Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Peanut President Gets a Point

'W' may not actually be the worst President we've had lately.

Some people give that honor to Jimmy Carter. Or as we say
around here, Jimmy Cah-tah.

Depending on who you ask, James Earl was either the Best
or the Worst President in recent memory.

Either way he's got a pretty good quote on my last Starbuck's cup:

'Peace is more than just the absence of war. People everywhere
seek an inner peace that comes from the human rights to voice
their views, choose their leaders, feed their families and raise
healthy children.'

Same thing applies to health. Like Chiropractors, and the World
Health Organization, say:

'Health is more than just the absence of disease.'

If you define yourself by what you're 'not', then there's a good
chance you'll miss who you really 'am'.

One of my first patients had skin that looked like an old
baseball glove, he struggled to breathe and his voice
sounded like he was gargling gravel; his head was sticking out
about six inches in front of his body, two discs in his neck were
completely worn out; he had a scar running from his ankle to
his knee from where they'd removed his vein to complete his
heart bypass...and he told me, with a straight face:

'I'm in the best health of my life.'

Somehow I doubt that. But he was defining his health by
the fact that his heart arteries (that used to be his leg
vein) weren't clogged.

I'm sure there was a time in his life when he was healthier;
when he could breathe freely, had smooth skin, could run, jump
and play all day...and do the same thing the next day.

But somewhere along the way, he (like the rest of us) got
disconnected from his body, and forgot to take care of the Inside...

Peace and health come from the Inside. And like Jimmy Carter says,
they have an intimate connection with feeding and raising healthy

Even if you eat 'right' in today's hi-tech society, it's hard to be healthy.
The soil is depleted, so fruit/veggies aren't as nutritious. Cows, pigs,
chicken and fish are force-fed grain, hormones and anti-biotics, so our
meat has more inflammatory chemicals in it.

I used to think that by eating a healthy diet, I could get all the
nutrition I needed. But now I realize that all the nutrition is being
processed right out of our food...even whole, natural and organic.

To really keep your family healthy, you need to supplement
your regular diet with quality nutrients.

But you don't have to take a bucket full every day. I've found
four supplements that are a great starting place. They're
called the Core Four.

Fish Oil (heart/brain-healthy Omega-3s), CoQ10 (anti-oxidant
muscle builder, energizer), Magnesium (de-stress, bone
builder), and AVED Multi-(DNA/vision protector)

Give yourself Inner Peace by Feeding your family and
yourself right.

Get your Core Four here:

Live like you Mean it...from the Inside-Out

Dr. Vince

P.S. The Core Four keeps inflammation in check. Inflammation
is at the root of all the "diseases of Modern Civilization". We may
have the most advanced society on earth, but it's killing us...
heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer...
Keep yourself, your family and your country great by staying


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Why are Ten-Year olds Driving?

I gave my daughter her first driving lesson when she was

And why not? She'll feel more comfortable driving, won't be
in a big hurry to get her license...and most people drive like
they're ten-years old anyway.

I took Grace and her friend Taylor over to the empty parking
lot at 'old Wal-Mart', and let them drive around a little. The
grand finale was me doing some doughnuts in the Lions Club
gravel parking lot; kind of an example of what not to do.

But she gets a lesson every time I bring her home from school.
She's not actually driving, but is getting plenty of good examples
of what not to do.

Not from me...but from the other ten-year olds out there.

We don't get too far into our trip before we find someone
weaving or driving much slower than the speed limit.
These are the guys and gals making a life-or-death
phone call while they're driving.

The call's probably not that important; but it could cost them or
someone else their life if they're not paying attention.

The clown we saw yesterday must've been in a real big
hurry. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, like
there's a medical emergency or something. But he passed
six of us, all going at or above the speed limit, across a
double-line, can't-see-around-the-curve, no-pass zone.

I told Grace 'There's nowhere you need to get THAT quick; he'll
probably be sitting at the red light when we get there.' And three
miles later, there he sat.

Hurry usually doesn't get you there much faster, and it's more
likely to actually slow you down and stress you out.

Or like Wallace Wattles says (and I believe, too):

"Hurry is a manifestation of fear...Hurry and fear will instantly
cut your connection with the Universal Mind; you will get no
power, no wisdom, and no information until you are calm."

So, you can hurry your life away, and never do the things you
really want to do. Like work out. Eat right. Sit quietly for a
minute or two and breathe.

or you can realize that you're in charge of your time. 'Take five'
at the end of each day to plan your next one; and five at the
beginning of each day to get prepared. (If you're having trouble
finding the five minutes, I suggest getting a TiVo, or just turn the
darn thing off)

You're also in charge of what goes in your mouth. Bad eating
usually follows bad planning, hurry, etc. So take five minutes now,
order the Core Four Platinum or Gold Pack

Then, take 45 seconds each day and take 'em. (it only takes three
or four swigs).

The fish oil and magnesium will help de-stress your brain; the CoQ10
will give you more energy; the AVED multi will improve your thinking
and your vision.

And THAT will help you get the most out of each day. You don't have
to hurry, but drive yourself on over NOW to

Live like You Mean it...without hurry or hesitation

Dr. Vince

PS There's a special Core Four pack for Ten-year olds as well.
The Bronze Pack (actually the Core Two) includes orange-flavored
fish oil and cherry flavored AVED multi. Grace and Taylor love 'em,
and your kids will to...


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why Job sits on Ashes

I met a guy Friday who reminded me of Job.

He he wasn't sitting on ashes scraping his boils with broken
pottery. He didn't even have any boils. That I could see,

But he got to experience, "That which I feared has come
upon me."

