Friday, April 27, 2007

How to Ruin your Kid

The best way to ruin your kid is to scoot 'em away into
being an adult.

Growing into an adult is one thing; but having to 'act' like
an adult when you're still a kid...well, that's why so many
of us grown-ups need help.

Yesterday we heard about the World-famous violinist,
Joshua Bell, who spent a few hours at a Washington DC
subway station as a street musician.

Would anyone notice, or stop to listen...even with his
$3.5 million violin?

'There was no ethnic or demographic pattern to distinguish
the people who stayed to watch Bell, or the ones who gave
money, from that vast majority who hurried on past,
unheeding. Whites, blacks and Asians, young and old, men
and women, were represented in all three groups. But the
behavior of one demographic remained absolutely consistent.

'Every single time a child walked past, he or she tried to stop
and watch. And every single time, a parent scooted the kid away.'

It's like we've had our Music 'scooted' out of us.

I know you're busy. So am I. And I'm not going to say
something corny like 'stop and smell the roses'.

But I will say you may be walking right past an amazing
once-in-a-lifetime experience and not even realize it, if
you're distracted by all the 'noise' that's crowding out your
life. (You might even have one holding your hand).

If you're too busy, or too afraid, to listen.

Kids (and the kid Inside) want to see new things and
soak up new experiences. So give yourself a little
breathing room; leave 5 minutes early, just in case.

Take some time today and this weekend to your eyes
and ears relax...don't miss your life on your way to your
next appointment.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Modern technology and modern foods have a way of
choking the poetry, music and health out of our
lives. You can support your Child Within and/or your real
children with a QLink (for electronic stress) and fish oil
(for chemical stress).
You'll find what you need at

If you're interested in reading the whole story about
Joshua Bell playing violin on the street for the somewhat
disinterested's the link

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What Else are you Missing?

The Trance of Technology. It seems like we're so
"tuned in" that we're tuning out the real world.

A few weeks ago, the Washington Post did sort of a
social experiment to see how easy it would be to
break us out of our trance.

They got a world-class, world-renowned violinist named
Joshua Bell to perform at a subway station in our nation's

Not a formal, publicized performance. Just a "stand at
the top of the escalator, put your case on the floor so
people can give you money, and play your heart out"

No fanfare. Just an anonymous street muscian...with
a $3.5 million violin.

They wanted to see if people would take a minute--even a
second--out of their lives to listen to the most beautiful
violin music ever.

Here's what happened:

'The people scurry by, cups of coffee in their hands,
cellphones at their ears, ID tags slapping at their bellies,
a grim dance to indifference, inertia and the dingy, gray
rush of modernity.'

Of over a thousand passers-by, one recognized that he
was a really good player, and one actually recognized who
he was. Oh, well. But he made about $40/hour.

'The poet Billy Collins once laughingly observed that all
babies are born with a knowledge of poetry, because the
lub-dub of the mother's heart is in iambic meter. Then,
Collins said, life slowly starts to choke the poetry out of us.
It may be true with music, too.'

It could be that those folks just didn't really like classical
violin music. But it's more likely that they were scared to
try something new...or just too busy to even notice.

'For many of us, the explosion in technology has perversely
limited, not expanded, our exposure to new experiences.

'We get our news from comfortable sources, that think the
same way we do. And with iPods, we hear what we already
know; we program our own playlists.'

(That's the trouble with our modern eating habits, too...
they keep us isolated, disconnected from each other
and our Source.)

'If we can't take the time out of our lives to stay a moment
and listen to one of the best musicians on Earth play some
of the best music ever written; if the surge of modern life so
overpowers us that we are deaf and blind to something like
that -- then what else are we missing?

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS If the 'indifference, inertia and the dingy, gray
rush of modernity' has got your head spinning, keeping
you stressed, moody, can't sleep and all that jazz, then
you probably need a QLink Personal Energy Pendant.
It helps protect you from electronic stress from the
Inside-Out...a good way to use Technology to bring some
peace and quiet back into your life.

Darth Vader's Favorite Food

Next month, Darth Vader turns 30.

Not in Earth years, but movie years. And to make it
more confusing, I saw Episode 4 back in 1977, which
was actually Episode 1, etc.

I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I've got a Yoda poster in my
adjusting room, but I haven't even seen Episode 1 or 2.

