Wednesday, February 21, 2007

When to Jam a Needle into your Face

Nothing like a 5-inch needle going into your face to help you
practice your breathing.

I was getting an impression made for a crown yesterday,
so I was thankful for that needle.

Dr. Mike told me to put all my teeth together. So I did.
The way he cheered, you'd think I hung the Moon.

'Perfect! You wouldn't believe the lady we had in here
yesterday...I told her to put her teeth together and she kept
wiggling them back and forth, chewing, here and there...she
couldn't keep them still...'

Actually, I would believe it. Not because she was nervous
about being at the dentist (or from the 5-inch needle).

But because most people can't sit still. Or lie still. Or be
still in any position.

I see it all the time in my office, too. A patient will be lying
on the table with their legs as straight as they can make them.
Even if I tell them to relax, they can't. I have to physically
reach up and touch their knee and coax them to let it
relax. Even to let me bend it.

Sometimes, I'll hold their feet halfway up in the air, and tell
them to let their feet relax and fall down to the table. When
I let go, they're still in mid-air. It's not's stress.

Our brains are overloaded and we can't relax.

In 'the Power of Concentration', Theron DuMont reveals
the connection between how well you control your mind and
how well you control your body. In 'Psycho-Cybernetics', Dr.
Maxwell Maltz teaches that relaxation is the key to reaching
your goals.

And they both emphasize the importance of 'peace of Mind.'

Peace of Mind doesn't come in a bottle. But there is sort of
a 'relaxation good-luck-charm.'

A great tool for relaxing, and getting rid of stress is the
Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant. It's like a stress filter.
I wear one all the time (I guess that's why I can keep my
teeth together). It vibrates with your body's own energy
and makes your personal force-field stronger.

It also gives you more mental clarity, focus, zest for life...
it even keeps your blood cells the right shape.

You can read more about it here:

To help build your Mind-Body connection, I also include
the Dynamic Dozen, 12 concentration exercises with
your purchase. And if you get the Titanium Q-Link, you
also get a full copy of 'The Power of Concentration for
Health & Wealth'.

It's probably OK to fidget a little at the Dentist...but if you're
energy is scattered, ' get but ordinary results. But center
it upon one thing and you secure much better results.'

Regain your focus, and your Calm Mind/Calm Body today,

Dr. Vince

P.S. A patient told me yesterday that she loves her Q-Link:
'Everyone at school was asking me why I wasn't stressed.
Things were really crazy, but I was keeping my cool--when
I normally would have lost it.'

Sometimes you feel like you're too stressed to relax. So
wearing a Q-Link is a great way to get a little breathing room
without really having to do anything.

PPS I breathed about 30 times in 10 minutes while my
impression was setting. I say 'about' because I sort of
dozed off in the chair. Have you found your 'breathing
minute' yet?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Wife's Breathing on Me

Right now, you're probably breathing all over someone
and don't even realize it.

"One life stamps and influences another, which in turn
stamps and influences another, on and on, until the
Soul of Human Experience breathes on in generations
we'll never even meet."

I thought of this quote over the weekend while we were
at my brother-in-law's for "Cousin Birthday". Besides an
empty jar of peanut butter (yes, it was from the bad batch,
and no, no one got sick), we found something else funny
at his house.

Home Movies.

Seeing how all the cousins look and act like their parents (and
how all the parents look and act like THEIR parents, which we
swore we'd never do) proves how much we affect each other.

But we don't even realize it.

In fact, you probably don't even realize you're breathing
right now. We get so distracted, overwhelmed and just plain
busy that we lose our awareness of ourselves, and live most
of our life on auto-pilot.

So take a few minutes each day just to catch your breath.
Literally. Sit down, be still and breathe. Seven times.

If you have longer, 21. Or if you really want to know the
Meaning of Life, 42.

Paying attention to your breath is just one way to strengthen
your Mind-Body connection, keeping you healthy and more
successful. And helps you pass on a healthier, more successful
influence to everyone around you.

There are plenty more exercises in 'Caveman Concentration'.
The 'Hidden Eyes' visualization CD also helps you re-connect
with yourself, and with all the other 'stamps and influences'
in your life.

You get Caveman Concentration and Hidden Eyes for
free when you join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.

My wife Ruth had a great idea while we were eating lunch
yesterday (yes, she's in the Caveman Club, and yes, she's
lost 30 extra baggage units--yowzah):

"Since the Caveman Cuisine approach is to make small
changes that make a big difference, why not let people join
the Club with a small change? Joining for a whole year
may be too big of a bite for some folks..."

So, we created the Caveman Club Monthly Test Drive.

You'll still get the QuickStart Guide and CD, the monthly
newsletter and CD, AND all the other bonuses,
for only 29.95 a month. And you can cancel at any time.