Goals are funny that way. You know, "Be careful what
you wish for."

Because your Mind is designed to attract what you think about.

Ken was sitting behind me at a seminar and as we were
talking, he noticed my Q-Link. "I've been reading about
those for a while and would like to get one...do they really work?"

I said I'd test one on him and he could see for himself. So the
next morning I found him at the restaurant and did some
muscle testing with and without the Q-Link. He could feel the
difference immediately. About twenty minutes later, he was
grinning from ear to ear, and said he felt great.

The night before, he'd shared some specific goals he had
for the seminar, things he wanted to learn from the
Zen Master. That morning the leader got him up in front
of the group and gave him several great ideas, which were
exactly what he wanted.

OK, this is where the Job part comes in. The night before,
when he was talking about his goals, he said he was
going to grab the Zen Master by the scruff of the neck and
tell him this and tell him that.

All in fun, of course, but I thought a little 'cocky' at worst,
and disrespectful at best.

So, after he got what he wanted, the Zen Master promptly
gave him what he needed. Which involved getting onto
all fours, closing his eyes, and receiving a swift kick that
made him wish he was sitting on ashes.

All in fun, of course.

Afterward, he said, "Maybe this Q-Link works too well!"

Maybe so, but it did seem to help him get what he needed.
And it can help you reach your goals with less resistance,
by removing the brain fog and keeping your mind clear so
you can focus and have more energy to think about and
pursue your goals.

You may be like Ken...been reading lots about the Q-Link
but never bought one.

Well, let this be your boot in the bootocks to get on over,
read if you need to, then get a Q-Link of your own:


Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Ken got the Titanium Q, but don't let that scare you
(unless you're being sassy to a Zen Master)

P.P.S. I offer a family discount, just like the cell phone
companies...and you definitely need a Q-Link if you're
using your cell phone. Keep those little brains safer
(yours too). http://www.drvinceonline.com/qlink.htm

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Why You're Afraid to Breathe

I met a chiropractor from Wisconsin this weekend who
had a computer problem and a husband problem.

The computer screen at her office kept flickering. They mashed
every button they could find and made every adjustment they
could think of, but nothing helped.

After weeks of frustration, she finally called the computer guy.
He made a small shift in the screen's frequency setting that
solved it.

Turns out that the fluorescent lights right above the computer were
tuned to the same frequency as the monitor screen, and they were
interfering with each other. The frequency of the lights was distoring
the image on the screen, making it frustrating and barely useful.

So how was the radiation from the lights getting to the monitor?
Right through her head. Or whoever was unlucky enough to
be sitting there at the time. Through their head, neck and chest
right to the computer screen.

If it was messing up the computer, what do you think it was
doing to the operator? To the millions of electro-chemical
messages flowing through their brain?

It's happening all the time, we just don't realize it. Even as I
sit here in the airport writing this, I'm connected to the
'wireless' internet. If the electronic signals aren't flowing through
wires, how do they get to the computer?

Through the air, and through me.

It's kind of like when the bright beam of early morning sun
comes through the window, and you see all the dust floating
in the air.

In the normal light, you don't notice anything; but in that
bright beam, you're almost scared to breathe. The dust
is always there, but you don't see it until you shine a
light on it.

All that electronic stress blasting through your brain (coming
from the light AND the computer) can cause all kinds of
health problems.

Her husband problem was a little easier. He had a Q-Link,
but she didn't. So, she got one from me.

Later that night she told me: 'I put it on, but wasn't thinking
much about it. Then I noticed, 'Wow! I feel great'...and
just took a minute to enjoy the feeling of calm.'

She didn't notice how much stress was in her body until she
'shined' the Q-Link on it.

You're probably spending lots of time in front of the computer,
TV, on the cell phone, listening to your iPod each day...getting
blasted from all sides by electronic stress.

Dr. Jennifer took a minute to enjoy her new peaceful, easy
feeling. Why don't you take a minute and read more about
how electronic stress is stealing your health and your
enthusiasm. Then go here and get one...


Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. My flight was delayed, so I got home a few hours
late, about midnight, with no ill-effects from the flight or
the late hour. Not to mention being calm and relaxed
in the security lines. There was even stress in the buffet
line because the salad bar was facing the wrong way.
But not for me. I just went with the flow. Thanks to my
flexible personality--and my titanium Q-Link.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Worst Secret Santa Ever

Four days before Christmas, we got a lump of coal.

In the form of some fine, upstanding citizen who
unceremoniously (and anonymously) backed into our car
while we were out stimulating the local economy.

Lucky for us, our Body Man is an Artist. At least that's
what the Insurance Agent said. "I've only had one complaint
in the thousands of jobs he's done for us. And that was from
a guy with a raggedy old car who thought the repair work
looked too good."

I stopped by the shop to check up on the progress. The
engineer in me was amazed at how involved, painstaking
and time-consuming this repair process is: the shaping,
reshaping, sanding, layering, looking, looking again.

Somehow, an imperfect human reconstructed the damaged
area perfectly--just like the original.

This experience reminded me that we all have an Artist Inside.
And He/She/It is continually remodeling your body, repairing
damage that comes from physical, chemical, and mental stress,
free-radicals, injuries, etc. Or replacing old, worn-out cells.

Your RNA helps copy your DNA, so that the new cells look
just like the Original. So that your eyes stay hazel, and
everyone can still recognize you.

But you've got the Perfect Artist living inside an imperfect
human. Mistakes happen. You can have breaks, errors,
mis-locations in all the shaping and re-shaping of your DNA.
Too many of these errors can start making cells that never die--
and turn to cancer. Or the bad genes might get turned on
and the good genes turned off.