But it's hard not to know who Darth Vader is. He, along
with the rest of the gang, have made an impression on
our culture, if not our psyche.

So, what did Darth Vader eat to stay healthy. How'd he
keep his 'Force' strong. What would he like for his
birthday dinner.

Beats me.

I don't think we ever saw him eating anything (how would
you fit it through that mask anyway).

The closest we came to seeing his personal health regimen
was looking at the back of his bald, shiny, vein-encrusted
head while he was in his little black egg oxygen tent
(or whatever it was) in Empire Strikes Back.

We know he was strong, but we don't know what he ate.

Sort of like our own ancestors. We don't know 'for sure'
what they ate, because it all happened 'a long time ago...'

But, we do have fossils, anthropology, archeology, other
primates, modern hunter-gatherers...that give us some
insight to our early eating patterns.

We know they were strong, and we have a pretty good
idea of what they ate.

No matter what really happened in the past, if you eat like your
ancestors (allegedly?) ate, your body will be the healthiest
it can be. The results speak for themselves.


You don't even have to believe in "Cavemen". But just like
Darth Vader, they've influenced our culture (and our bodies)
tremendously, whether we know it or not.

The only hard part is adapting the Stone Age eating style
to our Space Age lifestyle. To use technology to your
advantage, rather than letting it de-humanize you.

That's why I've created the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.
To help you learn the practical, every-day things you need
to know--so you can say goodbye to your 'Jabba the Gutt'
once and for all.

Take a test drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Even Luke Skywalker had to learn the ancient principles
from Yoda. Let me be Yoda for you (there's even a slight
physical resemblance).

I'll make it easier than you've ever imagined.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Top Ten Mood Foods

Cavemen must have been happy men. They had to be.

Not because they 'had' to be or something bad would
happen to them.

They 'had' to be because they ate the kind of food that
makes you feel good.

According to Joy Bauer (no relation to Jack) in her new book
Joy Bauer's Food Cures, eating for a better mood boils down
to these three things:

- keep your blood sugar level by eating every few hours
- eat lots of soluble fiber
- eat lots of omega 3 fats, folic acid, B12 and Vitamin D -
four nutrients that lift your mood.

Here's her list of the Top Ten foods for improving your

1. Wild salmon (rich in omega 3 fats and vitamin D)

2. Spinach - (rich in folic acid and soluble fiber)

3. Skim milk - (rich in Vitamin D and B12)

4. Ground flaxseeds (rich soluble fiber, omega 3 fats and folic acid)

5. Blackberries (rich in soluble fiber and folic acid)

6. Omega 3 fortified eggs - (rich in omega 3 fats, Vitamin D and B12)

7. Sardines ( rich in omega 3 fats and Vitamin D)

8. Soybeans - (rich in soluble fiber, folic acid and omega 3 fats)

9. Beans (rich in soluble fiber and folic acid)

10. Brussels sprouts (soluble fiber and folic acid)

You'll notice that there are a few 'forbidden fruits' in that list;
foods that were not part of our Original Diet.

But if you played your cards right, you could live a long and
healthy life just eating the foods on that list.

The cool thing about the Caveman Cuisine plan is that, even
though these are listed as 'mood food', they're also 'heart
food', 'lung food', 'brain food', 'help control diabetes,
osteoporosis, obesity and cancer' food.

By eating the way you're created to eat, you don't have to
ask the question "Is this good for my mood?" "Is this good
for my heart?", nauseum.

The Caveman Cuisine approach feeds your body as a whole,
not as parts. Disconnecting everything is what got us into
trouble in the first place.

You'll find out which of those Ten are no-nos (and how to
turn them into maybe-maybes, or sometimeses), and how
to respect, protect and reconnect to yourself when you
get the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and CD, which
are free as part of your 30-day test drive of the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club.

Have a Happy Day!

Dr. Vince

P.S. I'm sure you noticed the 'golden thread' running through
the list...that Omega-3s play a BIG role in mood, as well as
other brain functions. That's why I take 'em, and recommend
'em...and why they're a big part of the Caveman Cuisine plan.
You'll find out why on the QuickStart CD, or you can learn
more here:

Friday, April 20, 2007

What's a Lady Doctor Know?

As it turns out, plenty.

Her name is Maria Montessori. She was a pioneering medical
doctor who studied child development.

(You've probably seen a 'Montessori' school near you, but
didn't know exactly what it was...kind of like I did up until
a few years ago, when my daughter started going.)

