Friday, March 30, 2007

What Parents are Really Good For

My Dad says he was the best parent in the world...for setting
a good example of what NOT to do.

But a few years ago at a Christmas lunch, I sent Grace to do
an errand to teach her to how to ask for what she wants.

My baby brother Adam was watching and said, 'You've
definitely got some Richard Campbell in you...'

Adam became a father himself Wednesday. So now he'll
find out how much Richard Campbell he's got in him.

For better or for worse.

Parenting skills, just like food, all have some good and some
bad in them. That's why we need our parents to help sort
through it all, the best that they can.

One of Adam's Ohio-an neighbors (a fellow named David W.)
had this to say about teaching a kid to eat vegetables:

'It's not that your parents are getting you to eat them...
they're teaching you that not everything in life is going
to be sweet.'

The key is not to try for perfection (whatever that is), but to
maximize the good and minimize the bad in every situation,
relationship, performance, etc. To do the best you can with
what you have. Just like your parents did. And their parents
did. Just like our ancient ancestors did.

Being Human.

Today while you're eating, think about any other area of
your life that may need an adjustment. Is there anything
in your physical-mental-family-social-career-financial or
spiritual life that you're trying to sugar-coat...and it's making
you sick?

And give thanks for everyone and everything that's helped
you get to where you are...and become who you are...right

For Better,

Dr. Vince

P.S. A big lesson from the Dr. Vince Caveman Club is that
even if we eat our veggies, they're probably going to be
vitamin- and mineral-deficient. It's one of the problems of
domestication. That's why hi-tech supplements are so
important, and why I offer the Core Four. Get yours TODAY:

P.P.S. when I wrote about 'being human' above, I first wrote
'begin human'. When I fixed it, I realized that even though it
was a typo, it wasn't really a mistake. Many of you need to
begin being human, and give yourself a the best
you can with what you have, and keep learning, growing and

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

This Big Guy Thinks Better

'Keith' has a bright future ahead of himself.

He's 26 years old, plays the gee-tar and sings like nobody's
business. He even had an audition in Nashville with some
Record Execs.

They loved him and told him to come back and they'd give
him a recording contract...

...after he lost 250 pounds.

Keith tips the scale at 600. He wanted to get the record deal,
and checked himself into a nursing home to get back on the
path and get healthy again.

'I'm committed to eating right and exercising...and I can't
help but think if I'd done it a while back, I wouldn't be in
the shape I'm in now...'

Good thinking.

After a while, though, he got discouraged and felt like
giving up. His goal of being a Nashville Star was fading
under the stress of living away from home.

But then he met Michael.

Michael checked in to the same nursing home, and he
and Keith struck up an instant friendship. Keith was just
glad to have someone near his age to talk to (all the
other residents were older women).

One day, Keith knew that something was wrong with
Michael, that "he just wasn't acting right." Michael died
that day from a blood infection, still weighing 750 pounds.

But it taught Keith a valuable lesson. "Michael lost contact
with isn't that he didn't want to live...but he just forgot
what it was like."

So Keith remembered what got him there in the first place,
and re-committed himself to reaching his goal. He said,
"I'm going to go on the road, make music, settle down,
have kids...I'm 100% confident of that."

And I believe him. You can see it in his eyes.

You've got a great future ahead of you, too. Just don't
lose contact with life...don't forget what it's like. Remember
what got you here in the first place.

Dr. Vince

P.S. These guys have/had a big problem with their weight
and their health. You may not be that big, but if it's keeping
you from your best, now's the time to change.

I've got products to help you feed yourself better and feed
your mind better. Do yourself a big favor and check them

Monday, March 26, 2007

How to Stay 39 Forever

(although this isn't the ideal solution)

'I'll do whatever it takes to get better so I can take care
of my family...'

The only trouble is, 'Michael' only made this commitment
AFTER he checked into a nursing home weighing 754 pounds,
with diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure.

Being hauled out of your apartment in a whale sling is a
big wake-up call.

But this turned out to be a classic case of 'too little, too late'.

Michael made some progress in a short time at the nursing
home. He could roll onto his side (with help), started
washing himself, and agreed to eat the fruit and vegetables
that the dieticians gave him (instead of the chips, popcorn
and other snacks he brought with him).

But after just a few weeks, he went into septic shock from
a skin infection. Michael died five months before his 40th

You're probably saying to yourself, 'I'd never let myself
get to be 750 pounds.' But the journey to 750 pounds
starts with a single pound.

Here's what Michael was saying to himself:

"I think about death all the time. No, I'm not ready to die.
But I have no control over that. I the Lord say, 'You're
gone--you're gone.' "

No control. No choice.