But there's a Guardian Angel watching over you, called
Magnesium. It regulates and protects the repair process
so you can stay You.

Most adults are low on magnesium. Mainly because your
not eating enough and you're too stressed out. Stress robs
your magnesium and magnesium shortage makes you stressed.

A lump of coal, courtesy of our modern lifestyle.

Magnesium also helps improve breathing and lower blood
pressure. If I'd known about that 25 years ago, I would've
been able to pass my Air Force physical. But then I wouldn't
be here now, doing what I'm doing...so I'm glad things are
working out the way they have.

I sure take Magnesium now--and you should too. The kind
I take is called Mega Magnesium, which has three different
kinds so your body can use it better.

Be thankful for your Artist, and feed Him/Her/It right.
Get your 30-day supply of Mega-Magnesium here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you're feeling overly stressed in the New Year, it's
time to check out the Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant.
Wearing my Q-Link every day gives me better focus, better
energy and makes the stress disappear like a fine, upstanding
citizen four days before Christmas. It also comes with free
bonuses to help your concentration and Mind Power.
Go NOW and get yours: http://www.drvinceonline.com/qlink.htm

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Younger for the Young'uns

They say if you don't like the weather in Georgia,
just wait a minute.

Yesterday we had a winter storm warning. But the day
before it was sunny and 60.

On the sunny day, I was driving through town and saw a
friend of mine bopping across the street. I wasn't surprised;
I usually see him there on his way in or out of Perk Avenue
Coffee Shop on the corner. But I was surprised at how
different he looked.

Steven used to look like a linebacker. Now he looks more
like a tight end (just not as tall).

I rolled down my window to talk to him. We can do that
here in Madison...there are only two traffic lights in town.
But you have to be careful; one's right next to the Police Station.

Neither of us got a ticket, but we did take a minute to catch up.
I mentioned his apparent weight loss, and he said, "Yeah, just
trying to stay young...y'know, keep up with my kids..."

Did you notice he didn't say he was trying to stay "healthy".
He was trying to stay "young".

And he did look younger. It's funny how we associate getting
old with getting fat and out of shape. Maybe because it's
partly true.

Young isn't just about being trim, but also being fit. It takes
a lot of energy to keep up with kids. It takes a lot for me to
just keep up with one. So my hat's off to Steven (I think he
has three), my Mom (who has three boys) and my brother
(five girls). Yo!

Even though we're all getting older, there's still a way to
keep your body young. Not just younger looking, but
younger. To literally iimprove your genetics.

Co-Enzyme Q10 is a heart-healthy supplement that gives
you tons of energy and sleek, strong muscles.

CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant, which keeps your baby face
nice and firm.

It also "regulates genetic expression in skeletal muscles".
Which means it tells your muscles how to rebuild themselves.
CoQ10 says, "Give this body the numbers, size and type of
muscle fibers of someone in their mid-20s."

That's a nice thing to say.

CoQ10 gives you that kid-keeping-up-with energy, too.
It releases the energy from the food you eat, and keeps
your heart pumping strong.

Trouble is, your CoQ10 levels start to decline in your 20s.
So it's all that more important to supplement it (unless
you really, really like beef, sardines and peanuts (about
8 or 10 pounds a day)

If you're dragging and expanding, feeling older than you
really are, then take action NOW. Drink more water.
Move your body (even if it's just walking across the street
from the coffee shop). Get your energy-and your life-back
by adding CoQ10 to your routine.

Find out more here: http://www.drvinceonline.com/coq10.htm

CoQ10 is part of the Core Four. It almost ties Fish Oil for being
the most important thing you can do to improve your health.

Get them both here: http://www.drvinceonline.com/core4.htm

Don't forget to keep up with the Kid Inside,

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you know anyone on cholesterol medicine
(statin drugs like Zocor, Lipitor, etc.), then please tell
them the importance of supplementing with CoQ10.
Statins use up all the CoQ10 in your body, leaving you
exposed to free radicals and oddly enough, makes your
heart weaker.

According to a big cardiac health study, Dr. Langsjoen
says: "CoQ10 is a safe and effective adjunctive treatment
for a broad range of cardiovascular diseases, producing
gratifying clinical responses while easing the medical and
financial burden of multidrug therapy."

You can make a big difference by forwarding this email to
someone you love. And if you love yourself, remember
to take care of YOU by adding CoQ10 to your daily routine.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

She's a Broad Broad

Yesterday I got exposed involuntarily to the Today Show's
coverage of the Golden Globe Awards.

Guess what? The Arquette Sisters looked terrible, Heroes
starts again on Monday--with a new catchphrase--and
Beyonce' and Jennifer Love Hewitt looked stunning.

So much for hard-hitting news.

But there was another Jennifer causing quite a stir. Jennifer
Hudson, the 25-year old singer from Chicago, who won the
award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in

While discussing how lovely she looked in her dress, Matt
said, "I'll just say this plainly: she's a large woman."

To say the least.

But to her credit, she had to gain twenty pounds for the role
(I guess she was s'posed to be fat and sassy).

But we all know that it comes off a lot harder than it goes on.
And Jennifer had a trunk-full to begin with.

If you take in 500 fewer calories than you put out each day, you
can lose a pound in a week. But if you take in much less than
that, your body will think it's starving, and try to preserve its
energy in the most concentrated form: F-A-T

As cute as she may be, if Jennifer doesn't take off her movie
weight, that extra tissue will start causing another problem:
D-I-A-B-E-T-E-S (if it hasn't already).