Dr. Montessori realized early on that children respond to
the environment (just like the cells they're made of).
She even gives a little nod to the caveman:

'Childhood constructs with what it finds. If the material is
poor, the construction is also poor. As far as civilization is
concerned, the child is at the level of the food-gatherers.

'The child is the forgotten citizen, and yet, if statesmen
and educationalists once came to realize the terrific
force that is in childhood for good or for evil, I feel they
would give it priority above everything else.

'All problems of humanity depend on Man himself; if Man
is disregarded in his construction, the problems will
never be solved.'

She reminds us that our screwed up grown-ups come
from screwed up kids. Just like our screwed up bodies
come from eating screwed up food.

If we pay more attention to the children, and help them learn
and grow naturally, according to their in-born patterns, then
according to Dr. Montessori, we'll have well-adjusted, fully
functioning citizens when they grow up.

If we pay more attention to their/our bodies, and feed them
according to their in-born patterns, then according to Dr. Vince
(and a boat load of scientific, historical, archeological, fossil,
anthropological, medical research), we'll have well-adjusted,
fully functioning bodies.

Your body constructs with what it finds. If the material is poor,
the construction is also poor.

And the thoughts are also poor.

I feel, like Dr. Montessori, that if you realized the terrific
force that's in your food choices for good or for evil, you
would give them priority above everything else.

You can learn more about your in-born eating pattern and the
terrific force that's Inside You... by taking the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club for a 30-day test drive

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. '...if Man is disregarded in his construction, the problems
will never be solved.'

That's why there's so much frustration and despair about the
epidemics of obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes
and cancer.

Because the modern medical approach is to treat the symptoms,
but ignore 'his construction'. If we don't respecting our biology
and return to our in-born eating patterns, our problems will
never be solved.

Find out how to respect and protect your gift of Life here:

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Who's at Fault?

We're big on blame.

At the press conference for the Virginia Tech shootings,
the VT President opened the floor for questions.

I was expecting to hear things like 'have all the families
been notified?' 'have you made arrangements for visiting
parents?' 'what do we know about the shooter?' etc.

But the first question out of this jerk reporter's mouth was:
'Why didn't you shut down the campus after the first

Hindsight is always perfect, and it's easy to blame someone
else when something goes wrong.

A better question may be: Who's Responsible?

As far as I can tell, the only one shooting people was the
Korean guy. He's the one responsible.

But some may argue that he was crazy and wasn't really
'responsible' for his actions.

Maybe. But they were still HIS actions.

Why didn't someone--anyone--do something sooner to head
this off when he was doing all his 'crazy talk'.

Who knows. Maybe they weren't really listening.

Truth is, the only thing you can really control is
yourself. For better or for worse, the only one
responsible for you is You.

That's why I talk so much about caring for your Mind and
Brain. It's what keeps us human, and helps us treat each
other humanely.

The other Truth is, that in a few days, most of this will be
considered 'old news'. I know it's tragic; I'm still upset by
it, just because of the Engineering/Marching Band
connection with one of the victims from Georgia.

But Life goes on.

So take responsibility for yourself. For your physical,
mental, family, social, career, financial and spiritual
well-being. You're the only one who can.

Like Stephen Covey says:
'Until a person can say deeply and honestly, 'I am what
I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,'
that person cannot say, 'I choose otherwise.'

Those students can't choose anymore. But you can.

I hope you'll use this tragic waste of Life to help you focus
on getting the most out of what's left of yours.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia's Most Dangerous Intersection

Yesterday morning I was talking with my business partner
about choices. How your choices change your path
and whose path you cross, and how those intersections
change, influence and create your life.

Our office had its 11th Birthday Sunday, so we're thankful
for the choices we've made to get us where we are.
And glad that I mentioned going to chiropractic school to my
wife (even though I was only half-joking), and all the other
little things along the way that helped us create our practice.

Yesterday afternoon, I was talking with some patients about
all the small choices that led me to my wife. How and
why we both chose to go to Georgia Tech, how we were
both in the Band, and just how amazing all that timing
can be.

If my dad hadn't brought home his cubicle-mate's son's
trombone for me to try out in the seventh grade, who
knows what might have happened.

Yesterday evening, I heard about the Virginia Tech shootings.
33 people made simple choices. Go to class or Skip.
Hang out in the dorm or go workout. Just a normal Monday.

