from
vegetable matter. So dig in.

Slow Service Stinks

Our local pizza joint is not just slow. They're
S - L - O - W

The Cracker Barrel is about 50/50 (I think sometimes
they have to go out back and kill the chicken)

Sunday we went to Jason's Deli, and the word of
the week was "Slowness". Uh-Oh.

But it was the good kind of slowness, like slowing
down to relax and eat with your family.

One thing that will help you reach your ideal weight
and body composition is relaxing while you eat.

The way we've got ourselves scheduled these days, I'm
not even gonna try to tell you about eating slower
(you're probably speed-reading this email anyway to
get to your next 'thing')

The best way to relax is not about HOW you're eating;
it's to relax about WHAT you're eating.

Here's what most people think while they're eating, or
just as they're about to start eating. Sometimes it's
in their head, but it's funny how we lose our filter
when the food starts getting passed around and we say
this out loud, too:

- Is it fattening?
- How many points is that?
- How many fat grams?
- How many calories does that thing have?
- Can I eat this now and skip supper?
- I know I really shouldn't be eating this...but...
- Well, I'll be good again next week
- This is good for me, right?

All these thoughts stir up all those stress hormones,
which disrupts the normal digestion process...so you're
worse off than if you just ate the thing.

You've got to get some new thoughts to replace those
old thoughts. That's why Caveman Cuisine focuses as
much (or more) on the Mental side of eating as it does
on the Physical (there's even some Spiritual in there
as well).

We're moving too fast already to really slow down and
go back to a more natural lifestyle. Which is cool,
because Caveman Cuisine is designed to fit within
your current lifestyle--and bring the Nature to you.
It even shows you how to use technology to your advantage.


Eating can be a glorious experience, fast or slow. And
besides...your Life depends on it. So don't go so fast
that you miss it.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS I came back from the Beach at exactly the same
weight and body composition that I left for the Beach
the week before.

Did I eat boring food? Was I "good"? I got two words
for you: Beach & Birthday. Ha! I ate all kinds of
'good' food.

There was a time in my life when I would gain ten pounds
at the Beach--and it wouldn't go away. You may have
gained ten pounds recently and not even had the beach
as an excuse.

It's supposed to get harder as you get older...then how
come it's getting easier for me?

Two more words: Caveman Cuisine
See for yourself http://www.cavemancuisine.com

3 Ways to Get Home Safely

A patient just told me that her husband's cardiologist
was killed yesterday driving back from Alabama.

Holiday weekends are notoriously bad for traffic fatalities,
maybe for a couple of reasons: more people = more chances
to intersect. Or long trips = more tired = less focus.

Or sometimes things just happen.

Here are 3 tips to help you get home safely:

1. Have a baby.

OK, may not be practical...but my baby brother says
he used to be the guy (jerk?) jockeying for position,
weaving back and forth, tailgating, just to get there
30 seconds sooner.

Now that he has a new daughter, he realizes his
responsibility and plays it safe on the road. And it
makes him more aware of just how dangerous many drivers

2. Relax

Unless you're in the Olympics or NASCAR, 30 seconds won't
make any difference--unless you're in a hurry. Hurry can
keep you from focusing on the task at hand while you're
thinking about getting there, which can get you in big

Just remember, it takes a lot longer to wait on the cops
and the tow truck than to wait for Grandma to eventually
turn. Enjoy (and embrace) the extra few minutes.

I know it's easier said than done; that's why I recommend
the Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant

By amplifying your body's own energy, the Q-Link helps
you relax, focus and concentrate. And that makes it
much easier to watch out for the CD-changing, cellphone-
talking, DVD-watching wackos out there.

3. Don't be "Defensive"

"Defensive" driving is a good idea, but I have a better
one. You see, if you're on the "defense" that implies that
someone else is on the "offense", and you're on different
teams, competing with each other.

Yeah, I know it seems that way at times. But what if we
were on the same team?

What if all the drivers around you were on your team, and
your goal was to all get there safely. Would you let them
squeeze in front of you? Would you move over so they could
to get around you? Would you offer them the parking space?

What a different energy that would be: watching out for
my teammate vs watching out for that A* hole.

Maybe I'm dreaming, but it's worth a try. You can try it
on your next trip and let me know how it works.

Get home safe and live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Speaking of cell-phone talking, even hands-free sets
cause enough distraction to put you at higher risk for
an accident.

Even if you still talk and drive, at least protect your
brain from the cellphone radiation...don't let it zap
your energy. Think of your Q-Link as your brain's
seat belt http://www.drvinceonline.com/qlink.htm

My Daughter's Favorite Saying

We were out in the ocean yesterday, and Grace said,
"You want to hear my favorite saying?" just out of
the blue (she's kind of random that way)

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

Pretty good one, especially since I just had a

The funny thing I noticed at the beach was that
most people look very old. Even if they're not
chronologically, they acted that way.

What's 'acting' old? Stiff joints/muscles and
a big belly.