Find out more about the Dr. Vince Caveman Club and the
free bonuses by clicking here

And if you want to take the Monthly Test Drive, then use the
link below--this is the special link to get the test drive:

Dr. Vince Caveman Club 1 Month TEST DRIVE - 29.95
(Note: Membership in the Dr.VCC is automatically billed at
the same monthly rate each month. Please notify us if you
wish to discontinue this service after your test-drive. You are
welcome to cancel at any time, no questions asked.)

Dr. Vince Caveman Club Monthly Test Drive

Pay attention to your breathing, and try to leave us a
little better than you found us...

Dr. Vince

P.P.S. All the Caveman bonuses themselves are worth the
price of admission, so you've got nothing to lose (except
some excess poundage)...take the test drive TODAY.

Dr. Vince Caveman Club Monthly Test Drive

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Close but No Cigar

Several of you have tried to guess the deep, dark secret of
peanuts. But no one's gotten it yet.

It's not aflatoxins...but that's a good reason to avoid peanuts.

It's not that they cause allergies. Or that they're one of the
most pesticide-laden "foods" we have.

But those are also good reasons.

There's one even better (or I should say worse) than that.

My brother might say it's being force-fed a peanut that's been
in an ashtray (I still have no concrete memory of that event,
but I still apologize every chance I get).

You can find out the true value of peanuts--and the real danger
of eating them--in this month's Caveman Cuisine newsletter.

You'll also learn the shocking truth about George Washington
Carver, and what he really thought peanuts were good for.

There's even a slightly ironic recipe and other health-supporting

So, if you haven't joined yet, don't miss out...Join today:

Dr. Vince

P.S. Knowledge is power. It's one thing to know that something's
'bad' for you. It's another to know 'real'-ize it...that's
what leads to lasting change...and better health, better energy,
better thoughts...better Life.

You owe it to yourself to be your best...and we'd appreciate it, too.
At least go check out my 'before' and 'after' and see what's possible

Why Peter Pan's in Hot Water

Some Georgia boys really stepped in it.

I just found out that ConAgra Foods, right here in Georgia,
is recalling Peter Pan and Great Value Peanut Butter. They're
both suspected of causing salmonella, a type of food poisoning
that can kill you if it's not treated.

Now, to be fair, none of ConAgra's quality tests showed any
salmonella. But the CDC (also here in GA) discovered the
link with over 100 cases in 37 states.

Salmonella can cause diarrhea, fever, vomiting and
abdominal cramps...and can be fatal.

So, check your cupboards for peanut butter products
beginning with product code 2111.

And while you're in there, go ahead and throw away
all your other peanut butter and peanuts, too.

You see, there's a surprise waiting for you in your peanuts.
And it's not a nice, Cracker Jack surprise. It's a bad
surprise. The "biting into a sausage ball thinking
it was a cookie" kind of surprise that you never really
get over.

Even if your peanuts were clean and dry, and passed all
the tests. Even if you're not allergic to peanuts. Once you
know this secret, you'll never look at peanuts the same way again.

And probably never put another one in your mouth.

This surprise is not common knowledge. In fact, it's sort
of a 'trade secret'. But it will be revealed to my Cavemaniacs
in this month's Caveman Cuisine Newsletter.

So don't miss out. This info (as it turns out) can literally save
your life. Join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club today.

Dr. Vince

P.S. You can still get the six free gifts and this month's
newsletter when you join. Real change comes from the
Inside and takes time. That's why it's important to be
part of a group for guidance and support. But it's got to
be GOOD guidance.

And it's especially important to cut through all the bull-hockey
about food and create a plan that can re-create your
best You. That's what the Caveman/Cavewoman/Cave
Kid Club is all about. And since it takes time, you need
to get started NOW. (swimsuit season is just around
the corner)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Told You So

My wife Ruth told me about a friend of hers (we'll call her
'Wilma') who's barely 50 and just found out she has
cancer in her uterus.

Wilma had breast cancer a few years ago, and took
the drug Tamoxifen to fight/prevent it.

A big side effect of Tamoxifen is uterine cancer.

The ironic thing is that last year another friend
of hers (we'll call her 'Betty') told Wilma not to take
Tamoxifen, because it would give her uterine cancer.

How could Betty be so sure of this? Because Betty's aunt had
breast cancer, took Tamoxifen, and got uterine cancer, too.

So, Wilma told Ruth: 'I just know that Betty's gonna say 'I told
you so...' '

Probably not...Betty's not that kind of person. She'll say the
same thing Ruth said: 'What can I do to help?'