A few years ago, they filled out applications. Probably to
other colleges, too. But for some reason, they picked
Virginia Tech. And for some reason, they picked that class.
Maybe to get it over with early, so they could enjoy the sun.
Or to graduate early. Or to be in class with a friend.

Who knows.

A few years ago, some anonymous Asian kid decided to
study in America. And for some reason he picked Virginia Tech.
Maybe he liked to mountains. Maybe he wanted to be an

Who knows.

I don't think he came here to kill himself after he killed
32 other students. But everyone's choices intersected there.

I said it yesterday talking about our 11th birthday, and
I'll say it again today: even though there are some things in
my life I wish I'd done better, I wouldn't go back and change
anything. Even the 'bad' stuff plays a part in helping me
be who, what and where I am today.

I know 32 people who wish they'd done something differently
yesterday. Or the day before. Or a week or a month before.
Whatever and whenever to not end up in that classroom
with that a**hole yesterday.

But they can't now, even if they wanted to. There's not any
good that I can see coming of this right now. But we've got
to find something.

Because the alternative is unimaginable.

Today you'll have choices and intersections. Don't be
afraid. Be grateful for them...and live your life.


Prayers, thoughts, and peace to the families of these
students...and to you

Dr. Vince

Friday, April 13, 2007

Why you Can't Get Good Help

You know the feeling.

All you need is a $2 clip to make the fridge shelf stop
wiggling. But they keep sending you the wrong part.

You call the manufacturer, wait on hold, describe your
problem, they say your model doesn't have that shelf
(even though you're looking right at it), they send you
the wrong part.


Then I remembered that the simplest answer is usually
the Best one. So I went back to Best Buy (where we
first bought the fridge), determined not to leave until I
had the clip in my hand (even if we had to pull it
of the one in the model kitchen).

Downie and Kyle were very helpful. Using the 'Fool me
twice, shame on me' approach, I asked if they were
certain that they'd found the right part on the computer.

'Well, it can't be anything else. There's only one shelf.
All the rest are drawers. And there's only one shelf stopper,
so that has to be it.'

(Using the 'Bird in the Hand' approach, we still harvested
the clip off the floor model just to be sure)

I wondered out loud why the two people from GE couldn't
figure it out that quickly when I talked to them before.

Kyle said, 'They probably weren't listening'

It's hard to get good help anymore, because people have
stopped listening.

It's hard to have good relationships or grow, change and
improve if you're not listening.

Listening is a lost art. Lost in the shuffle and noise of our
modern, hi-tech, hi-distraction life.

Listening well can improve your mental, social,
family, career, and spiritual life...even your physical life.

I learn a lot about my patients by listening. To what they
say, how they say it, and what their body tells me. Things
they didn't even know themselves (they think I'm psychic...
but I'm just a good listener.)

You can improve your listening (and your health and your
life) with a little practice. That's why we've included some
call-and-response and a listening meditation on this month's
Wheel of Life CD--called 'Healthy Rhythms'.

Your body may be trying to tell you something, but you're not
listening. Your shelf may be wiggling and you don't even know it.

This Healthy Rhythms CD will help you relax, beat stress and
burnout (pun intended)...but you can only get it if
you're a member Dr. Vince Caveman Club.

Take the test-drive today, and I'll send you the Healthy
Rhythms CD, and this month's Caveman Cuisine Newsletter
(including a way to change your Mind about eating that
may just blow your Mind...along with the Caveman Cuisine
QuickStart Guide and CD, and all the other bonuses.

You can check out the rest of the goodies, and take your
test drive here:

Downie, Kyle and the Athens/Bogart Best Buy get a big 'blue'
star in my book.

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I was so happy with Best Buy today that I bought a
pair of 'surround sound' earphones for working on the
computer (like I'm listening to right now). But my
computer is zapping me with electro-magnetic stress
while I write this, just like yours is doing while you read it.

That's why I'm also wearing (and recommend you do too)
a Q-Link pendant. It helps me resist the EMF stress coming from
said computer, and cell phone, TV...and all the other fun
stuff that Best Buy sells. It's a great way to protect your
biology from the outside, keep your energy up and feel calm
through the day. Check out the Q-Link here:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What's the Sound of One Librarian...

The sound of one Librarian is not anything like the 'sound
of one hand clapping'.