Most people tell me that once they hit some magical
age their stomach started to spread. Or now that
they're getting older, it's harder to get around
like they used to--and these are guys/gals in their
late 30's and early 40s.

Yes, we get older every day...but growing up or
getting "old" are both optional.

"Old" is a function of metabolic waste products
(oxidation) and lack of movement (which leads
to lack of flexibility).

So, if you can keep your antioxidant protection, and
keep moving, you'll chase away old age like an old
fogey on his porch chasing off the whippersnappers.

Good news is that fish oil keeps those joints moving
and helps burn that belly fat.

That's why it's gold-colored...because it's like
pure gold as far as keeping you young and healthy
is concerned.

And when you add the antioxidant kick of CoQ10,
and a multi, and the anti-stress power of
magnesium, you've got a 1-2-3-4 punch that's
hard to beat.

Find out more here:

Live a long time like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS No I didn't forget that today is 07.07.07
Triple lucky because it's my birth month, my
20th anniversary, and 7 positions on the

Anyway, since I'm just getting back, I'll leave
the Caveman Club Test Drive special up until
the morning.

When you wake up, it'll be gone. The Club and
all its bene's will still be there, and at
29.95 it's a steal...but your luck that I have to
quit writing now, so you can get it for 19.95
(first month only) if you hurry.

Why First-Born is Best

Someone sent this for my birthday:

A new study shows that the eldest children in families
tend to develop slightly higher I.Q.s than their younger

The study, which appeared in the journal "Science",
found that eldest children scored about three points
higher on I.Q. tests than their closest sibling, and
4 points higher than the third-born.

So to my brothers, Lance and Adam, I say:
"In your Face!"

Just kidding...

Three points on an I.Q. test, experts said, amount to
a slight edge that could be meaningful for someone
teetering between an A and a B, for instance, or even
possibly between admission to an elite liberal-arts
college and the state university, some experts said.

I say those experts haven't been in the real world lately.

Besides the fact that 'Rich Dad' says there can be
at least nine different kinds of intelligence, 3 or 4
points isn't even remarkable on a 100-point scale.

That's kind of like saying a certain circular-shaped
oat cereal that keeps little kids occupied helps
reduce cholesterol...because it lowered it 6 points.

6 points of cholesterol is neither make nor break.

I'm more concerned with how much of my potential I'm
expressing...not how well I score on an IQ test.

Same goes for you.

You may think you're not 'smart', not a 'math person',
not 'musical'...or whatever (we're pretty good at
highlighting our shortcomings)

But the truth is, your mind is plastic--which means
it can grow and change and make new connections.
New Tricks are certainly within reach of us Old Dogs.

No matter which type of intelligence you're expressing,
there's one thing they all share in common. And I'll
let my friend Calvin tell you (not Presbyterian Calvin;
the one with the stuffed tiger):

"Everything I am, my unique spirit and personality,
everything that makes me Me...is dependent on the
proper function of this Complex, fragile and
miraculous chunk of meat that is my Body..."

And the proper function of that meat depends on
the quality of its connection to the three pounds
of Jell-O situated between your ears.

And it all depends on how well you feed it. Especially
the Jell-O, because it's hungry for DHA...one of the
essential fatty acids found in Fish Oil

My baby brother Adam's little girl gets hers from her
Mommy's milk and from her baby fat. Both of these
are designed to feed little bodies right, to support
that big brain growing (for all you intelligent first-
borns out there, what we call 'encephalization')

But once we grow a little, no more Mommy's milk, and
no more baby fat. That's why they call DHA 'essential',
because you have to eat it to get it.

No matter where you were born (my wife was 5th of 6, and
she must be pretty smart...), the smartest thing you
can do for yourself is take a slug (4 caps to be more
specific) of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil every day.

It'll keep your body a lot less fragile, and your life
a lot more miraculous.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS as I write this, just less than 24 hours left on
my Birthday Caveman Club Test Drive special.
You can get the first month for only 19.95...
It's another smart thing you can do for yourself...
and thanks to the folks who've responded already,
we're getting plenty more cave-women...awesome.

They say girls go to college to get more knowledge and
boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider. Well, girls,
here's your chance to prove them right

JFK and Dr V's B-day

I was born 44 years ago tomorrow; the same year
JFK was assassinated.

So I don't really remember what I was doing when
he was shot, but I'm pretty sure I was doing it in
a trailer court behind the Best Western in
Knoxville, TN.

JFK is on the cover of Time Magazine this week.
They're featuring his take on How to Lead in
Dangerous Times, What Candidates should say about
their Faith, and Why Civil Rights can't be

I think he would've been a great Caveman; he had an
excellent understanding of the Heredity vs Destiny

"Let us resolve to be the Masters,
Not the Victims of our History."

And this is from a man who changed history.
In many ways. The only trouble is, he lost
his life for it.

It probably wasn't because of the space program,
but just about everything else he did got somebody
mad. So many that no one's really sure who actually
killed him. In fact, the only thing more confusing
than 'what's a good diet?' is 'who killed Kennedy?'