If Jennifer were to ask me how to shed her 'stardom' (she'll
probably call right after the Today Show asks me for an
interview), here's what I'd tell her:

1. Congratulations!
2. Get moving. More oxygen burns more blubber.
3. Focus on Quality, not Quantity. It's true, you need to take in
fewer calories than your put out if you want to get rid of your
extra baggage. But better food naturally tends to have more
fiber, more nutrients, better fat ratios, etc.
4. Eat more fat.


The key to burning your fat is to eat better fat. And the best
fat for that is Omega-3 long-chain fats found in fish oil.

And your fat cells cause inflammation; fish oil fights
inflammation. So more Omega-3 means more progress in a
shorter time.

And fish oil makes you more sensitive to insulin, so your blood
sugar stays where it should...which keeps the pounds off, too.

That way, you can be known for your Big Voice and Big Heart
(not just for being Big)

That's what I'd tell her. But you can use the advice, too.

Get moving. Get better food. And get Concentrated
Omega-3 Pharmaceutical-grade Fish Oil:

Live Large,

Dr. Vince

P.S. Members of the Caveman Club know the difference
between food that's really better and food that everyone
just thinks is better. The monthly newsletter and CD give
you all the health benefits of eating in the Stone Age with
all the convenience of living in the Space Age. It's not too
late to start your year out right. Join the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club http://www.drvinceonline.com/caveman.htm

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

How to Gain Ten Pounds of Flab

That's probably not at the top of your To-Do list for this year.

And I must admit that I did something this morning I normally
don't do, either.

Actually, I did a couple of odd things:
I skipped my workout (I'll do it this evening)
I drove half an hour to get Ruth's car serviced.

Now, I've driven Ruth's car to get serviced before, but
never on a weekday.

Which led to my third seldom-do of the day: watching
the Today Show. More like 'listening to the Today Show',
because it was on the TV, but I was facing the other way,
crammed into a little cubicle, trying to get some work done.

I haven't seen it in a long time, so I don't know if the
Today Show has permanently degenerated into self-
promoting, celebrity love-fest or if it was just because they
were in Hollywood to cover the Golden Globes (another
self-promoting celebrity love-fest).

But it was painful.

Back in New York, they had an 'expert' talking about
women's health over 40. And the inevitable question came
up: 'What about supplements?'

Well, she was definitely on the bandwagon of our National
Calcium Fetish. And she went out on a limb and suggested
that women should 'probably' take a multi-vitamin.

Demonstrating what Oliver Wendell Holmes said:
'We need education in the obvious...'

1. Magnesium is just as important (if not more important) than
calcium for bone health. Most adults are magnesium deficient,
and most adults are stressed...which uses most of your magnesium.
It's also part of nearly every biochemical reaction in your body.

2. And speaking of 'every biochemical reaction', that's why
women (and men and children) definitely (not 'probably') need
a multi-vitamin. Multi's act as helpers and co-helpers to all
your body's complex functions...from creating skin, muscle and
bone to keeping your blood clean.

The one thing that DID surprise me from this segment, was that
as women get older, their metabolism slows down. OK, that
wasn't really a surprise...but 100 extra calories a day can
deposit up to 10 pounds of flab on those lovely aging bodies
each year.

She recommended exercise, which I do, too. But she should
have reminded the viewers that CoQ10 will give them more
energy to actually do the exercise...and that fish oil likes to
keep your midsection flab-free.

Maybe the Today Show will have Dr. Vince on as their next
health expert? Don't hold your breath.

In the meantime, if you're female and 39-ish, you can get
all these potent supplements in one place...the Core Four...
Fish Oil, CoQ10, Magnesium and AVED Multi

Click here to get yours http://www.drvinceonline.com/core4.htm

If you're any other age or any other gender, that's OK. They
work just as well for you, too. You don't even have to drive
anywhere to get your 'vehicle' serviced. Just click the link
and I'll send the Core Four to you...and the Doctor Inside
will take care of the rest.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. 100 extra calories a day for 365 days will put 10 pounds
of flab on anyone, regardless of age, sex, creed, religion or
country of origin. It's simple math, based on 3500 calories
in a pound of fat. Let's keep 'broad' a derogatory term; don't
let it describe your backside.

Get your backside moving, and get the Core Four NOW:


Saturday, January 13, 2007

the Paperweight Paradox

'Nothing is written in stone'

That's what it says on our paperweight. It's basically a rock
with that phrase carved into it.

Oh, well.

That joins the long list of 'funny phrases' like:

'There's nothing to fear but fear itself'
'There is no absolute truth'
'There's an exception to every rule'

Which aren't really contradictions, but paradoxes. And if you
can see the truth in them, that means your mind is open and
you can still grow, learn and improve.

Here's what a friend of mine had to say after reading about the
"Grandma Mouse" study in my last letter, which showed that we
can pass on our genetic improvements to our kids and our

"The ramifications are truly mind blowing. And I have to admit,
it will cause me to rethink a lot of conclusions I have drawn
from a different basic premise. Goodness!!"

What a refreshing approach to life. Now, he and I can have
a meaningful dialogue, share our individual knowledge, and both
be better for it.

Contrast that with each of us struggling to convince the other
to accept our beliefs, trying to 'win an argument'
(can you really even do that?)

Most people, when presented with new info that contradicts
what they already "know", reject the new info, and get

Defensiveness is the opposite of learning--you already know
it all and don't want to know anything different, or even the
possibility of anything different.

To change your mind would mean that you were wrong, so
you close yourself to the possibility of changing what
you know...but also to the possibility of enhancing what you
know. Of growing, learning, improving.

"If you think you're green, you'll grow;
if you think you're ripe, you'll rot."