The sound of one Librarian can be the sweetest sound
you've ever heard.

Or it can strike fear into your heart.

One sound, but so many possibilities.


On the sweet side, I think the 'sshh' sound mimics the
sound we hear inside our Mother's womb. So Mommies
the world over instinctively know to settle us down and
soothe us, they say, 'sssssshhhhhhhh'.

And that's probably why it's part of the word 'hush'.

'Hush little baby, don't you cry...'

But as we get older and start expressing our exuberance,
fully liberated from the womb and making our own mark
in this world, 'huuusssshhhhh' turns to 'Hush' or 'hush-up'

And when you shorten it up with intensity, in true
Librarian fashion --'Shh!'-- it can be a little scary: What'd I do?

So it's not surprising that we lose our connection to 'quiet'--
and even fear it--as we get older.

My friend David told me recently that he was working with
some Somalian refugee middle-schoolers, and after a rousing
round of group drumming, asked them to sit still and close their

He was about to lead them through a short relaxation
visualization, and one of the kids piped up:
'Are we in trouble?'

We're scared of the dark, and we're scared of the quiet.
Which is ironic, because that's where we were formed. It's
the most peaceful and serene we've ever been.

But we get we get older and don't
take the time to get quiet and reconnect.

We're not scared of the boogey-man. We're scared of
the Big Man.

Your Big Self.

Or like Marianne Williamson says
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.'

Being too quiet, or too dark (closing your eyes) gets you a
little too close to your Power.

There's nothing wrong with being quiet. You're not in trouble.
It's OK...


Dr. Vince

P.S. I know it's hard to get quiet with all the noise in your
modern life: TV, talk radio, cellphones (those blasted ring
tones), Instant Messages, laptops, blackberries, blueteeth,
high-speed everything.

That's why I wear a Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant. I guess
you could call it my 'Quiet' Link. It helps filter out all the
chatter, helps your mind relax and focus...making it easier
for you to find a few quiet minutes each day, and get more
out of them. Get yours NOW, and re-introduce yourself to
your Self:

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Catholics and Jews Unite

In spite of all the hubbub over Easter between Catholics
and Jews, there's one thing they have in common.


As I understand it from my Catholic and Jewish friends
(I grew up Scotch-Hillbilly-Baptist), they both claim
bragging rights for who can out-guilt whom.

Guilt can make you do things because you should, or not
do things because you 'shouldn't'...and you end up a mess
because you're should-ing all over yourself.

Eating seems like a physical process, but it's mostly a
mental/emotional process...that can be influenced strongly
by guilt.

I should eat better. I shouldn't be eating this.

Etc. Ad nauseum.

You've been brainwashed by parents, clergy and other
well-wishers (I had a preacher friend who always liked to
quote "Eat whatever is set before you, raising no question
of conscience."... right on his way to a heart attack before

You've been confused by conflicting scientific studies
(I guess it depends on who pays for the science.)

And there's a food you may be avoiding right now for no
good reason at all.

It may even be one of your favorites, but you've been
spooked into not eating it.

Or you may be eating it, even though you know you're not
'supposed' to, and feeling guilty about it.

Well, Brother Vince is here to absolve you of your guilt.
Remember: the Truth shall set you Free.

I'll reveal this 'demonized delight' in the April Caveman
Cuisine newsletter. Once you know the truth about this
food, you're brain will work better because you're eating
it again.

And you're brain will feel better because you can eat it
(and even more of it) without all the guilt.

Take a test-drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club, and get
the April newsletter/CD, as well as the Caveman Cuisine
QuickStart Guide & CD, Wheel of Life workbook, Hidden
Eyes CD, and Caveman Concentration (any of which are
well worth the price of the test-drive 29.95)

I'll even throw in last month's CD with clinical hypnotherapist
Mitzi Crall, Ph.D. to help you replace some of those "I told
you so" tapes still playing in your head.

Check it out here (I changed the page a little, so tell me
what you think):

Live like You Mean it (not like you 'should'),

Dr. Vince

P.S. I'll also give you the secret to eating the rest of your
Easter Basket without guilt. And no, not the basket itself
(lots of fiber) or anything like that. The candy. The
chocolate. All of it. And feel great about it.

And how it can help you lose weight.

I've only told a few people about this secret, and it's not for
the Masses. It takes a special kind of person to understand
and appreciate this info, so join the club and find out for

Why I Gag almost Every Day

It's not the pollen...although it's so thick around here you
can literally taste it.

