Saturday, June 30, 2007

Makes the Beach Better

33 years ago we took our first trip to Myrtle
Beach (aka the Redneck Riviera). My baby brother
had just been born, and we piled in with my cousins
at the "Surf Chalet".

If "riveira" and "chalet" are conjuring up images of a
fancy cottage, let me stop your hallucination right here.

No phone. No TV. No A/C. No beds (for kids).
No microwaves (hadn't even been invented yet).
No washer/dryer. No nothing.

But we had the ocean at our doorstep, and plenty of
skeeball up at the Pier. Those were the days.

Hurricane Hugo did a clean sweep of the area in '88,
so there aren't any more 'primitive' accommodations
like the good ol' Surf Chalet.

They've all been replaced with condos and hotels.

Lovely, modern condos. with Phone. TV. A/C.
Beds for everyone. Cable. High-Speed Internet.
You name it, it's got it.
And then some.

We're heading off to Hilton Head this morning, and
are happy for the "new" beach, with all its high-
tech modern convenience.

It makes the beach that much better. I can still keep
in touch with you. I can watch a little TV. I can eat
healthy meals. I can eat unhealthy meals (it is vacation
after all).

And I can use technology to my advantage by taking my
Core Four every day. Especially the fish oil. All
those Omega-3s cover over a multitude of nutritional
sins (but as King Caveman, I won't be committing too
many of those).

So if you're planning a little Fourth of July blowout
next week, you'd better stock up yourself.

Now it's time for a little R& baby brother and
his wife and new baby are joining us...

So it's just like old times...but now they're new.
And they've never been better.

Have a great weekend...

Dr. Vince

PS we'll have two or three laptops and cellphones
with us (another benefit of the modern beach), so
we'll all be protecting our brains and other special
body parts with our Q-Links (we all have '
should too, especially if you're reading this on a computer...find out why

Mom Made Me Do It

At my parents' last week, I was trying to put a shaker
lid from one bottle of salad dressing onto a bottle
of Newman's Own Raspberry Vinaigrette so it was easier
to pour.

Trouble was, they were made of different kinds of
plastic, so it didn't quite fit right. So, like I
learned in the shipyard--If it won't fit, get a bigger

So, I got a dishtowel to give me more friction as I
hunkered down on that lid. But I forgot more friction
between the table and the bottle (I haven't been an
engineer for 15 years, give me a break).

The bottle slipped and spilled half the dressing on
the table.

"I KNEW you were doing to do that!" Mom said.
"How'd you know?"
"Because I did the same thing last week..."

We do lots of things in our life we don't want to do.
Some we're warned about, some we're not. Some we don't
even realize we're doing.

But we usually get what we expect to get.

Mom spilled the dressing; she 'knew' I was going to
spill the dressing. After two confirmations like that,
her mind is now programmed for "spilled dressing".

Sometimes we learn from experience, and remember to
be real careful with the dressing next time
(I know I will) .

But sometimes we let a failure or two wear a groove into
our Mind and program us for further failures. We get a
new habit and don't even realize it.

And those habits and thoughts color the way you see
yourself and your potential.

For every person on the first Caveman Call who told
me "I CAN do this"...there are twice as many people
writing me to say "I DON'T think I can do this"

I'm not going to go all "little Red Engine" on you,
because that's a kid's story and it couldn't possibly
work for you, now, could it. It sounds too easy.

Habits are grooves you wear into your neurology;
for better or for worse. And you have to wear a
new groove to get a new habit.

The cool thing is, you don't have to 'unwear' the
old just overwrite it with the new one.

And sometimes the 'new' one is really the 'old' one.
The one you had when you were little, and wanted to
be an astronaut, a fireman, a painter, an architect,
or whatever. Back when you had no limitations.

I can help you reconnect to that creative power, that
potential energy. The Hidden Eyes Visualization CD
gives you a quick-connect to your breath and your
power (uncover your hidden eyes and return to the root
of the root of yourself--rumi).

And the Wheel of Life PlayBook gives you some blank
space to re-imagine your goals in all areas of your
Life (physical, mental, family, social, career,
financial and spiritual)...and a few hints to jump-start
your Mind and get some new grooves in your neurology.

Both of these tools are included in your test drive of
the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.

If you think you can--or you think you can't--you're right.

Either way, I can help you Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. My friend Jud took one on the chin last night, but
made a respectable showing. He even answered the first
question. I knew he would do well. Knowing what you want
is the first step to getting it. Changing some of your
unproductive/destructive mental tapes/movies is the
next step.

Why You Should Never Take Horse Pills

Let me emphatically state that you should never take
horse pills.

Stands to reason, since you're a human.

But besides the obvious, lots of folks I know make
the mistake of calling human pills "horse pills"...
and that mistake keeps them from their Best.

I don't mean pharmaceutical pills, which usually cause
more trouble than they do help. I'm talking about
replacing the essential nutrients that are missing from
our modern-day diet.

When I recommend taking the Core Four
to help their brain, their heart their blood sugar,
breathing, skin, joint pain, etc.,
they say "I can't take horse pills".

But the truth is, they can...they just don't realize it.

And it's worth a try...for the powerful benefits you get,
it's the easiest thing you can do to live longer and stay

But before I tell you how you can swallow big pills very
easily, let me tell you two things:

First...they're not really horse pills. Even though they'd
probably work with horses, the pills aren't that big at all.
And they're made for humans, by humans, in a pharmaceutical
plant (which is one way we can use technology to help us)

Second...they can help you in amazing ways:

" Hello. I have ordered the multi-vitamin
plus the omega 3 oil from you. I am also a member
of the Caveman Club. Since I have been on it, my
health has greatly improved. No headaches, no hand
cramps, more energy, I feel great. I was taking a
12-in-1 multivitamin, but it didn't deliver like yours
does. Thank you so very much. Michael"

Since true Health comes from the Inside-Out, we've got
to feed our insides right. And if you're having trouble
taking the Core Four, you've got to think 'backwards'.