The beauty of being a human, is that you can change your life.
You can re-examine your basic premises and discover new
areas of growth.

Even if you have unhealthy predispositions in your family
history, you can re-write your own history. The things you
eat (or don't eat) influence your health today, but also
tomorrow. And the health of your kids. And of their kids.

Heredity is not necessarily Destiny,

Dr. Vince

P.S. Re-examine the basic premise "You are what you eat".

If you agree, then you should definitely be taking the Core
Four. The anti-inflammatory Omega-3s, the energizing
antioxidant CoQ, stress-busting Magnesium and then
Mulit-vitamin/mineral all play a crucial role in protecting
your health--and your DNA

Get yours here http://www.drvinceonline.com/core4.htm

P.P.S If you don't agree, then write me and let's grow,
learn and improve.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Leopard or the Mouse?

A leopard can't change his spots.

So, most people think that we have no influence over our
own genes. That we're stuck with what we got.

Even though we can't change the color of our eyes
or the shape of our face (darn), we CAN influence
some of our genetics. Especially when it comes to what
we eat.

And we can pass those benefits on to our children.

And their children.

But we didn't learn this from leopards, we learned it
from mice.

The Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute did a
study showing that a mother's diet during pregnancy not
only affects her child, but also her child's offspring.

They split genetically identical pregnant mice into two groups.
The first group received a standard diet. The second group
got supplements like vitamin B12, folate, choline and zinc.

The female offspring from both groups had babies, but
during their pregnancy both groups had identical diets
with no supplements.

When the researchers compared the two sets of 'grandbaby'
mice, they found that the 'Grandma' mouse with the
supplemented diet actually passed her health benefits through
to both her children and her grandchildren.

Even though all the 'mother' mice had the same,
non-supplemented diet.


So, eating healthy is not just important for your own life,
but for the life of your offspring. That may be another
reason why the Freshman 5 has turned into the Freshman 15,
and is turning into the Middle School Expanding Middle.

Not only is our past coming back to haunt us, but our
current eating habits are keeping us sick, too.

We've got plenty of bad food choices available (have
you noticed how many different types of Reese's Cup
there are now?)

Fast-food, snack food...nearly everything has grain in it
(especially corn), which is one of the least healthy things
you can eat.

The big trouble with grains is that they are loaded
with Omega-6 Fatty Acids, which cause inflammation.

And over time, the inflammation exposes or expresses
any unhealthy genetic predispositions you might have
(like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer,
etc...that may 'run in my family')

That's why the Core Four are so important. To protect
our genetic legacy (and undo some of our genetic

- The Omega-3s in Fish Oil control inflammation
- CoQ10 is a strong antioxidant
- Magnesium protects DNA while it's reproducing
- Multi-Vitamins protect DNA from breaks and errors

Even if you're not going to procreate anymore, you can
still help your kids and grandkids by setting a good
example, and making sure they get their Core Four
every day.


Heredity is not necessarily Destiny,

Dr. Vince

P.S. At bare minimum, everyone should be supplementing
their diet (such as it is) with a multi-vitamin/mineral and
Omega-3 Fatty Acids. So at least try the Core Four Bronze-
Starter Pack, which includes both of those powerful
nutrients. The multi comes in Adult or Chewable versions--
cherry Tiger. The Middle School Girls will love them. yum.

Go NOW to http://www.drvinceonline.com/core4.htm

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We've Come a Long Way, Baby

Many years ago, women were stuck smoking 'men's'

Then they created 'Virginia Slims' back in the 70's.
And now women are 1.5 times more likely to get lung
cancer than men are.

When I went to Georgia Tech, 'the Ratio' was 1:4. One female
student for every four male students. So, it was slim
pickin's for the guys (I was one of the lucky ones). But, to
be honest, even though the numbers were in their favor, the
pickin's were pretty slim for the ladies, too.

The struggle the girls had back then used to be the 'Freshman
Five', which was how many pounds they gained that year.

Now I think the Ratio's up to 1:2. But the Freshman Five has
become the 'Freshman Fifteen'.

The latest example of women's 'progress' is called the
'Middle School Expanding Middle'

It appears that our young women today are budding earlier.
In more ways than one.

In fact, girls are more likely to get overweight between ages
9 and 12 than in their later teen years.

According to a study in this month's Journal of Pediatrics,
overweight young girls (even as young as age 9) are at
risk for serious health problems, ultimately increasing their
risk for heart disease.

Girls who were overweight during childhood were 11 to 30
times more likely to be obese in young adulthood.

These girls are 3 to 10 times more likely to have:
- high blood pressure
- high triglycerides
- low HDL cholesterol (the 'good' kind)
- high LDL cholesterol (the 'bad' kind)

The authors of the study think we need to come up with
'obesity prevention interventions' that can be 'widely
generalized and disseminated', because obesity is, as
we say in Georgia, 'fixin' to be the leading cause of death
in our country.

For boys and girls. 'Children of all Ages.'

OK, how many of you didn't know that being overweight
causes health problems? Raise your hand...

That's what I thought.

The trouble isn't knowing what to do. The trouble is doing it.

The door to change opens from the Inside, and it's currently
being blocked by fast-food, snacks and a grain-based society.
Not to mention the mis-guided Federal Food Pyramid (that looks
suspiciously like the same ingredients/ratios found on feed for
fattening cattle).

It's not easy. Trust me, I know. I struggle with my turns-11-
on-Saturday daughter every day to eat well.

And I know what it's like to be a fat kid, and get kicked out of
the Air Force for having high blood pressure.

But we've got help.