What makes me gag is the phrase:

'Same Stuff, Different Day.'

(following a close second is 'Same old, same old')

It doesn't really make me sick when someone says it;
it makes me sad...because it sounds like they've given up.

Given up their ability to change, grow or improve (consciously
or sub-consciously, whether they know it or not).

Life is all about Ups and Downs. Peaks and valleys. Change.
About the only thing that's the same all the time is a 'flat-line'.

That's the beauty of the seasons. So you can tell the days
apart, and get different 'stuff' each day.

Spring has definitely sprung. I've noticed an energetic
shift with the time change/more daylight and fighting off the
extra pollen.

Besides the longer days and bigger blooms, you have other
more subtle rhythms changing in your body, too. These
rhythms are anything BUT routine...and if you can recognize
them, you'll be more in touch with your body and your health.

That's why focusing on your breathing is so important. It helps
you tune into your inner rhythm; get closer to the center of
growth, change and improvement Inside that's waiting to blossom.

(And that's why it's important to take BIG breaths. Ups and
Downs. Peaks and Valleys.)

There are many other rhythms in your body, and the more you
listen and respect them, the healthier you'll be--physically, mentally
and spiritually.

We'll explore those 'Healthy Rhythms' in the Wheel of Life CD,
that comes with the April Edition of the Caveman Cuisine

And by 'we' I mean 'you','s interactive and a lot of fun.

So take a test drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. You'll
get the April newsletter/CD, as well as the bonus materials:
Caveman Cuisine Quickstart Guide/CD, Wheel of Life Self-
Assessment, Caveman Concentration, Hidden Eyes CD,
30-days of email support.

Any one of those bonuses are worth twice the price of the
test drive (which is only $29.95, by the way). And yes, I
still have a few extra copies of the Self-Hypnosis CD, so if
you sign up today, I'll include that with your Welcome Pack
as well.

You can check it out here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Since first quarter just got finished, you've got a great
90-day marker between now and July 4th. It's the perfect
time to start new habits, new routines, develop new rhythms
in your life. And 90-days is long enough to see amazing
results--especially if you're wanting to lose weight and look
great in your bathing suit with Caveman Cuisine.

And yes, I still have a few extra copies of the Self-Hypnosis
CD, so if you sign up today, I'll include that with your Welcome
Pack as well.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Why the Easter Bunny Wears a Santa Hat

Sometimes Mother Nature throws us a curve ball just to keep us
guessing (and keep us humble). It's going to be colder here on
Easter Sunday than it was on Christmas.

But when things get turned around that bad, it's usually
because we've thrown ourselves a curve trying
to tamper with nature to find a short-cut to health.

A classic example of this is trans fats, which were created to help
prevent heart disease. Back in the 50's or so, scientists
discovered that saturated fat caused heart disease. So they
invented the 'trans fat': an unsaturated fat (that was heart
healthy) that looked, acted--and more importantly, tasted--like
a saturated fat.

We didn't want to give up all those good foods we loved. We
just wanted to find a way to make them healthier.

But somewhere along the line, the Easter Bunny forgot his
mittens. It all turned out exactly the opposite of what we
expected: Trans fats actually cause heart disease. And
saturated fat doesn't.

Surprised? You really shouldn't be. An Outside-In approach
always ends up backwards.

In this month's issue of the Caveman Cuisine Newsletter, I'll
straighten out one of the biggest fat lies we've been force-fed,
and correct one of the biggest fat eating mistakes you're probably
making--and you'll love me for it.

Because you'll get to eat one of your favorite foods again.

Turn your life Inside-Out, and take a 30-day test drive of
the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. You get the Caveman Cuisine
QuickStart Guide and CD FREE, along with four other Life-
and Health-Supporting Bonuses.

Check them out here:

Dr. Vince

P.S. I've also got some surprising news about your
Easter Basket,'ll love me even more for that.

Take the test drive today, cancel at any time:

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What Else to Give Up for Lent

A friend of mine has the best Lent-fast I've heard of.
It even beats my old favorite: Self-Doubt.

He realized that he could make a at change any time, and
didn't have to wait for a special time or season.

So 40 Lents ago, you know what he gave up?

'Giving up things for Lent'.