Sure, none of us know when our number is up. And we
could have great cholesterol, blood pressure, be fit and
trim and get hit by a bus.

The trouble is that more people are dying of diabetes, cancer
and heart disease than are being hit by buses.

And whether you'll admit to it or not, you do have control of
your life. Especially if you look both ways before crossing.

Biology and physics are showing us that we literally are what
we eat. That genetics has very little to do with how we express
our health. How we feed our mind and body is the main thing
that shapes the experience and expression of our Life.

TV might not be a great way to feed your mind. But I chose to
watch an hour of TV about the 750 pound man, because I
knew that I'd learn something, and I could pass it along to you.

And I knew I'd probably see a little bit of myself in his story, and
learn from his mistakes.

The biggest thing I learned from this story is that I am
responsible for Me. And you are responsible for You.

The most responsible thing you can do for yourself, your
health and your family is to start feeding your brain better...
so you'll think better and feel better. The key is fewer
Omega-6 fats and more Omega-3 fats. That's why
taking fish oil is so important.

Fish Oil is all Omega-3...helps the brain, heart, lungs, joints...
especially the brain. It helps your body burn fat and makes
you more sensitive to insulin--which reduces your risk of heart
disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.

You can get your Concentrated Omega-3 Fish Oil here:

Like Einstein said, you can't solve a problem with the same type
of thinking that created it.

Fish oil reduces your risk of stinkin' thinkin' that makes you
feel like you can't change...that you can't make a difference.

Because you Can. No matter how old you are.

Dr. Vince

P.S. I chose to eat a Reese's peanut butter egg yesterday,
because I knew that it would help me stay healthy.

I know that sounds funny, but it's true. And you can find
out how to do it too, when you join the Dr. Vince Caveman
Club. I'll be revealing the secret in the Easter issue of the
newsletter (and it's also in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart
Guide and CD that you get for free when you join).

So don't miss out, join today:

or take the monthly test drive:

the choice is yours...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

This Whale's Not at the Beach

Imagine that you're cooking a delicious supper for your new
spouse. Your favorite meal for your favorite person.

As you walk across the kitchen, all of a sudden you fall to
the floor and can't get up.

Your knees collapsed, because they can't hold up your
500+ lb frame any longer.

What would you do?

I guess I'd do what 'Michael' did, and crawl into bed. And then
I'd have a moment of clarity, realize what a mess I'd made
of myself and vow to change it.

Whatever I had to do to get out of that bed and take care of
my wife.

But Michael had no moment of clarity. He just kept on eating.
Until he weighed 750 pounds.

The only reason he decided to change was the landlord kicked
him out of his apartment (the paramedics had to remove him
with a whale sling they borrowed from the aquarium).

Michael didn't just wake up one day at 750+ (the nursing home
had to get another scale, because theirs only went to 750)
In fact, he was a pudgy, husky and then F-a-t kid, teenager
and adult.

You know what blew my mind? He said:
'I've been on a diet my whole life. Every diet there is.'

So, this is an extreme demonstration of 'diets don't work'.
But you and I both know that he wasn't ever really ON a
diet (he was eating chips, popcorn and candy in the bed
at the nursing home!)

But before we judge him too harshly, we have to look at
our own selves. Haven't we ignored a few pounds here
and there? It sneaks up on you. The only difference
is that Michael's got WAY out of hand.

Let's take this beautiful weekend to remember that it's
the little things we do every day, the constructive or
destructive habits, every day, that make our life and
our body what it is.

Take care of your's the only one you've got.

Dr. V

P.S. next time I'll tell you how Michael's doing...and how
I had my own version of 'falling down in the kitchen' (and
what I did about may surprise you.)

P.S.S. I know for a fact that Michael hasn't been on the
Caveman Cuisine plan. 1. because it's not a d-i-e-t
2. because it's fool-proof

Don't wait until they come after you with a whale sling.
If you're not eating the way you should, and you're not
in the shape you want to be...then get started NOW:

or you can take the monthly test drive here:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Leave the Girl Scouts Alone

Who would want to pick on the Girl Scouts?

Some folks are calling them deceptive junk food peddlers,
and instigating letter writing campaigns against them.

All because of some changes in the Girl Scout cookie recipes.

The heart of the controversy comes in the form of 'trans-fat'.
You know, those artery-clogging, brain-fogging artificial fats
that create the very trouble they were created to prevent.

Yeah, those trans fats. (Modern science takes another one
on the's not nice to fool Mother Nature)

Anyway, the FDA has a funny way with Math, and says that
foods can claim to have NO trans-fats if they have less
than 500mg.