I created the Bronze Level-Starter Core Four pack to help
kids get better nutrition and start their lives out right.
It's actually the Core Two, or what I call the 'Esquire Pack':

* Concentrated Omega-3 Pharmaceutical-grade Fish Oil
1200 mg (the minimum recommended dose) of heart-healthy,
brain-protecting, fat-busting, anti-inflammatory EPA/DHA each day

* AVED Multi-Vitamin/Mineral - keeps your mind sharp and
protects your DNA

Bad habits start early and die hard. So keep your kids (and
your Big Kid Inside) on the right path, and start your healthier
eating plan with the Bronze-Starter Core Two Pack:


Live like You Mean it...
(and don't grow up before you have to)

Dr. Vince

P.S. Besides helping the heart, the fish oil/multi combo is great
for the brain. Your brain loves the DHA in fish oil, and the multi
helps your mental clarity as you age. Great food for growing
minds (and S.A.T. season)


Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Chicken Way

I exercised outside today. Almost 70, clear blue sky.

Yes, it's January 6th. Yesterday it was cold, rainy, even
some tornados nearby. It must be Armageddon, or Al Gore is
onto something.

Either way, Grace and I took advantage of the lovely day and
ran some errands.

We stopped by Chick-Fil-A for lunch (her cousin Maggie
used to call it "Chicken Way") and ran into some of our
neighbors. The girls wanted to be "ladies" and eat together,
so the real grown-ups sat by ourselves.

'Neighbor Mom' threw a small book onto the table. "I just
started that today."

It was a QuickStart Guide for a popular weight-loss program.
My own mom was a charter member of the organization, so
we talked about it a little (I used to go to meetings when I
was in elementary school, and could just about recite the
new member orientation word-for-word).

'Neighbor Mom' said, "I didn't realize how fat I really was.
I knew I was fat, but it sort of shocked me when they weighed
me. Funny thing is, I usually eat pretty well. I just eat lots of
little bad things through the day. A little here, a little there..."

And that's how it happens. A little here, a little there. And
pretty soon you're 15 or 50 pounds overweight, wearing loose
clothes and scared to be seen in a swimsuit.

Not to mention your screwed up body chemistry. Blood sugar
spikes, poor insulin regulation, and chronic inflammation that all
lead to pre-diabetes (what they call Syndrome X).

Inflammation and Syndrome X can cause everything from
headaches, asthma/allergies, digestive trouble, reflux/GERD,
and high blood pressure/cholesterol/triglycerides, to sinus
trouble, sleeping problems, mood swings/irritability, chronic
fatigue (or general laziness), and joint/muscle pain.

Not to mention full-blown diabetes, and all the trouble that
comes with it.

All starting from a 'little thing'.

You might think your current health problem is 'little'.
Or it might be ruining your life. Either way, you can help
correct it by making little changes...that can add up to a big
change in your health, your energy and your LIFE.

The best, easiest, 'desert island'-thing you can do to help
your body work better is to start taking fish oil. The Omega-3
fats in fish oil help your heart, brain, bones...and keep your
cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar in check.

Not just any fish oil, though. Make sure it's pharmaceutical-
grade (pure and potent).

And make sure you get enough. You should be taking
1000-3000 grams of EPA/DHA each day. Most 1000-gram fish
oil capsules can have anywhere from 250-500mg of EPA/DHA in
it. So read the label and do the math.

The Concentrated Omega-3 Pharmaceutical-grade Fish Oil I use
has 600mg per capsule--the most I've seen in any
fish oil, even the most expensive ones. And it's purified
to the 'nth degree' to get rid of the toxins that usually scare
people away from eating fish. And since it's so concentrated, 4
capsules saves you from eating a pound or two of fish a day.

I give my 'Neighbor Mom' a lot of credit. She could've taken
the Chicken Way:

"I'm too old...
I'm too stubborn...
I've got kids...
I don't have kids...
Insert your excuse here...
I can't change...

But she's changing. A little here. A little there. Change
is always a little scary (but not as scary as the swimsuit).
So make a little change and get big results. Order your
Concentrated Omega-3 Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil NOW.


Live like You Mean it...a little at a time...

Dr. Vince

P.S. 'Neighbor Mom' and 'My mom's eating program
started back in the '70s. But mine started WAY before that.
If you want to make bigger changes in your health, energy
and life, then check out Caveman Cuisine. The three-week
QuickStart Guide and CD help you ease back into your pre-
historic eating habits a little at a time. Almost so that you
don't notice it. But everyone will certainly notice your
amazing transformation when you unveil your new swimsuit
on Memorial Day.

You'll get Caveman Cuisine FREE, plus a monthly newsletter
and CD, plus four other free gifts (one of them is priceless),
when you join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.

There's still room for you, so get in NOW:

Friday, January 05, 2007

You're Not the Boss of Me

'It's not who I am underneath...it's what I DO that defines me.'

I think I agree with this quote.

After all, "the road to You-Know-Where is paved with good
intentions", and as someone once said, "...by their fruits shall
you know them."

But maybe I disagree with it. And I can't tell you how much
it pains me to say that. It's terribly difficult for me to admit.

Because those words weren't just in a fortune cookie, or on
a Twisted Whiskers calendar. They were spoken by one of my
biggest heroes. The Dark Knight. The elder-half of the Dynamic
Duo. Bruce Wayne's Alter-Ego.

The Caped Crusader himself. Batman.

As a chiropractor, I know that true health and true Life comes
from the Inside, so it has to be what's Inside that defines you.

But that still doesn't sit quite right with me. Not just because
I'm contradicting Batman, but because it's too "either-or".

Maybe it's both. The truth probably lies somewhere closer to
the middle:

We're defined by what we do, because our actions are motivated
by who we are underneath.