I think that's a great the same way that I think
New Year's Resolutions are a bad idea. That sometimes
we feel like we 'have' to change something, because it's
an arbitrary date or a certain season, but our heart's not
really in it.

And it shows.

But I'm also a big fan of arbitrary dates and seasons. They're
great tools for change, growth and improvement...if you
know how to use them.

For instance, I'm going on a trip in four weeks, so I'm doing
a 'four-week focus' before I go. I'm using my upcoming
departure to help me focus on what I'd like to accomplish--
and the kind of person I want to be--four weeks from now.

The 6th Chiropractic Principle is my favorite (it's the
'Jesus wept' of Chiropractic):

'There is no process that doesn't require time.'

It doesn't really matter which particular date or season
you choose. It can be 30-60-90 days. It can be 'until
school is over', 'until Mother's Day', 'between Memorial
Day and Labor Day', whatever.

The real key to growth is using that 'arbitrary' time-frame
to awaken your sense of 'process', to help you have/do/be
what you want.

The Wheel of Life Overview and Self-Assessment is a great
exercise to help you highlight areas in your life that need
attention, growth or improvement...and get you moving.

You get it FREE when you take the 30-day Test Drive of
the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. Along with a pile of other

This month's CD helps you appreciate the times, seasons,
and rhythms of Life, and of Health, and how you can use
those natural rhythms to your advantage. It's worth a listen
(you even get a chance to 'play along'...)

You can take your test-drive here:

(I've changed the page a little, so let me know
what you think about it...)

Dr. Vince

P.S. Even our best efforts can be sidetracked if we've got
a distracting, unproductive or down-right wrong 'tape'
playing in our subconscious mind. If you take the Test
Drive this month, I'll throw in a copy of last month's CD
by clinical hypnotherapist Mitzi Crall, PhD. She explains
how to change those tapes in no time.

It includes a 15-minute guided hypnosis session that you
can use any time, anywhere (just not while driving or
operating heavy machinery)...which is actually worth
TWICE the price of the test drive. Not to mention the rest
of the bonuses.

This is a No-Brainer (that's actually an ALL-Brainer).

Don't Ponder that one yet; wait until after you sign up:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What to Give Up after Lent

On Sunday, lots of people will be breaking their 'Lent' fast.

Most folks usually give up something they like to eat or drink,
like chocolate, bread, coffee, alcohol, etc.

Some people go a little deeper and give up other bad habits.
(The best one I ever heard was 'self-doubt').

You may remember my friend Jim from last year. He's back on
his FACT diet: avoiding Fat, Alcohol, Cheese/Chips/Crackers and
Treats, to celebrate Lent/Easter (and get back in shape).

I'm all for taking some time to reflect. Fasting or eliminating
a food/habit can really test your discipline and help you focus on
what's important.

But I do have a word of caution: try to focus more on what you
want, than on what you don't want.

Instead of concentrating on what you're giving up, pay more
attention to what you're getting in return.

Because what you think about, you bring about. It's the
Universal Law of Attraction.

If you think about 'I'm giving up coffee for Lent...' your Mind
will be focused on the coffee, and your car will be swerving into
Starbucks before you know it.

Job (as in Job, Psalms, Proverbs) had something to say about
the power of this principle:

'For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that
which I was afraid of is come unto me.' Job 3:25

Even with everything he had (richest guy around, land, animals,
money, etc), instead of being thankful for it and enjoying it, he
was always worrying about what would happen if it all got
taken from him.

And that's just what happened.

Remember: What I think about, I bring about.

I was talking with a friend of mine about reducing stress, and
he suggested that I focus instead on 'increasing calmness.'

Good point.

Any time we focus on 'anti-' anything, we tend to get the thing,
or at least get distracted and become ineffective.

For instance, when a certain political party is 'anti-' everything,
no one knows what they're 'for', and their message gets lost
(and the election gets lost)...and then they keep railing 'against'
their opponent, with minimal effect.

Even religious groups with an 'anti-' philosophy seem to
be bitter, ineffective, and not enjoying their version of

So...what do you want? What are you for?

Start thinking that way and watch what happens. Like
Geraldine used to say on the old Flip Wilson show:

'What you see is what you get.'

Dr. Vince

P.S. There's a BIG hint in this email about what makes
Caveman Cuisine so effective--in losing weight and getting
healthier again. You can still get last month's hypnosis CD
when you take the 30-day test drive of the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club.