There is scientific proof that he was killed by the
lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald. There is also scientific
proof that he was killed by an unknown shooter dressed
as a policeman in the grassy knoll.

Both undeniable. Both true, even though they can't
both be true.

This same kind of confusion is what keeps us from
making the changes we need to.

You may be sick, weak or fat...but there's so much
conflicting information out there about health,
exercise and eating right that you don't move.
It's too hard to sort through. The Devil you Know,
and all that.

But like Thoreau says, "the cost of a thing is how
much life you give in exchange for it, either now
or in the future."

JFK changed history at a great cost. You're NOT
changing your history...at the same cost.

"resolve to be the Master,
Not the Victim of your History."

You don't have to start making the CIA, the Mafia
and Castro mad...but you do need to do something
about your health.

You will Master your history...not by conquering it,
but by embracing it. Your human history, recorded
in your DNA, is programmed to give you over 100 years
of vibrant, full experience and expression of LIFE.

But our modern techniques and habits of feeding it
are cutting those short (and making them somewhere
between 'less than vibrant' and 'miserable')

Refuse to be a Victim. Master the Art of Being
Human...as a Space-Age Caveperson

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS It's my birthday, but you get the present.
The Caveman Test Drive is 33% off. For only
19.95 you'll get the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart
Guide and CD, the Wheel of Life PlayBook, the
Hidden Eyes CD and Caveman Concentration.
PLUS the July newsletter and CD.

The webpage will still say 29.95, but I've
changed the shopping cart for 19.95; and
it'll only last two days...until Saturday at
5:25 pm...44 years and 24 hours after my
Grand Arrival.

So if you've even thought about checking it out,
now's the time.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Al Gore needs a History Lesson

Al Gore may have been a few steps ahead when he
invented the Internet, but he's a few steps behind
on Global Warming.

Some scientists think that the heating and cooling has
been cycling for thousands of years.

Some think it's all due to fossil fuels.

The politics of the whole issue have muddied the water
so much I don't know if we'll ever know what's what.

But my Dad sent me this gem from Stephen Lautens that
may shed some light (if not historical, at least
hysterical) on the whole thing:

"I wonder if our caveman ancestors knew what they were
doing when they started all this. Scientists tell us
the last ice age ended about 11,500 years ago when things
suddenly got a lot warmer.

"What brought on this global warming? It certainly
wasn't an idling SUV or a lavish wedding. Maybe it was
something our ancestors did.

"It's getting hot out," Og said to Grog. It was true.
There was hardly any ice left outside their cave.

Grog just grunted and kept banging two rocks together.

"I've been thinking," Og went on. "Maybe we're causing
temperatures to rise."

"You mean we've offended the gods?" Grog asked.

"No, I mean our lifestyle. There has to be a couple thousand
humans in the world by now. Did you ever think we could be
killing the environment?"

It hadn't occurred to Grog. He spent his days trying to keep
the environment from killing him.

"I mean," Og continued, "we mostly eat meat. Do you know
how many acres it takes to feed one giant sloth? Even
though it's free range, that's not very responsible."

Grog hoped Og would shut up. He was working on something.

"And then there's the way you commute. Do you think your
mastodon is very fuel efficient? I've walked behind it --
you wouldn't believe how much greenhouse gas it gives off."

Grog hit the rocks together again and this time a spark
lit some sticks.

"It's my new invention," he said. "I call it 'fire.' "

Og shook his head. "Trust me, no good will come from this."
- - - - - - - -

I agree with Og at least partly: fire has brought us a
mixed blessing (or a double-edged sword)

Fire ultimately led to all our modern conveniences: autos,
A/C, even the computer you're reading this with.

Fire also caused many of our modern problems, the
'diseases of modern civilization'. It helped us eat
certain foods that up until that point were inedible.

Foods we weren't designed to eat.

Foods we're still not designed to eat.

And I'll agree with "Real Og" (anagram for Al Gore)
about this: Our speeding growth in technology is
speeding us along a destructive path...whether it's
carbon dioxide from all our fossil fuels, or the
epidemics of diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer's.

We probably can't get over our petroleum addiction any
time soon, nor can we go back to living in caves and
hunting and gathering (nor would we want to; at least
I wouldn't).

But You CAN take responsibility for what YOU do. What kind
of fuel you burn in your tank.

I'll help you put better fuel in your tank, to reclaim
the health you were created to have, and pass it along
to your children and your children's children.

Learn the secrets of the Modern-Day Caveperson here:

Think Globally, Act Locally,

Dr. Vince

PS I feel a little funny throwing away our cans and
bottles this week, but I'm not going to haul them back
to Georgia Saturday (like Dirty Harry said, 'A man's got
to know his limitations.')

Too often, though, we argue for our limitations, and focus
on why we CAN'T do something...rather than focusing on our
tremendous capacity for change. That's the beauty of my
Caveman Cuisine approach. It protects your Biology and
respects your Humanity...and gives you the Mental and
Physical tools to reach your goal.

You CAN do it. Take the test drive here