But what about when they're not? What about when we don't
live up to our own standards? Or our actions don't really
represent the "real me"?

We've all had frustrated efforts, incomplete projects and
unfulfilled goals. Not to mention that when someone says,
'He's got a good heart', or 'He means well', it's usually
preceeded by 'He's a complete A--hole, but...'

If your Outside is not clearly reflecting your Inside, there's
probably a glitch in your Mind-Body connection. It may be
rusty or corroded from under-use. It may be blocked, clogged
or disturbed with physical, mental or chemical stress. You may
be too busy with the Outside that you forgot all about the Inside.

Ultimately, YOU are responsible for defining yourself. So do
whatever you need to do to start clearing up your connection.
(you probably already know what it is, you just aren't doing it)

Get adjusted. Get organized. Set a goal (physical, mental, family,
career, financial, social or spiritual).

You can really clean up the Mind-Body connection by making
your cells more flexible. That helps them respond to the
thousands of signals (neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.) being
sent from the brain each minute.

So stay away from Omega-6/trans-fats (which make your
cells stiff, inflexible) and get plenty of Omega-3 fats
(fish, walnuts, leafy greens).

If you don't want to spend all day eating (and smell like fish),
I suggest you take Concentrated Omega-3 Pharmaceutical
Grade Fish Oil like me. No smell, no taste, no bones. Just
Omega-3 fats to build your best brain, bones, heart...your
best Mind and Body...

...your best YOU.

You're in charge of You. So go NOW and feed the
Super-Hero Within:


Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Another powerful mind-builder is CoQ10. Or I guess
you could call it a "mind-preserver". It's anti-oxidant effects
help keep the plaque from building up that cause Alzheimer's.
CoQ10 and Fish Oil are another Dynamic Duo, and part of the
Core Four. You can learn more by going here:

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

No More Inspector Gadget

Most of the fun of a James Bond movie (besides the Bond Girls)
has always been the gadgets: laser-beam watch, a dagger shoe,
after-shave flamethrower, exploding pen--even a boom-box
rocket launcher.

But like the Zen Masters say: "A strength taken too far
becomes a weakness."

And in the last movie (some might even say last several), they
took things way past the point of weakness into flat-out absurdity.

A car with rotating license plates, machine guns, oil slick and
an ejection seat?

An invisible car? Forget it.

The World's Coolest Spy had become a silly cartoon character.

But that's all changed in the most recent Bond flick, and is probably
why this re-incarnation of James Bond in Casino Royale has been
so successful. Fewer gadgets, more thinking and more realistic
buhtt-kicking (he finishes one opponent with a rear naked choke,
just like they do on the Ultimate Fighter. But there was no
'tap out'...when I say 'finish', I mean 'finish'.)

So, here's another way Bond, James Bond can help you have
healthy, energetic and enthused life in 007:

Fewer gadgets.
More thinking.
Realistic Buhtt-kicking--your own, of course.

Now, I know you're not going to give up your gadgets.
Me, neither.

But your gadgets are keeping you from good thinking and
kicking. And not just because you or your kids are zoned
out in front of the Wii, PS3, XBox or just the good ole'
booob tube.

All electronics and appliances (even fluorescent lights) give
off electro-magnetic forces/EMF radiation that disturbs your
body's subtle energy field (bio-field).

So make sure you get the best Bond Gadget of all, the
Q-Link. It's named after Bond's Gadget-Master, "Q" himself.
(not really...the Q stands for 'quantum'. The Q-Link helps
keep the quantum link between your Mind and Body clean
and clear.)

The Q-Link will help protect you from the EMFs coming from
your computer, cellphone, TV, iPod, blackberry, GameBoy,
hairdryer, microwave...and all the other 'necessities' that are
shaking and stirring your physical, mental, creative--even

Wearing the Q-Link will help you think clearer and give you the
energy to get up off the couch and get yourself into kick-buhtt

Go NOW and get your Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant

The fate of the free world might not depend on it, but your
chances for a long, successful, healthy life sure do.

Live like You Mean it (in 007)...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I wear my Q-Link all the time. I keep it in my front
pocket while I'm swimming so I don't get a triangle-shaped
tan line on my chest. And as cool as James Bond looked
in that baby-blue bikini, you won't see me in anything like
that this summer, trust me.

The Best 007 Ever?

Not 'Bond, James Bond'...

I'm talking about your personal 007. Your best year Ever.

Even though 'Casino Royale' was the 21st James Bond film
(and the third version of Ian Fleming's first Bond novel),
they decided to start over new. Take a fresh look at the
material and create a good movie, the way they wanted to,
without worrying about what had happened before.

There was plenty of criticism for the new James Bond,
Daniel Craig:

'He's not handsome in the same way as Brosnan,
Dalton, or even Moore. His face is craggy, tough,

(I think that's what they wrote about me in my high school

People whined about his blond hair and poor driving skills--
even threatened to boycott the movie.

Craig, Daniel Craig responded: 'I vowed to work twice as
hard and get it right. Get it beyond right.'

The 006 Version of Casino Royale is arguably the best
Bond film ever. You can use its success as a model to
have your best year ever, too:

Take a fresh look at your own material (even if it's 20-,
30-, 40- or 50-something years old) and create the life you
want to. Forget about what's happened before. Ignore the
voices in your head telling you, 'I've never done it that way
before' or 'I've always done it that way before.'