I share this story with you on Valentine's Day, because we all
have people we love who are facing major health problems (or
about to). Our bodies are being stressed to the max, and
can't adapt to all the physical, mental and chemical
demands of our civilized, hi-tech society.

It's virtually impossible to be healthy from the foods we eat, even
if you're eating 'well'. The chemical additives are bad enough, but
the grain-based diet of most Americans is overloaded with pro-
inflammatory, pro-disease, DNA-wrecking chemicals that are at the
root of all the 'diseases of modern civilization'.

It's up to you to protect your own biology. The best way I
know to do it is with the Core Four. Each piece (fish oil, CoQ10,
Magnesium, Multi-Vitamin/Mineral) has direct and indirect effects
on how well you experience and express your life--at your
deepest DNA level--the real You.

So, stay around for your loved ones...and keep your
loved ones around, too. Get the whole family started on
the Core Four today:

Love like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. It may not sound like a romantic gift...but if you think
about it, the Core Four could be the most romantic gift ever.
There are different packages for different needs, body
sizes, etc. There's even a discount for automatic monthly
shipment. Flowers tonight, fish oil by President's Day.

Why I'm Boycotting the Grammys

Between the Ditzy Twits and Carrie Underwood, I may has
well have been watching the Nashville Network.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But to me, there was not enough jazz and too much Country.

'What's jazz music got to do with health?' you may be asking.

I'll let a famous jazz musician, Dave Grusin, of GRP records,
tell us:

'In my career I've found that 'thinking outside the box' works
better if I know what's 'inside the box.' In music (as in life)
we need to understand our pertinent history...and moving on
is so much easier once we know where we've been.'

Jazz turned music inside out. Jazz developed a more fluid,
less rigid style. Musicians started to improvise and make up
songs as they went. They realized that there are infinite
melodies that can be played over a given set of chords/harmonies.

Jazz has a structure; but the structure is flexible; the flexibility,
fluidity and spontaneity produce a lovely result.

"Inside the box" of your body, there are trillions of cells, and
each one them can be flexible or rigid, depending on what it
uses to build itself.

A Cell builds itself with what you feed are what you eat.


The most important thing in the cell-building process is the
type of fats you give it. Too many Omega-6 fats make your
cells too rigid. They can't respond as well to the chemical signals.

It's like trying to play music wearing earplugs.

Omega-3s keep your cells flexible. They're more responsive to
your body's signals...more sensitive to insulin. Flexible, fluid,
spontaneous. It's like playing at Carnegie Hall.

So give yourself (and your cells) at tune up with
Concentrated Omega-3 Pharmaceutical-grade Fish Oil.

Dr. Vince

P.S. Your cells are replacing themselves as you read this. Build
a better 'new-you' with better building blocks. Fish Oil is part of
the Core Four, because it helps control inflammation, keep your
heart and brain healthier, and prevents the 'diseases of
modern civilization'. Don't miss your entrance...take out your
earplugs and go to:

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Who Wants a Worm Cookie

Would you rather eat cookies or worms?

Knowing what I know about cookies, I think I'd take my
chances with the worms.

I got to thinking about this while practicing the play "A Year
with Frog and Toad" with our community playhouse. (I'm not
Frog or Toad...just the trombonist).

Frog and Toad are arguing about how many cookies they
should eat, and they try to give them to the birds.

The birds reply (in song):

"Should we be eating these cookies;
or should we rather have worms;
Worms are a product of Nature;
Toad did the baking...think of the germs."

The birds are smarter than the rest of us. They know
to eat things that mesh with their Nature.

But our goal seems to be liberating our food from Nature,
the way we process it all (I think we can get almost 100
different products out of corn).

The only trouble is, when we liberate our food from nature,
we liberate ourselves from nature, too.

And we're paying the price.

The Diseases of Modern Civilzation (heart disease, arthritis,
osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer) are killing us early and often.

And most of them can be prevented and/or reversed by
eating like the Birds. No, not birdseed...but eating the
things we're designed to eat.

In this month's Caveman Cuisine Newsletter, I'll be revealing
the secret ingredient in cookies that really makes them bad.
And not only cookies. You're probably eating it all the time and
didn't even realize how harmful it is.

The government and food industry are selling it to you left and
right...and then the government and the pharmaceutical industry
are selling you drugs to fight the sicknesses caused by the food
you ate.

Is it any wonder we're one of the sickest nations in the world?

You don't have to go along with the crowd on this one. Members
of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club get the straight scoop about respecting
and protecting your own (human) Nature, and being much healthier for it.

To get your copy of this month's newsletter, as well as the Caveman
Cuisine Quick-Start guide and other free gifts, join the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club today:

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. yes, I still eat cookies...and not the cardboard "natural"
kind, either. My wife's patented chocolate chip cookies. And you
can too. You'll find out how in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart
Guide that you get free with your membership. Join TODAY

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How to Be Superhuman

Old Age and Treachery vs Youth and Skill: which one wins.