499 = 0

But don't blame that on the Girl Scouts. They're just the

And their message is pretty good: 'The activity of selling
cookies is directly related to our purpose of helping all girls
realize their full potential and become strong, confident, and
resourceful citizens.'

So why are some folks are upset: if there aren't quite 500mg
of trans-fats per 'serving', but the label says 'Zero', some
unsuspecting citzen might devour a whole sleeve of cookies
at a time and get a bunch of cholesterol raising trans-fat
they didn't even know was there.

That may be true. But I think you'll agree that most people
don't really expect cookies to be healthy in the first place
(and the ones they try to pass off as healthy taste about as
good as the box they come in).

And you and I both know that some of our confident,
resourceful citizens would be better off not eating cookies
anyway. But we can't blame that on the Girl Scouts,

So here are a few ways to help the Girl Scouts without
hurting yourself:

1. Just give them 10 or 20 bucks for the heck of it, and
don't make them split it with the cookie makers.

2. Buy the cookies and give them away. It'll make you very
popular at work.

3. Or just eat the cookies. Not a sleeve at a time. One serving.

But take time to enjoy them. That's what they're for.
To enjoy. Not to nourish your body. To nourish your soul.

Look at the cookie. Smell it. Chew it slowly (you've only
got a couple). Close your eyes. Let nothing distract
you from this moment.

Ironically, this may be the healthiest thing some people
will do all day.

There's a Samoa calling my name...gotta go.

Dr. Vince

P.S. In all seriousness, trans-fats are big trouble.

So are grains, peanuts and refined sugar. That's why
cookies are considered "treats". Too much of these
foods/food products cause inflammation, and are the
prime culprits in the diseases of modern civilization.

That's why supplementing with Omega-3 fats is so important.
First, because most of our 'good' food is deficient in
Omega-3s because of our domestic farming practices
(plants and animals). But most importantly, because
we eat so many Omega-6s (like those found in the grains,
peanuts and trans fats).

Give yourself a little wiggle room (just a little) to make
it through Cookie Season by taking Concentrated Omega-3
Pharmaceutical-grade Fish Oil every day.

Get yours here:

It'll help you get ready for swimsuit season (only a few months away).

Saturday, March 17, 2007

How Fat was She?

'She was WAY too fat.'

That's what the vet told me after our Guinea Pig, Hamlette,
died of respiratory failure this week.

'It's sort of ironic,' she said. 'They don't live as long in
captivity as they do in the wild.'

Dr. Brooks explained that domesticated Guinea Pigs eat way
too much and don't get enough exercise.

'They're used to living on scrub-brush, and having to work and
scrounge around for their food. We feed them way too much.'

Sounds a lot like another type of animal I know.

Domesticated humans live longer than our prehistoric
counterparts. We're better-prepared to battle the elements
(and you can only outrun the saber-tooth tiger so many times)

But even though our Space-Age advances are helping us live longer,
we're still dying much sooner that we should. The same way our
labor-saving devices give us shorter and more stress-full days.

It is the Best of times. It is the Worst of times.

With our large brains, we should be able to figure out a way
to have the Best of both worlds. To combine the robust health
of a Caveman with the longer lifespan of a Spaceman.

Or are we doomed by domestication?

Maybe not. We've come up with something called 'exercise'
to balance out our sedentary lifestyle. But the way we
preserve and process food only keeps us more sedentary.

The length and quality of our lifespan really depends on
finding a human version of 'scrub-brush'.

So, this weekend take a minute and observe yourself
(which is a distinctly human ability). Look at things like

Fresh Food
Packaged Food
Fresh air
how your clothes fit

And ask yourself: am I in domestic bliss, or am I in captivity?

Since you're human, you can change it if you want to.

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you need help with activity/exercise, I recommend
Coach K's "Uphill Fitness Training"
It helps you get firm, fit and flexible by moving the way
you're created to move

P.S.S. If you need help finding the right kind of 'scrub-brush'
to eat, I recommend the Dr. Vince Caveman Club
The monthly newsletter and CD give you all the health
benefits of Stone Age eating with Space Age convenience

You can try a one-month test drive here:

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Why Hole Grains are Best

Ok, the contest is over, and most of you got it right:

There is NO dirt in a hole.

It was a trick question, kind of like "Which is healthier: whole
grains or refined grains?"

Truth is, neither whole or refined are that good for you.

Like most kinds of food, there is some good and some bad.
For every "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", there's
someone saying that apples have too much sugar.

So, which kind of grain is best?

Whole grains have more vitamins and fiber; refined grains
have fewer inflammatory compounds. Or so I've heard.
There seems to be debate about grains, just like there is
about soy, saturated fat, and yes, apples.

The trouble with cereal grains, such as wheat, corn, rice and
oats is that they have lots of bad fats (too much inflammation)
and increase your blood sugar (too much insulin).

So that's why 'hole' grains are best. As in none.

But my goal is not to turn you into a "grain-o-phobic". That
wouldn't be any better than the "fat-o-phobic" or "carb-o-phobic"
diet failures of recent history.

My goal is to help you become a grain-avoider, or grain-
limiter, or at least a grain-understander...but most importantly
a health-supporter.

The more you know about the nature of your food (and your
not-so-recent history), the easier it is to make better food
choices to keep the insulin steady and the inflammation down.

The best way to keep the inflammation down is to balance all
those Omega-6s found in grains with leafy greens and
Concentrated Omega-3 Pharmaceutical grade Fish Oil.

The better you can reduce, avoid and eliminate grains from
your diet, the better your overall health will be, and the
closer you'll be to eating the way your body is designed to

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Members of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club have
special instructions for reducing, avoiding and eliminating
grains...and other potentially harmful foods from their
daily diets. And this month, they're getting some
powerful tools that will help them change their old unhealthy
thinking patterns.

You can get it too, if you join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club
before Friday

or take the monthly test drive

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

a Better Donut for Breakfast

Good looks like there may be a donut that's actually
good for you. Breakfast may be saved after all.

Three Magic Words helped me put on 7 pounds while we lived
at Ruth's sister's house before moving to Madison.


It was a mantra. We'd keep our eye out for the flahsing
neon sign announcing the fresh Krispy Kreme donuts, still
dripping with grease and 10X sugar.

Having one right next to Home Depot didn't helping anything.


But good news! Krispy Kreme has announced a new, healthier
version of their classic Glazed donut. Yes, health-food lovers
can be donut lovers. The pounds will melt off, and we
won't feel deprived again.

You see, the new 100% whole wheat glazed donut from Krispy
Kreme is only 180 calories, whereas the regular, traditional,
melt-in-your-mouth variety is a whopping 190 calories.

The new 100% whole wheat version only has 19 grams of fat;
but the regular, traditional, tastes-so-good-it'll-make-you-slap-
your-Mama donut has 20 grams.

Save ten calories. A gram of fat.

Oh well.

OK. There's no pie in the Sky. No donuts in the sky.
Don't be fooled by their fancy footwork.
The most nutritious part of a donut is still the hole.

The trouble with donuts is not whether they're made of
white or whole wheat.

It's because they contain four of the five ingredients of
Modern Mayhem. The only one missing is Alcohol. But
let's not give them any ideas: 'one jelly-filled
Screwdriver, please'

That's also why so many 'healthy eating' plans end up
making your sicker and fatter. Or you get sick of them.
Because they ignore the way your body is designed, and
focus too much on modern foods, or trying to health-ify
junk food.

You can learn the other four Modern Mayhem
ingredients--and how to really supercharge your
breakfast (or why you may want to skip breakfast
altogether) in the March edition of the Caveman Cuisine
Newsletter, just like my friend Mark:

"Hi Dr. Vince,

I received the "Welcome Package" yesterday. Thank you!!
I look forward to dropping the weight and getting myself
into better shape with your help and encouragement.

Your friend, Mark"

Caveman Cuisine helps you sort out the fact from the fiction,
embrace the greay areas, and re-create your Ideal body from
the Inside-Out.

And guess what? you can still eat donuts. Yes, it's the best
D-eye-E.T. in the world, because it's not a D-eye-E.T. at all
(like someone said in the 70's, probably Erma Bombeck,
d-eye-e.t. is just D-I-E with a 't' at the end...)

I'll be mailing the March issue soon, so don't miss it. Especially
the part about how to eat guilt-free (and virtually harm-free)

I would love to help and encourage you as you drop the
you-know-what and get into better shape.

You can sign up here:

I've still got 11 extra copies, so get yours TODAY.

Dr. Vince

P.S. if you want to take a smaller bite, you can try the
one-month test drive (you still get the Caveman Cuisine
Guide and CD; you're membership will continue each
month until you cancel; you can cancel at any time)

P.P.S. Speaking of holes, how much dirt is in a hole 1 foot
wide, 1 foot long and 1 foot deep? First person with the
correct answer gets a prize.

Monday, March 12, 2007

How to Radiate like a Tanning Bed

Why does a pregnant woman 'glow'?

It's not because she gets nuked in a sweaty plastic coffin.

It's because there's something inside of her that's full of
energy and life that's radiating energy and life.

Sometimes before the woman even knows she's pregnant.

How big is it? No bigger than a grape. But the life and energy
can't stay inside that little Concord. It radiates. It transmits.
And it changes the face, appearance and energy of the woman
who's carrying it.

(a tanning bed just makes you look like a raisin)

How big is a thought? Where do thoughts even come from?

I don't know. But they radiate. They transmit. They change
the face, appearance and energy of the women and men
who carry them.

Just like the Twits. Ugly thoughts = ugly face.

Lovely thoughts = lovely face = lovely life.

I don't know where thoughts come from, or exactly what
they're made of, but I do know two things about them.

1. They travel in, around and through the brain and nervous

2. They are neuro-chemical-electrical-magnetic-spiritual

Yes, thoughts are mysterious. But the one thing that's not
mysterious about them is that the 'chemical' part of their
neuro-chemical-electrical-magnetic-spiritual (and probably
some other things we don't know about yet) nature comes
from the foods we eat.

And the non-foods we eat.

Better food = better thoughts

Non-food =

There aren't too many dots to connect here.

The two biggest reasons we have such bad thinking these
days...politics, religion, economics, education, health care,
you name it...are imbalanced nervous systems and
imbalanced nutrition, which both lead to imbalanced
brain chemicals.

That's why I love being a chiropractor...and why I promote
better eating.

Because I'm a big fan of better brains and better thinking.
Better thoughts lead to better choices. And prettier faces.

The Core Four feed your brain better. The DHA in Fish Oil
is what your brain wants the most. It's what your brain is
made of and uses to think.

CoQ10 protects your brain from free radicals (not to mention
your heart...and it even keeps your skin from getting all

Magnesium reduces stress...and AVED Multi protects against
DNA damage and keeps your mind sharp as you age.

And it's better than Botox (no needles and you can still look

So get started on the Core Four TODAY:

Start feeding your thoughts better, so you can radiate youth
and beauty from the Inside.

Dr. Vince

P.S. The Wheel of Life CD for this month's Dr Vince Caveman
Club gives you some tools to clear your mind and start thinking
better. From a PhD in Medical Hypnosis, no less. I've got 17
extra copies for this month, so don't miss out--join TODAY.

or if you want the one-month test drive (you still get the
Caveman Cuisine QuickStart guide and CD) you can get
it here:

Dr. Vince Caveman Club 1 Month TEST DRIVE - 29.95
(Note: Membership in the Dr.VCC is automatically billed at
the same monthly rate each month. Please notify us if you
wish to discontinue this service after your test-drive. You are
welcome to cancel at any time, no questions asked.)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Are you a Twit

You might be a Twit and not even know it.

But if you are, there's an easy way to fix it. And even if you're
not, your life can still be ten-times better with this non-Twit

Thank goodness I'm not a Twit. (Although I've been called
a 't' word before .. rhymes with 'bird')

I found out about Twits the other night reading Grace a bedtime
story. It was, of all things, "The Twits", by Roald Dahl (of Willy
Wonka fame)

Mr. & Mrs. Twit were the ugliest couple ever. But The Twits
weren't ugly because of their physical appearance...

'If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face.
And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every
week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until it gets
so ugly you can hardly bear to look at it.

'A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You
can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin
and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine
out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.'

Like they say, Beauty is skin deep; but ugly goes to the bone.

Campbell literally means "crooked mouth" I come by mine
honestly. But I always let my good thoughts shine through, and
that's why I always look lovely.

So, don't fret if you have a less-than-perfect feature (or more
than one). People are forgiving, and usually see you
in a much better light than you see yourself.

Be more concerned about your thoughts and the energy
they transmit. Encourage the "I" behind the "I"...and don't
worry so much about the wrinkles around your eyes.

Have some great thoughts this weekend, and let your
beauty shine through.

Dr. Vince

P.S. Sometimes it's hard to have 'happy' thoughts when
you don't feel happy. In fact, one of my patients thanked me
for helping her supress the 'urge to kill' her husband the other

Exaggeration; maybe. Still stressful; yes. While she was
telling me, she was pointing to her Q-Link pendant.

The Q-Link is a good way to jump-start your good thoughts.
It makes your internal vibration so strong that it filters/blocks
electronic stress that keeps you weak. It even helps you block
the funky energy coming from those 'negative Nellies' you
meet during the day (or work with, or live with).