With your Test Drive, you'll get the April Caveman Cuisine
Newsletter and Wheel of Life CD, and all the free bonuses:
Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and Updated CD;
Caveman Concentration for Health and Wealth; the Wheel of
Life Overview & Self-Assessment; the Hidden Eyes Visualization
CD and 30 days of email support by yours truly.

(Your credit card will be billed automatically each month as
long as you stay in the club; you can cancel at any time.)

It's only available thru this special link:

PPS If you'd like to find out more about my friend Matt's
Instant Calmness system, you can check it out here:
(you gotta be calm when a bull's chasing you....)

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Whose Fool are You

Your Mind is not your own. Parts of it, anyway.

Big parts.

Your Conscious Mind is what makes you Human. It's where
you think, create, reason, relate, etc...

But it's not really running the show. It's only a small part of
your brain. The Subconscious Mind takes up 90%+ of your
grey matter.

Until we're about six years old, our brainwaves vibrate in a
hypnotic trance-like state. Much of our learning is done
automatically, by observation.

That's why it's so easy for Little Sean to learn the complex
skill of walking, and learn English, German and Chinese,
because his Mind can download it all with no resistance.

But Little Sean downloads lots of other programs, too.
Like how people deal with each others, how Moms and Dads
interact, how smart he is, whether he 'deserves' anything
or not, his sense of his 'goodness' or 'badness', etc.

Even programs like what he thinks about 'foreigners', money,
hard work, family, jobs, even God.

Right or wrong, these programs get downloaded, and Little
Sean's brain is designed to interpret them as 'true'. As the
way the world works.

This can cause problems for Big Sean, depending on how
accurate his scripts really are. How well they reflect reality.

Sean's Conscious Mind can process 40 bits of info every second.
His Subconscious Mind can process 40 MILLION bits every

to quote Keanu Reeves (from any movie he's been in):


The subconscious 'scripts' are literally tapes playing in Big
Sean's head, downloaded automatically, before he even knew it
was happening.

And now, when Big Sean wants to do something, his
Conscious intention has to check in with his Subconscious
programming to see how it fits with the world as He knows it.

And if there's a conflict, guess who wins. The 40 million
out-vote the 40 every time.

This is not New Age woo-woo. This is hard-core, cutting edge
science, quantum physics, biology. It's the way we're

Sean is not the only one. Your life is playing out based
on your Subconscious Scripts. If you don't like your life,
you've got to change those tapes.

But you can't do it consciously. 40 to 40 Million, remember?

You are responsible for your Life. You may not be responsible
for your programming (in the sense that you didn't actually
choose the programs).

But you're the only one who can change them.

The easiest way to change the tapes is the same way you got
them--go back into a hypnotic trance and replace those
worn out, ineffective tapes with new ones. New scripts on CD
or mp3 that that will help you accomplish the things you want
to. New programming that will help you BE the way your
Conscious Mind has decided you want to be.

There are lots of ways to do it, and we talked about some of them
with a clinical hypnotherapist on my March Wheel of Life CD.

That ship has already sailed...I don't have any more CDs left. But
the more I've been thinking about this material, the more I realize
how powerful it is.

And how important it is for you to act on--if you want to really
live live the life that you're imagining (but are
wondering why things aren't quite working out like you thought
they would).

So, I'll get more CDs made and send them to anyone who
wants a test drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. The bonus
March CD is worth the entire cost (which is only $29.95).

With your Test Drive, you'll get the April Caveman Cuisine
Newsletter and Wheel of Life CD, and all the free bonuses:
Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and Updated CD;
Caveman Concentration for Health and Wealth; the Wheel of
Life Overview & Self-Assessment; the Hidden Eyes Visualization
CD and 30 days of email support by yours truly.

(Your credit card will be billed automatically each month as
long as you stay in the club; you can cancel at any time.)

I may be a fool for giving all this away, but I don't want
you to keep being fooled by your outdated tapes. The April
packs will go out soon, so get in now while the gettin's good.

Upgrade your mental hard drive TODAY

Dr. Vince

P.S. The bonus March CD is more than just talk. It includes
a 15-minute guided hypnosis session that you can use any
time, anywhere (just not while driving or operating heavy
machinery)...which is actually worth TWICE the price of
the test drive. This is a No-Brainer (that's actually an

Don't Ponder that one yet; wait until after you sign up: