Sunday, December 03, 2006

I got a Big Surprise

Last Friday was a great day in the office. We saw about the
same number of patients we usually do. And everyone had
great adjustments like they usually do. So what made it so
special? Our office manager was out, and our 'Youth
Apprentice' from the High School had to cover by herself.

We like having Ashley work for us. It gives her a chance to
escape the tidy, pre-planned academic world of her peers and
learn to negotiate the sloppy, real-life world of grown-ups.

Ashley had a challenging task (she'd never been by
herself--and never even answered the phone before), but
everything balanced to the penny, and I got to leave on time.

She surprised me by exceeding my expectations (and as any
of our employees can tell you, it's no surprise that I've got high

The next day, I called the Youth Apprentice Coordinator
to express my gratitude (after leaving a message on Ashley's
voice mail). She thanked me, and mentioned that her husband
has been passing my emails along to her:

'You're right on target. I really appreciate where you're
coming from.'

I appreciated her comment; but was also intrigued. Aside
from giving me a compliment, she also revealed a BIG
secret to success.

You see, our brains are goal-oriented. We are goal-oriented
beings. You do our best when you focus on where you're
coming from and where you're going. By aiming at a target.

That's why goals are so important. They give you the target.
They tell you where you're going. That's why the Wheel of Life
is such a useful tool. It gives you a starting place for setting
goals, and makes sure you don't neglect goals in any important
part of your life.

...and they're all held together by the Spiritual.

Connected by Connectedness.

And it doesn't hurt to have folks in your cheering section...
thanks for cheering me on (and three cheers for Ashley!)

To say 'thanks' again for your feedback (kind or otherwise),
and to keep the gratitude circulating, I've got a gift for you.
The Secret Power of Gratitude is a course I created. It's got
a chapter on Gratitude from the 1910 Classic 'The Science of
Getting Rich', by Wallace D. Wattles, and 12 life-affirming
exercises to help create, express and circulate the attitude
of gratitude.

You can get it absolutely free, as my gift to you (just fill in
the required fields, skip the credit card section, and click
'continue to Payment Information')

click here to get it

Have a great Weekend!

Dr. Vince

P.S. Speaking of 'connectedness', Dr. Wattles has
this to say about the importance of gratitude:

'...the mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into
closer touch with the source from which the blessings come.'