You can have less stress, more energy, and more enthusiasm
for Life (and resist any destructive urges toward your spouse)
by getting your Q-Link pendant NOW

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Why I Never Recommend Jogging

Some people have accused us chiropractors of telling
people to go jogging--just so we can stay in business.

Personally, I've never recommended that anyone go jogging.
But if you like to jog, that's cool. I won't tell you to stop.

I'll just say, 'Be careful...and here's my card.'

Jogging can wreck your back and ruin your knees. I knew
that already, from seeing all the miserable joggers in my
office, but now I know why.

Tuesday night I did a Teleseminar titled Caveman Cardio, with
Coach K, who is a track/field/speed expert. If you were on the
call, you heard some important information about how to train
your body the way it was designed.

If you missed it... well, I'll get to that in a minute.

One of the topics of the call had to do with the difference
between jogging (considered to be 'low impact') and sprinting
(usually thought of as 'high impact') and the effects of both kinds
of training on your body.

What I'm about to tell you may surprise you. But if you've
been reading my updates for awhile, it probably won't.

Because you already know that what most people 'usually'
think is 'usually' bass-ackwards.

To wit: Jogging is by far worse on your body
(especially your joints) than sprinting.

The reason this came up last night was because we were
discussing how humans are built biologically - and how you
can take advantage of that biology in your training. The
same way early humans did...

First of all, think about jogging. Moving slowly forward, planting
your feet flat (or heel first), not much motion in your upper body.
You've probably felt it yourself or seen other people 'feeling it'
as they plod along.

This type of motion does NOT take advantage of your biology.
In fact, it leads to a huge amount of repetitive impact and stress
on your joints. This is why so many people have back and knee
problems when they start jogging to get in shape.

Sprinting, on the other hand, takes full advantage of the built
in 'shock absorbers' and stabilizers in your body. The tendons
and ligaments in your legs, the arches in your feet, the surface
area of your joints, the width of your shoulders, the narrowness
of your hips, your head - even our big bootoxes - all built to
run fast, not jog.

Nobody ever jogged away from a sabertooth tiger--and lived to
tell about it.

The choice is yours. Go against what is natural because that
is what the 'experts' tell you to do.

Or, add sprinting to your workouts and get back to the way
you were meant to move.

I can't go into the details here (or even to touch on everything
from the call) because it won't all fit in this email.

But, what I can do is make you an offer (which is only
open for those who take action by Friday). Here it is:

Purchase Uphill Fitness Training from Coach K by Friday
at 9:27 PM and he'll throw in an audio CD copy of the
Caveman Cardio call ($54 value). And since he's filling
up a package for you anyway, I got him to include a copy
of the Top 5 Reasons to Hill Sprint audio CD ($29 value).

But, only if you can make a decision and act quickly.
And, only if you order UFT through this link:

Sprint like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Friday is tomorrow. If you put this off, you'll forget and
then it will be too late. Don't procraste--and sprint over to
this page NOW. You'll get your Cave-dude or dudette figure
back just in time for swimsuit (loincloth) weather.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

How My Lady Got Lighter

My wife recently dropped 25 units of unhealthy blubber, and
is ready for swimsuit season (rapidly approaching!)

Want to know how she put it on in the first place? She ate
right and exercised.

Trouble was, she was doing the typical, modern, Western,
Americanized version of 'eating right' and 'exercise'. Lots
of exercise. But she wasn't getting any results. Or at least
not the kind of results she wanted.

So I gave her a few tips on how to start eating and exercising
more like her prehistoric ancestors. (She liked the way I look
in my loin cloth, so she decided to give it a try.)

And guess what?

It worked.

Guess what? It always works.

It's like gravity. Whether you believe in it or not, whether
you agree with it or not, whether you think it'll work or not.
If you drop your keys, they don't go up. They drop.

It's the nature of the Beast. When you eat and move
the way your body is designed to eat and move, you get
lean and fit and firm and flexible.

And look good in a loin cloth.

Want to know the even better news? She doesn't do it 100%.
She's not a hard-core Cave-Chick. And that's OK. She's just
doing the best she can with what she has...the same way her
Stone Age ancestors did.

Want to know the secrets? How to jumpstart your swimsuit

Then join me tonight at 8pm Eastern for the Caveman Cardio
teleseminar. Tim Kauppinen (Coach K) has been a track and
speed coach for over 20 years (and looks superb in a loincloth).

He's cooked up an special treat for you, an hour of power to
get your health and fitness program back on the fast track.

No matter what your age or Cave-gender.

He'll be sharing his best prehistoric training secrets:

- What kinds of exercises the cavemen did

- What traditional cardio REALLY does to your body (you won't
ever look at a 'target heart rate' the same again).

- The kind exercise your body is designed to do and the
best way to take advantage of your biology

- Can you really combine cardio and strength into one workout

I might even pipe in with the a few Caveman foods/nutrients to
protect and strengthen your heart while you're training.

This half-price special teleseminar is only $27, and will
only be held tonight. When you register below, you'll
get the phone number and access code immediately.

And as a bonus, we're recording the call, so you can get a
copy to review later. There may be a few surprises, and
maybe a little Q&A. So click here NOW and we'll talk with
you tonight.

Live Like you Mean it...firm, fit, flexible--and FAST

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you can't make it tonight, you don't have to miss out
completely. Sign up anyway and we'll send you a recording
of the call. Jump in now, before it goes to full price.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Why I'm Helping a Mom Beat her Son

Will I really help a 50-something Mom beat her 15 year old son?

That's what she hopes, anyway.

'I think J & I could use some help with best ways to exercise.
We have challenged each other to drop 10 flab units...see who can
do it first. If I can squeeze some exercise in, I think I could
beat him!'

She wants to join the Caveman Cardio Teleseminar on Tuesday.
I told her she could, as long as she lets sonny-boy listen in on
the other line.

Otherwise, she'd have an unfair advantage.

Long before the myths of cardio and fat burning were being
spoon fed to us - our ancestors exercised every day - and
you can be sure that there weren't any fat cavemen walking around...

So, my friend Coach K and I will be offering the Caveman Cardio
Teleseminar. In this teleconference, we'll talk about:

- What kinds of exercises the cavemen did - and why you
shoud be doing the same

- The kind of stress that was good for the cavemen - and can
be for you too

- What traditional cardio REALLY does to your body - you won't
ever look at a target heart rate the same again.

- The best foods for your Caveman Diet - and the things
to definitely leave off your plate

- The kind exercise your body is designed to do and the
best way for you to take advantage of your biological advantages

and a whole lot more...

Anyway, the call is going to happen on Tuesday night at 8 pm
eastern (7 central) and I want to invite you to join us. Here's a
link to register:

On the call, we'll also tell you how to get a free recording of the
content and may even have time for some Q&A.

Looking forward to sharing some powerful info with you on Tuesday.

Live Like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS This info is brand new. Coach K has never shared these
details before. If you want to be among the special few who
get these ground-breaking strategies first get yourself registered
TODAY. (I might have a few tricks up my sleeve as well)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Nine Words to Die By

You may have said them yourself.

I usually hear these words right before someone tells me
they're going to start taking dangerous diet pills or cholesterol
medicine (also dangerous):

'I tried diet and exercise, but it didn't work.'

Sometimes they don't really do it...they just 'try'.

But to be fair, most people really do put in the effort.
The only trouble is, all their effort is going in the wrong
direction. The typical modern-American-version of 'diet
and exercise' is twice as hard as it should be--and only
gives you half the results.

And it's slowly but surely killing us. Heart disease, obesity,
diabetes, cancer...helping us leave this planet much earlier
than we should.

You know what I'm talking about. I've done it. You've done it.

1. Eat a 'balanced diet'

Usually according to the 'food-pyramid'. Which usually ends
up meaning 'substitute 'low-fat/artificially sweetened' versions
of the same things that got you into trouble in the first place,
cross your fingers and hope for the best'.

2. Exercise three days a week at a slow, fat-burning pace
for 20-45 minutes.

But nothing really changes. You may lose some weight, but
you never end up looking, feeling and performing like you
know you really can.

And the news is getting worse, not better.

And the updated version of the food pyramid has good
ideas and symbolism around it, but it's hard to understand--
and is still more suited for fattening cattle than it is for
feeding humans.

The current exercise recommendations are topping 90 minutes
a day.

90 minutes a day? Unless you're a professional exerciser, I
don't think you have or want to spend that much time at the
gym. Me neither.

What if there was a way to exercise in half the time, with
quadruple the results? (not half the 90 minutes...but half the
20-45 minutes)

With no equipment, no sweaty gym rats...just you and your
workout space. Or your driveway. Or a 50-yard stretch of

Well, one of my 'Cavemaniacs', Tim Kauppinen (Coach K),
has discovered the secret of what we call 'Caveman Cardio'.
Caveman Cardio will help you work out in less time and get
better results--better than you've ever imagined--no matter
how old you are, or what gender cave-dweller you happen
to be:

- Triple Your Cardiovascular Endurance
- Obliterate Excess Fat From Your Body
- Build Supreme Strength and Speed
- Kickstart Your Metabolism
- Protect your joints from injury
- Restore the Energy and Vitality of Your Youth
- Get the Stamina of an Antelope and the Power of a Jungle Cat

Caveman Cardio works just like Caveman Cuisine: it works
by respecting and protecting your biology. Caveman Cardio is
the way your body is designed to exercise.

I had to twist his arm (and he's got some big arms), but I talked
Coach K into sharing his secrets with my subscribers. Normally,
an hour with Coach K is over $500 (and that's for friends).

But we've scheduled a Caveman Cardio Conference Call for
Tuesday, March 6th at 8pm EST. I'll grill Coach K for an hour
to make sure he gives you the whos, whats, whys and hows to
get your new fitness program (and new lean, strong, fit,
swimsuit-ready body) off and running.

You can join the call for only $ clicking the link below:

This is a one-time only event, so don't miss it. When the call's over
(or about half-way thru) you'll say to yourself the nine words to LIVE by:

'I wonder why nobody told me about this before?'

Dr. Vince

P.S. Did I say the part about swimsuit-ready? Memorial Day
is less than 90 days away, so now's the time to shed that winter
coat and get your body in shape...

...for the rest of your LIFE. Join the Caveman Cardio
teleseminar NOW:

World's Worst Mom

There are some doozies: Britney Spears (driving with kid
in her lap) or Dina Lohan (Lindsay's mom).

Heck, you might even think it's 'W's mom.

But my vote goes to the British Bozo who let her eight-year
old son get to 196 pounds.

And I don't mean pounds, as in British money.
Pounds, as in 'tonnage'.

The poor kid can't dress himself or tie his shoes. He weighs
four times more than he should. But he gets to eat whatever
he wants--he's the boss.

He's fat and happy; the mom's the dumb one.

She says he won't eat fruit or vegetables. I bet he would
if that's all there was to eat. And he got hungry enough.
Since he eats every twenty minutes, that shouldn't be a

I saw Cesar the 'Dog Whisperer' get a finicky dog to eat
his food in two days. Maybe we should call him in for help
with this one.

It shouldn't be that hard, really: Cesar said that wild dogs
work for their food. Dogs associate eating with activity/exercise.
Part of their hard-wired biology.

So he took the dog for a walk, and when the dog was a
little tired/hungry, let him eat. But he made him work a
little for the food (he had to catch it in his mouth--big deal).
A little change made a big difference.

I don't think it would be too hard to walk the kid around the
block, put some steak, carrots and apples on his plate and
wait 'til he got hungry enough to eat it.

The Dog Whisperer says he "rehabilitates dogs, but he trains
humans". This mom needs some training.

The mother insists that she loves her son. The doctor said
he didn't doubt that the mother loved her son, but the way
she was treating him was slowly killing him.

(I wonder if anybody said anything when he was only twice his
normal size?)

The social workers have come to 'an agreement' with the family,
and are allowing the child to stay at home with his mom.

The good news is that he's lost about 20 pounds since January,
after his mother got help from health workers and a dietician.

I would suggest that mom and kid both stock up on fish oil, too.

Since he's so overweight, his body is probably resisting his insulin,
which is keeping him fat and turning him into a diabetic. And all
the junk food he's eating is loaded with Omega-6 fats (which make
your cells stiff and inflexible).

The Omega-3 fats in fish oil will keep his cells flexible and more
responsive to insulin, keep his bloood sugar more stable, and
help him lose those excess pounds fast.

And he could start dressing himself again, and go play with
the rest of the kids. Like he's supposed to.

They say his mom is depressed, so the Omega-3s in fish oil will
help her mood as well. It also helps with thinking--maybe she
should double up.

Anyway, we're all feeding an eight-year old inside of us.
It's hard to feed that kid sometimes, because we've got so
many choices and there's so much emotion tied up in food.
We confuse food and love. And we love ourselves so much
we eat whatever we want to eat.

But your best chance to turn things around--to start respecting
and protecting your biology--is by getting more Omega-3 fats.

And the best place to get them is Concentrated Omega-3
Pharmaceutical grade Fish Oil.

Take Care of your Kids...

Dr. Vince

P.S. If dogs can do it, you can do it. Stay active, work a
little for your food, and if you think your kid's getting fat,
ask someone for a second opinion. I know what it's like:
I was a fat kid; I was also a fat adult. And I like healthy
better. No one said it was going to be easy. But it's easier
if you eat the way your body is designed to eat. Omega-3s
are what we need to stay healthy--heart, weight, bones,
mind--all the parts of that "complex, fragile chunk of meat
that is my body"...