Take a fresh look at the material that you're putting into
your tummy every day. Re-create a better, healthier, more
successful YOU...by joining the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.
(You can be a cave-woman or cave-kid--definitely not for
Men only. Hey, James Bond's boss and partner were women)

You'll learn how to use high-tech gadgets to your advantage,
and still stay true to your human instincts and genetic
programming. A Win-Win, just like Casino Royale. It'll take
some work, but it'll be worth it.

And I'll be with you every step of the way.

You'll get the Caveman Cuisine Quick-Start Guidebook and
CD, Caveman Concentration for Health and Wealth, Wheel
of Life Self-Assessment, Hidden Eyes Guided Visualization
CD and 30-days of support--FREE--just for joining.

And every month you'll get a newsletter and CD with hot health
topics, Case studies and testimonials, Recipe/meal ideas,
Shopping tips, Stress-management, Book reviews, Research
updates, Article summaries...and more.

Make this the Best 007 Ever. Click here to join the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club

Dr. Vince

P.S. Today's page on the 'Twisted Whiskers' calendar says:
'The sooner you break your resolutions, the sooner you can
have fun again.'

Oh, brother.

That person must've made some bad resolutions. Don't make
a resolution--take action. It's easier to have fun when you're
healthy, fit and trim. So act now and join the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Absolute Worst Way to Start the New Year

Happy New Year!

This chick looks like she has a hangover.

We got one of those "Twisted Whiskers" calendars for my
office this year. You've probably seen them, the pictures
of animals with certain features exaggerated--big wide
eyes, oversized grin, etc.

I was at the office today taking out trash, and dumping
some of the trash we've cleaned out at home (a great
way to start the New Year, by the way). The new calendar
was up, and today's entry almost made me want to throw
up (and no, I don't have a hangover). It shows a bug-eyed
chick popping out of her shell, saying

"It's a brand-new year--try not to mess it up!"

While that may sound like good advice, it's actually the
worst possible way to say it.

Your subconscious mind can't take a joke, and it can't hear
negatives. It only hears subjects, objects...it thinks in

So, when you say "try not to mess it up", your subconscious
mind hears "try to mess it up".

And your subconscious mind acts on the orders you give it,
and brings the people, things and circumstances into your
life to help you reach your goals.

So if your goal is "try to mess it up"...guess what happens.

I noticed the same thing this morning watching the Best of
Fight Night re-runs. Tim 'the Maniac' Sylvia was sitting in his corner
waiting for the last round. His manager was yelling in his ear, "You're not tired. You're
not tired."

The announcer said, "Hey that's great, it's like hypnosis". And I
thought, "Yeah, he's hypnotizing him to be tired." Because his
subconscious mind was hearing, from a very trusted source:
"You're tired! You're tired!"

The Maniac won, but he was definitely struggling at the end.

Check yourself: Do you tell your kids, "Don't hurt yourself" or
"Be careful"?

What do you tell yourself?

As you make plans and set goals for the next 30, 60, 90 and 365
days, make sure to phrase them in terms of what you want.

And like Wallace Wattles says, "...don't hesitate to ask largely."

Live this Year like you Mean it...

Dr. V

P.S. If you want to lose weight, feel great, have more energy
and enthusiasm--and look awesome when swimsuit season comes
around (it's not that far away, trust me), then join the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club. A monthly newsletter and CD, plus six free gifts
to help you respect and protect your DNA by eating the way you
were created to eat.

Invest in yourself and your future by learning from your past:

How Long Did it Take You?

The tree is down, the ornaments are put away, and the
Christmas season is officially over at Casa de Campbell.

From the time Ruth placed the first delicate ornament
back into its box, 'til I drug the dry, prickly carcass down
to the street only took about three hours.

But it took us four hours just to put the lights on that monster.
And another four to get it decorated.

The Christmas tree always comes down a lot quicker than it
goes up. It's called the Second Law of Thermodynamics (and
you'll see it in action next time you shoot pool or try to build
a house of sweetner packets at the restaurant while you're
waiting on your food).

Same thing applies in relationships and habits. Or as we say
here in Georgia: "One aw-sheeeeeit wipes out twenty atta-boys"

You may have 'aw-sheeeeeit'-ed some habits over the past week.
Or even since Thanksgiving. Yes, you can blow six weeks of good
eating and exercising in just a few days of making Merry.

So, instead of saying, "OK, I promise that this year I'll do
better" (just like every New Year) ...

...why not try something new?

Try something new, that's really something old. Instead
of trying to eat 'better', why not eat 'older'? Eat the way
your ancestors ate, the way you were created to eat.

Don't worry about changing overnight. Remember,
the tree always goes up slowly.

And don't worry about where to start. I'll help you do it.

I'll send you the Caveman Cuisine Quick-Start Guidebook
and CD to get you started.

Then each month, I'll send you a newsletter and CD to help you
have better energy, more enthusiasm, lose weight, feel great,
and get healthy again from the Inside-Out.

And each month, you'll change your life a little, learn a new
productive habit or stop an old, destructive one. And pretty soon,
you'll be the New You you've always wanted.

I'll send you the Caveman Cuisine Guidebook and CD, plus
the monthly newsletter and CD free, as well as some other gifts,
when you join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.

Through the year, we'll cover the challenges of eating in the
Stone Age while living in the Space Age. We'll also cover
how to succeed in other areas of the Wheel of Life. Not just
Physical, but Mental, Social, Family, Career, Financial
and Spiritual, too.

Like Emerson said, "This time, like all times, is a very good one...
if we but know what to do with it."

You can make this year a good one--I'd daresay a great one--by
joining the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. Go here to join:


It'll be the Best Last-Thing-of-006 or First-Thing-of-007
you can do for yourself and your family.

Happy New Year! Let's make it the Best Ever...

Dr. Vince