What if the "old" guy isn't really that old, and not the slightest bit

What if they both have a young spirit and plenty of skill.

This weekend I was at the 2nd annual Secret of Secrets
Fitness Bootcamp in Tampa, FL.

The Grand Finale was a contest for Combat Conditioning
Athlete of the Year.

Two men made it to the finals. One was 50. The other was 33.

One had been a 'bloated power lifter with a gut out to here' just
a few years earlier.

One looked like a Marine who probably had more than a few
notches on his rifle.

They beat out three other 20-somethings by doing 20 or so
superhuman feats of strength and coordination. THEN they
had to go through 30-minutes of grueling exercises to
determine the champion.

Since it's the Secret of Secrets, I won't reveal the winner.

But I will tell you what the winner said when I caught up with him
afterward to congratulate him:

"Today is a great day."

Now, most people would have said, "Man, I'm tired. I just had
to jump through hoops like a monkey and do more exercise than
most people do in a month...let me sit down."

But he was happy as a clam. The 5000-smacker grand prize
didn't hurt much either.

Two things I can share about this champion, things I noticed
about him and his success:

1. He had a goal. He'd been planning this since last year's event.
Even 30 minutes before the contest, one speaker asked everyone to
write down their number one fitness goal for the year. And he wrote
"Win Combat Conditioning Athlete of the Year"

2. He worked hard. You don't sprout that kind of strength and
endurance overnight. But string enough overnights together and
you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

3. He learned to concentrate. Not only during the year, but during
the contest itself. There were times in the qualification round where
he stumbled. Struggled. Almost couldn't make it. But he kept
his goal in mind and concentrated all his effort--mental, physical and
spiritual--into his performance.

The Power of Concentration is at the root of all success.

"We accomplish more by concentration than by fitness; the man
that is apparently best suited for a place does not always fill it
best. It is the man that concentrates on its every possibility that
makes an art of both his work and his life."

That's why you get a free copy of "Caveman Concentration" when
you join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club (it's open to Cave-women
and Cave-Kids of all ages, too).

The Dr. Vince Caveman Club gives you all the health benefits of
eating in the Stone Age with all the convenience of living in the
Space Age. And learning to concentrate better will help you
reach your goals, whether it's to be 20 pounds lighter, spend
more time with your kids or learn a new language.

You also get many other free gifts for joining, so check it out:

Young or 'old', it's never too late to make an art of your
work and your life.

Dr. Vince

P.S. The Wheel of Life monthly CD explores other areas besides
just eating. Physical, Mental, Family, Career, Social, Financial
and Spiritual. Be a well-rounded, full-grown cave-dweller and
join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club today

Sunday, February 04, 2007

He's Got Ponytail Power

This was the strongest skinny guy I've ever seen.

Sure, they call me Skinny Vinny, but this guy was half my
size (and about a foot taller).

"Logan" is a surfer-dude from Santa Cruz California. But in
his spare time he pulls trucks with his ponytail and other
strongman feats.

And he's barely old enough to drink.

He was demonstrating some of his bodyweight exercises at
the Matt Furey 'Secret of Secrets' Fitness Seminar in Tampa
this weekend, where I was presenting my Caveman Cuisine Plan.

He did one-legged squats. He walked on his hands. He walked
on his hands with his body at a 45-degree angle. Then he
walked on his hands with his body parallel to the floor.

Did I say the part about pulling a truck with his hair?

How'd he get so strong? I don't know for sure, but I do know
one of his secrets.

After my talk, he came up to me and showed me his Q-Link.
He was grinning from ear to ear, because he knew that I knew
his secret weapon.

And he wasn't the only one.

"Howard" was 54-years young, and did four handstand pushups.
I was congratulating him afterward, and noticed the Q hanging
around his neck. When I mentioned it, he just smiled.

The Q-Link pendant may not give you superhuman strength right
away, but it will darn sure get you there faster. It has a
computer chip that acts like a tuning fork and vibrates with your
body's own energy to make it stronger.

To make you stronger.

It's your secret weapon to get less stressed, more focused,
or as many Q-Link wearers say, "have a greater zest for Life".

You owe it to yourself to check it out and get this year--and
the rest of your life--off to a strong start.

Go NOW to

Like it says on my trombone bag: Live Strong...

Dr. Vince

P.S. There was also a 40-ish year old attorney there
this weekend, who was doing handstand pushups while
dangling two 25-pound dumbells from his teeth.

He was my first Q-Link customer.

The SuperHuman You is waiting...release yourself today