Next time you take a tablet, instead of tilting your
head backward, tilt it forward.

That relaxes your throat and lets you swallow much more

Don't let something small stand in the way of your
becoming Bigger than ever.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS See how one little tip can make your life a whole
heck of a lot easier? Don't make it so hard on yourself.
If it works for me and works for Michael, it can work for
you. The Dr. Vince Caveman Club and the Core Four are great
places to start. Find out more here:

Thursday, June 28, 2007

What Game are you Playing?

Last summer I was playing my trombone at the local
arts & crafts fair called Madison-fest with our group
called the "G-Strings" (because the banjo player only
likes to play in the key of G)

We were taking turns improvising, and when the
trumpet player finished, I started my solo by
repeating the last few notes he'd just played.

Between songs he said, "When I heard you copying
me, I knew I'd better bring my A-Game".

What game are you bringing?

It still amazes me, after watching 5 seasons of the
Ultimate Fighter (which Entertainment Weekly calls the
'goofiest show we're addicted to'), how some guys will
talk a big game and train hard, but when it comes time
for the match they're not 'all there'.

They don't bring their A-Game; they don't play to win,
they just play not to lose. Or give up too soon.
Even with 100K as a prize.

Sometimes it can be lack of preparation. Or lack of
focus. Underestimating your opponent, your task,
getting distracted, being lazy. Lots of things can
keep you from your Best.

I'm not sure how my friend Jud will do tonight on
Jeopardy, but I do know this: he'll never get to
do it again. It's literally a once-in-a-lifetime

Barring any scoring mixups or tournament of champions,
once you lose on Jeopardy you hang up your signaling
device for good.

Life is a little more forgiving than that, but this is
the only one you've got. So regardless of what you're
doing, bring your A-Game.

The old Schlitz commercial said, "You only go around grab all the gusto you can."

The Red Hot Chili Peppers say, "This life is more
than just a Read-Through"

This is your Life.

In your physical training, mental training, career,
family, social and spiritual life...don't be
satisfied with mediocrity.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS I should've given Jud a Q-Link before he left.

It has a microchip that acts like a tuning fork and
vibrates with your body's own energy field, making
it stronger and protecting you from harmful electronic
stress (like from airplanes, studio lights, 30 TV
screens staring at you...and like you're getting from
reading this on your computer right now)

This gives you better concentration and clarity...
and helps you stay calm and focused, even under stress.
I keep mine on all the time to keep the computer, cell
phone, iPod and TV from disturbing my performance.

Bring your A-Game all day long:

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

the Strangest Guy on TV

Can you imagine talking to someone 73 times, but never
really getting to know them.

Working with each other for almost 15 weeks, but still
be strangers.

I know it sounds funny, but it's all in a day's work
on Jeopardy!

The reigning champ, Ken Jennings, won 73 games in a
row. And he spoke to Alex Trebek every day during the
contestant interviews.

But even after all those days together, they really didn't
know each other. They couldn't, even if they wanted to,
to be fair to the other contestants, no favoritism, etc...

My wife and I joke that after the first five days or
so, he probably ran out of interesting stories to tell,
so it would be, "So Ken, what'd you have for breakfast?
How was the ride to the studio this morning?"

That got me thinking about how most folks have been with
themselves every day of their life, but still be a

That's the biggest tragedy in life (in my opinion), is
to miss yourself. To be too concerned about fitting in,
so worried about what others think, or what you 'should'
do/be/have, that you hide your true self.

Because when you hide yourself from Me, you also hide
yourself from YOU.

Or, you may not be concerned about what others think, and
you may not be afraid to express just get
distracted or sidetracked...but you miss yourself anyway.

They say it's OK to talk to yourself, as long as you don't
start answering. Most of us don't answer...but we don't
listen, either.

How many days have you tuned yourself out?

That could mean ignoring your body's signals of hunger,
thirst, need to rest, need to move. Ignoring your
instincts to speak, or be silent.

Or ignoring your wants, desires and goals. Your
unique contribution.

Ken Jennings reached his goal of winning on Jeopardy;
he's got quite a Mind.

So do you. And it's time you got reacquainted.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Your Mind is not confined to your brain, but it
works over and thru the brain and nervous system.
That's why keeping your brain strong is A-#1 priority
to keep your Mind strong.

Each nutrient in the Core Four
works overtime to keep your grey matter, white matter,
nuclei, tracts, nerves and ganglia well-fed, happy and
productive. The good news is that you don't have to know
what any of those things are for it to work.

It's automatic, by design. And fish oil is the
Mack Daddy of them all.

Your brain prefers the long-chain fatty acids found
in fish oil, and needs them to keep you chugging thru
the day ('chugging' is a technical term that means
thinking, metabolism, control and coordination of the
immune system and other eight major body systems...
stuff like that)

PPS my friend Jud tests his wits on Jeopardy tomorrow, so
tune in and cheer him on.

Monday, June 25, 2007

What is 'Jeopardy' , Alex

Jud is only the second person I've known personally
to be on Jeopardy (the other was a band-mate of
mine from Georgia Tech, who bombed so bad he didn't
even get to play Final Jeopardy)

He can't say anything about his game(s), but the fact
that he's back in town lets me know he's not still out
there winning.

But it'll be fun to watch on Wednesday.

Ruth got me a book about Jeopardy for Father's Day
called 'A Prisoner in Trebekistan', by Bob Harris
which is really funny (he's a comic and a darn good

But it's more about Life than it is about Jeopardy
itself. And I got a bit of Caveman Wisdom from
it, too.

He points out that at most you'll know two-thirds
of the answers, and probably only get to ring in
on half of those.

But that's all it takes to be a Five-time champ

Point is, you don't have to be perfect...just answer
the right questions at the right times (a little
homework doesn't hurt either).

Same way with don't have to be perfect
(in fact, you can't). But if you eat two-thirds
right, you'll be way ahead of the game.

Trouble is, we don't really know what 'right' is;
parts of what we think are good to eat are actually
causing our health problems.

That's the beauty of Caveman Cuisine.

The fudge factor is already built in (literally and
figuratively), and you find out the truth about
what may be torpedoing your best
finally get the results you've been wanting.

So accept your humanity, be happy that you don't
have to be perfect...then start taking the small
steps you need to move closer to your goal.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Sometimes the hardest part is getting started.
Good news: I've done all the homework for you. I've
been there and know all the short-cuts (I'm still
there now, learning, practicing, researching...)

Don't waste your time, energy and money studying the
wrong materials...I've got the Cliff's Notes for you

Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance

I just saw on CNN a story about a kid who got suspended
from school for hugging his girlfriend.

Not a 'love rub', as my Algebra teacher used to say;
just put his arm around her for a few seconds.

Why all the hub-bub?

The school has a 'no-touching' policy.

No hand-holding. No handshakes. No high-fives.
No touching whatsoever.

The policy is supposed to prevent problems in the
middle school. It's designed to protect the students.

The trouble with Zero Tolerance is that it's too
black and white. No thinking involved. No
critical judgment. No humanity.

When the PTA president was asked about high-fives,
she said this:

"High-fives can lead to trouble. Two guys start
high-fiving, then a few of there friends want to
get involved, then there are high-fives everywhere,
elbows flying, a traffic jam in the hall, then
someone could get hurt or knocked down or fall and
get stepped on...and we don't need that."

No, I'm not kidding, and yes, she said it with a
straight face.

We can't have high-fives flying everywhere all
willy-nilly now, can we?

Bad touch--bad. Uninvited touching--bad. But even if
some handshakes are 'gang signs', there's nothing
wrong with kids touching each other.

Actually, it's essential.

The CNN segment also included some input from a
child psychologist, who reinforced the importance
of touch, especially at the middle school age.

So, in trying to help the kids, we're actually hurting
them (or at least these idiots in VA are)...

Zero Tolerance doesn't work in eating, either.
This black-and-white thinking will unravel even the
best of intentions.

I got a good quizzing this weekend from my parents
about Caveman Cuisine

What about corn? What about potatoes? What about
baked potatoes? What about sweet potatoes?
What about oatmeal? Steel-Cut oatmeal?
What about peanuts? What about beans?

And I know they were a little frustrated, but a
little happy, because I didn't say that they were
'bad', but I didn't say they were good, either.

I just said that certain things were in the original
diet and some things weren't. And there are options
to reduce, avoid or eliminate certain foods.

Some people call grains, beans, potatoes, and such
'no-nos' or 'forbidden fruit'.

Not me. I'm practical.

I know that the body can adapt, and there is a built-in
fudge factor in our anatomy and physiology that lets us
eat some 'inappropriate' foods without paying for it.

Which is also the problem with adaptation. We don't
pay for it, so we keep eating it. THEN it catches
up to us later...and we've got epidemics of diabetes,
obesity, etc...and our kids are out of shape and
gonna die much sooner than we are.

Unless we change.

Unless we model and teach them that life is more
about gray than black and white, and we should
apply our human mind, judgment and use our brains
to think about what we do...and the choices we

How we touch each other, how we treat each other, and
the food we put into our mouths.

In fact, my closing tagline (which I'm glad so many
of you love) implies that we have choices in our
lives and how we live them.

So teach your kids to take control of their choices,
and Live like They Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS The Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and CD
details the 'reduce, avoid and eliminate' strategy,
as well as other ways to get healthy and lose weight
really FAST...YOU can get them when you take the
Dr. Vince Caveman Club test drive...right here

Friday, June 22, 2007

Is it Ever too Late

As I was cleaning up this week, getting ready for my annual
Father's Day/Dad Birthday/six-month personal planning trip
to Tennessee, I found this note from one of my readers:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for this great message!
I've printed it out, ENLARGED IT AND POSTED IT on my office
wall to remind myself to move forward - especiallyin adversity."

That's great to know. I've heard several of you say that
you've printed and posted some of my emails...and it's
truly humbling to know you can have that kind of effect
on people.

I know I stirred up quite a few folks with yesterday's
email...mostly wondering is it ever "too late".

Can Caveman Cuisine and the Core Four help someone
over 40 with rheumatoid arthritis who's had it along time?

My answer: you never know 'til you's my reasoning:

- arthritis is an inflammatory condition
- Core Four (especially fish oil) control and modulate inflammation
- Caveman Cuisine avoids grains (which increase inflammation)

So, if you remove the inflammatory and add the anti-inflammatory,
you should be golden. Now, it's never quite that simple...but that's the
main idea. Give the body what it needs, stand back and watch it go.

The cool thing about the Omega-3s in fish oil
is that they tend to turn on the good genes and turn off the bad genes.
So any 'genetic' predisposition to arthritis canbe helped as well.

It's not a "treatment". That's where you get into trouble...trying
to eat something or take something to 'treat' a 'disease'. But it's
feeding your body the "essential" nutrients that it needs...i.e. you
have to eat them, your body doesn't make them on its own...and
letting it express your ideal function/health from the Inside-Out.

The fact that this sounds so new, different, strange, and/or simple...
just goes to show you how disconnected we are from our food, our bodies
and Ourselves.

I may be repeating myself a little from yesterday, but it bears repeating.

Thanks for the feedback...keep Living like YouMean it...

Dr. Vince

PS It was good timing to find that note, because it was from an email
I sent in January. I'm doing my six-month recap this weekend...maybe
you could too. How are the things you've 'enlarged and posted' in your
life working for you? What corrections can you make...what do you need
to start over (or get rid of altogether)?

PPS I've got something exciting for my Cavemen and Cavewomen
(affectionately known as my Cavemaniacs) for the July Wheel of Life CD...
and the Wheel of Life Bonus'll really want to have these for the
rest of your year--and the rest of your life.

That's all I can sayright now, but you should go ahead and sign up now
if you haven't already so you don't miss out

Thursday, June 21, 2007

What could You do with 8 Years

I don't mean the first learning to crawl,
walk, ride a bike, tie your shoe, read, write and

I mean the last eight.

When will those be? Who knows.

But I do know a way to shave off those last eight
so you don't have to worry about them. (who needs
those pesky old eight years, anyway?)

Diabetes will cut those years right off the end of
your life. A recent study showed that diabetes lowers
life expectancy by seven to eight years.

Compared to nondiabetics, diabetic men and women both
roughly double their chances of developing and dying
from cardiovascular disease.

For folks 50 and older, having diabetes reduced life
expectancy by an average of 7.5 (men) and 8.2 (women)
years less than nondiabetics.

"These findings underscore the importance of diabetes
prevention for the promotion of healthy aging," the
authors write.

"Toward this end, it is essential to implement global
strategies to change the current 'Western' lifestyle
and to promote the adoption of physical activity and
healthy diets."

Preventing the 'diseases of modern civilization' is the
main goal of my Caveman Cuisine program.

And you can see that it's important for cavewomen, too.
They seem to get the short end of the stick with
diabetes as well.

Respecting and protecting your genetic heritage is the
best way to stay healthy, and stay healthy longer.

You can even eat birthday cake without worrying about
your blood sugar. It's all in the Caveman Cuisine
QuickStart Guide and CD, which are free with your
test drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club

Don't miss out on a minute,

Dr. Vince

PS It's not much fun to live long but lose your mind
in the process. That's why the Core Four is a big
part of healthy eating. They squelch inflammation, which
is a big part of the chemical processes responsible for
Alzheimer's. Remember, they're starting to call Alzheimer's
"Type III Diabetes" You can learn more here

PPS The study mentioned above was in the June 11, 2007
issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.
It was done by researchers in the Netherlands, England,
and the United States

Worst Joke Ever

While I was packing my stuff to go to Tennessee,
I heard a comedian on TV say:

"I have rheumatoid arthritis...but the doctor told
me it was all about my attitude.

He said, "You're not dying from the disease; you're
living with the disease...until it kills you...
THEN you're dying from the disease..."

It would be funny if it weren't so tragic and true.
Folks are dying sooner than they should, from
diseases that are entirely preventable.

And the ones that aren't entirely preventable, they're
at least better managed by lifestyle.

And if we're not dying sooner, we're still not getting
the most out of our lives.

Rheumatoid arthritis has a genetic component, but
it, along with the other arthroses, is primarily
an inflammatory condition.

Inflammation is a genetically ingrained healing
mechanism of our body. But when it runs rampant,
it causes all kinds of problems.

Recent research has uncovered this "missing link" of
inflammation to the diseases of modern civilization:
heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's,
osteoporosis and cancer...

These seem like all different diseases...if you see
diseases as 'things'.

But if you see them as 'processes', which is a more
accurate description, then it's easier to see how
they may all have the same root cause.


And our grain-centered diet is a primary cause of
all the inflammation.

To learn more about reducing inflammation and avoiding
these modern disease processes, check out

Don't live with 'em or die from 'em;

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Thoreau said: "For every thousand hacking at the
leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."

Stop hacking wildly at your health concerns and
strike them at the root--inflammation. Through
food choices

or supplements

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This Turn-About is More than Fair

They say 'turn-about is fair play...'

My friend's birthday is in May, and she always sends
a present or card to her mother. Sort of a 'turn-about',
thanking her Mom for giving birth to her.

Another lady I know of gave her Mom a great turn-about
this week, too.

Kimberley Locke lost 27 pounds on Celebrity Fit Club.
But she didn't do it for her kids...she did it for
her Mom.

"My Mom is overweight, and she just lost her mother.
She called me the other day and told me the doctor
said she was only a couple of points away from being
a diabetic. And she said to me, 'Well, everyone in
my family's diabetic...'

"And I said, 'Mom, you don't have to be....' Because
I want her to be around forever and see all my
success...because it's her success too."

That's sweet and everything, but how can Kimberley
say that her mom doesn't HAVE to be a diabetic. Since
everyone else in her family is, and she's overweight,
doesn't that mean there's nothing she can do?


Kimberley's got the right idea, and my recommendations
for her mom would be:

1. Listen to your daughter. Heredity is not
necessarily destiny. Especially for diabetes.

2. Commit to losing weight. Deciding to make a
change is more than half the battle.

3. Reduce, avoid and eliminate grains.
Grains are chock full of Omega-6 fats, which
cause inflammation. Studies show that the more
inflamed you are, the more likely you are to have

4. Take pharmaceutical-grade fish oil.
Fish oil is chock-full of Omega-3 fats, which
control inflammation. They also make your cells more
sensitive to insulin, and help you control your sugar
better, too. (but fish is chock-full of mercury and
other toxins, so make sure to get pharmaceutical-grade

5. Drink more water.

6. Move your body.

If Kimberley's mom will do those simple things, it'll
be hard for her body NOT to respond...and she should
be around to see many more of her daughter's successes.

It'll work for you or your mom, too.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Why does it work...just those few things?
Because it respects the way your body is designed.
For the full scoop on respecting and protecting
your biology--and getting the health and long
life you deserve, go to

Why Celebrity Dads get Fit

What's the biggest reason a man gets fit.

If he's a celebrity, it's usually to look good on
camera and keep getting jobs and dates.

But if he's also a Dad...then there's really only
one reason.

Last night was the Grande Finale of Celebrity Fit Club.
Eight B or C-List celebrities changed their eating
and exercise habits and try to drop the extra poundage
in 100 days.

The two dads in the group both gave the same reason
for setting their goals, the same reason for being
on the show and the same reason for giving it the
effort that they did.

Their kids.

And they were crying their eyes out when they said it.

Because Warren G and Cledus Judd both know kids whose
dads died too early (many that could've been prevented
with a few lifestyle changes)...and they don't want
to put their kids through that.

They lost about 30 pounds each...which may not sound
like much, but it changed their lives...and their
kids' lives.

If you know someone who needs to shed a few (or if you
do yourself), point them to

Hope you had good thoughts on your Father's Day

Live each Day like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Another way to help your kids is make sure
they take the Bronze Core Four. It's pharmaceutical-
grade fish oil and a chewable multi-vitamin (the fish
oil is chewable, too, if you bite hard enough)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

a Father's Day Twist

Here's an Inside-Out twist on Father's Day:
Give your kids a gift for making you a Father.

It'll help you remember what an honor and responsibility
you have as a Dad (and help them not have to make an
emergency trip to the hardware store).

And here's a gift that you can't can only
give it. And for some of you hard-core dads out there,
it may be the hardest thing you've ever done.

But it will pay you back over and over and over.

The idea comes from Thoreau's 'Walden':

"I would not have anyone adopt MY mode of living
on any account; for, beside that before he has
fairly learned it I my have found out another for
myself, I desire that there may be as many
different persons in the world as possible;
but I would have each one be very careful to find
out and pursue HIS OWN way, and not his father's
or his mother's or his neighbor's instead.

"The youth may build or plant or sail, only let
him not be hindered from doing that which he tells
me he would like to do."

We're all born with a spark of Genius. Trouble is,
it gets drowned out or dumbed out or suffocated
by well-meaning school systems, traditions,
societal expectations--and even parents.

When your kid says, "I want to be an astronaut"
(or a builder or a planter or a sailor), give
her a little room. Don't tell her all the
reasons it won't work right now--let her find out for

Let your kids be themselves.

He may change his mind twenty times; just
let the discovery process run its course.

You may both get a big surprise before it's all over.

And don't forget about your own spark. It's still
there, even if it's been drowned, dumbed or suffocated.

Make a few 30- 60- and 90- plans. What's hindering
you from doing what you would like to do?

Live like YOU Mean it...and they will, too.

Dr. Vince

P.S. Speaking of surprises, a friend of mine from
West Virginia wrote:

"the Core Four are great. I never imagined the
whey protein would taste as good as it does, and
I feel better and better all the time. Thanks."

Sail on over to
and see what all the fuss is about.

You can check out the whey protein here:

Saturday, June 16, 2007

What Dad really Wants

My Dad wrote me a note a month ago, and one line stood


That's what Dads really want, is for their kids to do
better, to go further, to be more than they were.

To be all they're capable of being. And then some.

That's a funny thing about Humans, is we have the
capacity for growth, adaptation and change. We don't
have to be watered-down versions of our parents,
teachers or coaches.

We can take their input and turn it into more.
That's the essence of 'living enthused': to fully
experience and express your Life.

And it's amazing what you can do in spite of your
Dad--and in spite of yourself.

See yourself Bigger...and live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I'll help you get more out of your life here

Friday, June 15, 2007

Why is Susan so Happy

Here's a funny commercial...or it would be funny if
it weren't so typical and tragic. It highlights
just how out of control we are when it comes to
our tummies.

Picture a board room with all the
attendees introducing themselves:

I'm Stuffed.
I'm Starving.
I'm So Bloated I just unzipped my pants.
I'm Never Eating Again.
I'm Regretting the bag of potato chips I just ate.
I'm Sorry, I'm not easily separated from a vending
I'm Full.
I'm Fasting.
I'm Susan.

And Susan is smiling, relaxed and enjoying a 100
calorie pack of Oreo chips. Yummmmmmmy.

You can rest easy, America. Oreo Chips will be
your salvation [sarcasm off]

Yes, we need healthy snacking
(hint: Oreo Chips ain't it)

And no, one thing isn't going to solve our health
problems -- although fish oil can come pretty darn

I think the lesson here is that healthy eating
begins in the's not so much what we
eat, but how we eat it and how we think about it.

And it ends in the Mind, too...'cuz what you eat
turns into your brain chemicals, which express
your thoughts: better food, better thoughts.

We seem to be flip-flopping between extremes...
binging and purging is an extreme example, but I
know you've heard (or said) some of the things listed
above...which are 'junior' versions of the same thing.

The best way to change your Mind, your eating habits
and your Body is to feed it new information.
Test Drive the Dr. Vince Caveman Club and you'll
get the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and CD,
which will take you by the hand and painlessly
lead you through a three-week transition to
better health, better energy and a better Life.

(You'll also get lots of other goodies, too)

You can get started here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS This month's newsletter includes a copy
of the Caveman Cardio CD (which is worth the
price of the Test Drive in itself...and will
only be offered with an Annual Membership or
at a much higher price in the future)
So don't miss out...I've only got 11 extras.
Get one for your Dad (he'll appreciate it
forever, and he'll probably stay
around longer, too--no guarantees, but that seems
to be the pattern).

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Can we Just Injure Bill?

I finally got around to watching "Kill Bill". I haven't
watched the last chapter yet, and I'm a big fan of
David Carradine (who plays 'Bill') from the old Kung Fu
days, so I hope she doesn't kill him.

But based on how well she's accomplishing her 'to-do'
list so far, I think he's in for it.

About halfway through Volume 2, there's an interesting
exchange between 'the Bride' and her Kung Fu teacher
one night while they're eating.

Her hands are raw from punching boards and she can't
handle her chopsticks very well. So, she starts eating
her rice with her bare hands.

The teacher takes her bowl away and says, "If you want
to eat like a dog, then go outside and eat with them.
But if you want to eat like a human, then pick up
those sticks".

So she summons her strength, eats with the chopsticks
and goes on to many more days of water-carrying, board
breaking, eye-plucking fun.

I think her teacher got it partly right. Humans are
refined; we have the technology, so we should behave
like civilized company and eat with utensils. That's
part of what our opposable thumbs are for.

But, I would argue that eating rice--with chopsticks,
hands or feet--is not really eating like a human.
Yes, humans have been eating rice for centuries...but
our human bodies are not designed to handle it.

Or any other grains, for that matter.

Yes, we've adapted to eating grains...but at what cost?
Heart disease, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, diabetes,
obesity, arthritis, name a few.

So if you really want to make your Kung Fu strong,
grasshopper, then hop on over to
and take the test drive. You'll learn about the real
missing link (inflammation) and how to reduce/avoid
it, and get the vibrant health you've been missing.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you really want your Kung Fu to get strong (or
whatever else you're into), then you've got to protect
yourself from external electronic stress (like the kind
you're getting reading this email...sorry 'bout that,
but at least I'm offering you a solution)

The QLink keeps your energy, your inner-chi, flowing
strong...and keeps you calm, clear and focused.
I wouldn't watch Kill Bill without it.

A Rip Snortin' Good Phone Call

This morning my phone call was interrupted by
sniffs, snorts, hacks, coughs.

Coming from me.

My friend noticed it right away and wondered what
was wrong.

I'm not sure what it was, but one of my patients
had something on them Monday (out here it could
be lots of things...funky perfume, horse hair...
the country's funny that way) that made my
nose start running, eyes itching, etc.

I still had a touch of it this morning, and
most patients noticed it right away, too.
"You sound congested" "Got allergies?"

Two lessons here:

1. Nobody's perfect. Even as hard as we try to
stay healthy, sometimes the boogie man can get us.

2. I really appreciate how far I've come in my
personal health journey. I used to be stopped up
like this 24/7. I carried a hanky in my backpack.
I walked around with kleenex stuffed up my nose.
I couldn't say "bean" would come out "beet",
because there was nary air in my nares.

(that means there was no air going thru my nostrils,
but I couldn't think of anything to rhyme with

So occasionally, in the fall or winter (and evidently
June 11) I'll get a little reminder of what life
used to be like before chiropractic, before fish oil
and before Caveman Cuisine.

And I realize how spoiled I've become, being able
to breath easy, get fit and look good (better?)

You can leave your un-healthy past behind, too...
just join me at
and check out the Dr. Vince Caveman Club and the
Fish Oil page and I'm sure you'll find something
to help you on your way.

I'm breathing better already...

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Nobody's perfect, sometimes you forget to
take your supplements, sometimes you forget to
order them. That's why I've got the 'auto-ship'
option with all the Core you have
one less thing to remember, and one more thing to
keep that brain working at top speed

PPS the Caveman Cuisine newsletter goes to the
printer in the morning, so if you want to get
this month's edition (which includes the Caveman
Cardio CD--a 29.95 value in itself) you need to
jump NOW

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Can you Escape your Gene?

One of my favorite sayings is "Heredity is not
necessarily destiny"

But, sometimes heredity IS destiny.

I have a cousin (2nd cousin, once removed) who
has hemophilia. He has a genetic defect on his
chromosome that interferes with a clotting his blood doesn't clot, and he bleeds
and bruises very easily.

What may be a minor cut to us could be life-
threatening, since he body can't clot well
on its own.

No amount of fish oil or caveman eating is going
to replace that clotting that truly
is a 'genetic disease'.

But too many people say, "My grandfather died of
a heart attack, my father died of a heart attack,
so I'm going to die of a heart attack."

Not necessarily. This is where 'epigenetics'
comes in.

Like we saw yesterday, there is a genetic test
that can predict Alheimer's disease with 85%

What about the other 15%? Why did the test say
they'd have it, but they don't?

Because the genes are only the blueprints...but
someone's got to build the house. And the
builder in our case is that mysterious something
called our Life Force...and how we interact with
our environment.

The epigenetic material (various proteins and other
compounds that control the way our genes express
themselves) makes up about 85% of our genome.

So our 'destiny' is only about 15% carved in stone.
The other 85% is in your hands.

And what your hands put in your mouth.

Because the body responds to its internal and
external environment. And the internal environment
is primarily made from the chemicals we eat.
That's why you really are what you eat.

This takes our food choices to a whole 'nother
level: we're not eating to prevent disease.
We're feeding our body the tools it needs to
maximize our health by turning on the good genes
and keeping the bad genes in hibernation.

Rewrite your future today, and start feeding
yourself more Omega-3s--the good gene
turner-on ers

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I think the Alzheimer's test would be even
less accurate if people took the Core Four. That
way, even if they had the genes to lean them toward
Alzheimer's, it would be less likely to manifest.

I picked out the Core Four specifically to
support your epigenome, to support your healthy
gene expression. They're all part of Caveman
Connection #5--protecting your Biology. Learn
more here

PPS If you really want to get in touch with your
genetic heritage, test drive the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club

It only took 24 Years

Some people never quite get it together.

Twenty-four years ago, I spent a week in Tennessee
with my cousins and grandparents after I finished
ROTC Field Training.

I went to see "Annie Get your Gun" at the local high
school, but only got to see the first half (my cousin
though it was boring, and she was driving).

But this week, I've finally got to close that loop.
I'm playing in the Cowboy Band for our own "Annie"
production...and that loops been closed lots of
times now.

The main characters, Annie and Frank, never could quite
get it together.

They go back and forth loving and hating each
other. Vowing to never be apart and vowing to never
speak to each other again.

Their back and forth gives dramatic tension to the
story. But your back and forth can give you tension
you don't need.

Tension that actually robs you of your life.

Just because you can't get it together.

It took me 24 years to see the last half of the play.
(It wasn't one of my goals, and I wasn't really
trying to get it finished-but I'm glad I did).

But you may have a goal or a dream or a to-do that you've
been putting off. Maybe not 24 years (if it's that
long, you probably really didn't want to do it to
begin with)...but for 24 days, or 24 weeks, or months

even 24 hours.

These next few weeks are a great time for self-
assessment. It's the end of the 2nd Quarter, end
of the month, half a year's gone, end of some fiscal

So spend a few hours making some goals, some plans,
cleaning out the trash (it's still technically
Spring) and freeing up your energy to make more
of yourself, and to

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS A great tool for this type of work is the Wheel
of Life Overview and Self-Assessment. It leads you
through seven areas of your life and jumpstarts your
thinking/goal-setting process.

You get it FREE when you test-drive the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club. Less baggage in your Mind and less
baggage on your Middle frees up your Energy...let me
help you 'get it together'.

4 Ways to a Better Brain

26 million people have Alzheimer's Disease.

That's expected to Quadruple by the year 2050.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins give us "projections
of a global dementia epidemic".

"If we can make even modest advances in preventing
Alzheimer's Disease, or delay its progression, we could
have a huge global public health impact," says Johns
Hopkins Public Health Specialist Ron Brookmeyer.

They've found some genetic markers that seem to
predict Alzheimer's accurately 85% of the time.

What do those genes relate to?

- immune system
- inflammation
- cell division

Hmmm. Not brain function, necessarily. Not blood
flow to the brain, necessarily. But immune system,
inflammation, and cell signaling.

They've also found that Alzheimer's and Heart Disease
share common risk factors: high blood pressure,
diabetes, high cholesterol, hardening of the arteries,
and smoking.

Hmmm. Looks like poor insulin control (diabetes) and
inflammation (heart disease, genetic markers) have a
lot to do with Alzheimer's.

Just confirming what we already knew about these
'diseases of Modern Civilization'. Heart disease,
Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis,
cancer...they aren't diseases you catch; they're
disease processes brought on by chronic inflammation
and poor insulin control.

Mostly due to our Modern, agricultural diet.

Most people talk about 'battling' these diseases. At
least these researchers are trying to prevent them,
or at least slow their progression.

Trouble is, a drug-based approach is probably going
to fail or cause more problems (note current troubles
at the FDA, lawsuits, laundry list of side-effects
and precautions in all the drug ads on TV)

Here are four ways that may keep your Alzheimer's risk
from quadrupling, without all the side-effects:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Any one of the Core Four can make a big change
in your health. Not because they're magic, but
because our modern diet leaves us seriously deprived
of essential nutrients.

But put 'em all together, and you hit all the
targets: reduce inflammation, control insulin, and
maximize the 'good' gene expression.

If you have any interest at all in good health and
longer, more productive life, you need these

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Best Way to Find Yourself

I've heard someone say (and I believe it), that the
reason people have trouble 'finding themselves' is
because the Self is not something you find...

it's something you Create.

The year's almost half over...what are you creating?

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Someone else said, "Outwardly we are wasting away,
but inwardly we are renewed, day by day..."

Help your body renew itself--from the Inside--with the
type of food it needs. Most importantly: Omega-3
fats. And not just any kind...long ones.

Like the ones found in pharmaceutical-grade fish oil

Have a great weekend...tomorrow I'll tell you a story
that's been 23 years in the making...

Dr Vince Must Confess

I must confess. I did something stupid.
Really stupid.

OK, I did it twenty years ago...and again nineteen
years ago. I can't undo it, but I'll never do it
I don't suggest you do it either.

Now, the smart (really smart) thing I did twenty years
ago today was I got married. That's not the problem.

What I did wrong was I didn't eat any of our wedding cake.

I posed for the picture, but I didn't eat it. And
on our first anniversary, when you're supposed to eat
the top of the cake that you've kept in the freezer
for the past year, I passed.


Because sugar's bad for you. Cake is BAD for you.
Don't you know that. I wanted to be healthy, so I
didn't eat my own wedding cake.


That's what I call the Dark Side...the obsession about
eating right...that can cause just as many
(if not more) problems as not worrying about
food at all.

What I've learned over the past twenty years: life
(and food) is not about right vs wrong or black vs
white or good vs bad or fattening vs non-fattening.

It's about appreciating and even enjoying the grey
areas in between. Accepting and even enjoying your
humanity (and your spouse's...and hope they enjoy yours,

Or like I say in Caveman Cuisine: respecting and
protecting your humanity.

Shunning your own wedding cake may seem like it'll
keep you physically healthy...but it's not mentally
healthy...and since the Mind and Body are really
the can connect the dots for yourself.

So, tonight I'm going to eat some cake. And it's
gonna be great.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. OK, here's your anniversary present. I'll
send you a big bottle of fish oil (120 caps) or a
copy of "the Millionaire Inside" if you take the
Dr. Vince Caveman Club test drive this month.

But this offer is only good 24 hours. Right now
it's 11:25, but we'll say noon Thursday. So don't
wait around.

In the special instructions section, just write
Fish Oil or Millionaire, and I'll send it along
with your Welcome Package (QuickStart Guide and CD,
Wheel of Life, Caveman Concentration, Hidden Eyes,
the works...and you'll get the June newsletter in
the next week or so)

Click here to join:

or here to learn about your anniversary present

the Hidden Danger of No-Nos

Last night we had our first full-cast rehearsal
of "Annie acquire your Firearm" at our community

Rehearsal(s) is more like it, since there are two
casts, and the orchestra hasgets to play for both.

While I was tooting my trombone, I noticed that
Annie #2 is a patient ours, and her mom is in
the Caveman (cave-person?) club.

Before she joined, she asked me about the program,
how it's designed and how it works.

When I told her the good news, she said, "Good.
Because if you tell me not to do something, if
you tell me there's a line I can't cross, guess
what...I'm going to go right across it".

A long list of no-nos never really helps anyone.
Mainly because of the ingrained "oh yes I can"
response like Annie's mom talked about.

But there's a more subtle reason. It's called
the Law of Attraction. What you think about, you
bring about.

So if all you think about is what you can't have, then
that's what your mind will go to work trying to get.
And you'll be pulled both ways--rent assunder in your
midst--and end up on the scrap heap of yet another
failed attempt to get healthy, lose poundage, or
whatever health goal inspires you.

So, be like Annie's mom and rejoice in the simplicity
and the "Yes" factor of Caveman Cuisine. Recreate
your ideal body from the Inside-Out.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I was on the phone with one of my newest
Cavemaniacs, and he echoed Mrs. Annie's thoughts:
'Most programs have a list of 'don'ts' as long as
your arm. But yours is simple, to the point and
has it all distilled right there...very simple."

'Easy' is an anagram of "a yes" quit struggling
and do it the easy way. Go here to learn more:

PPS Tomorrow I've got a BIG celebration, and I'm going
to give you a gift...but if you don't want to wait
until tomorrow, go ahead and write, "Yes, I want the
gift" in the Special Instructions section and I'll
make sure you get it. In fact, if you join the
Dr. Vince Caveman Club before tomorrow's email, I'll
give you both gifts (if you wait 'til tomorrow, you
can pick one or the other)
what can I say...that's how I roll...

2 Ways to Beat Genetic BlackJack

The first time I went to Vegas, I thought I
knew all there was to know about blackjack:
get as close to 21 as you can without going over.
Hit on 16; hold on 17.

I got a $50 "lesson" that didn't take very long.
The dealer said thanks for helping fund their
new lighting.

When I got home, I learned there was more to the game.
Lots of fun math. Strategies for when to hit
and when to stay...not just based on my own
hand, but what the dealer had as well.

Then I learned there are even more strategies for
changing your bets, knowing what cards are left in
the deck, etc.

Many more possibilities besides only hit 16/hold 17.
More fun. More potential. (don't worry, I'm not
giving up my day job).

But the same goes for your own genetics. Up until
recently, most people felt "stuck" with the hand
they were dealt. Believed that the only choice they
had was to hit16/hold17.

New research shows that there are many more possibilities,
more fun and more life to be had.

So, here are two ways to improve your odds against the

1. Realize that heredity is not necessarily destiny.

Just because a health problem runs in your family
doesn't mean you're going to get it. Studies show
that 85% of our gene expression is more like software
and can be rewritten, influenced by our environment;
only 15% is hardwired.

Like in 'Dumb and Dumber', Lloyd asks what
his chances are of getting a date. She
says, "One in a million".
"So you're saying there's a chance..."

Be optimistic. Once you realize there's at least a
chance (and the science says it's closer to
certainty than 1 in a million), it changes your
internal environment, making it more friendly to change
and better health.

2. Take more Omega-3s; fewer Omega-6s.

The cell membrane seems to be the key to winning
genetic blackjack. If it's flexible, you get the
right messages and get them quicker. Omega-3 fats help
keep your cell membrane flexible and responsive.
Omega-6s keep it stiff and dull.

That's why we've got near epidemics of diabetes,
obesity, heart disease, etc. Our diets are
heavy in Omega-6s (junk food, grains, etc), and our
cell membranes are stiff, dull and unresponsive.

Stack the deck in your favor by realizing that
heredity is not necessarily destiny, and by
adding Concentrated Omega-3 pharmaceutical-grade
fish oil to your diet

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS if you cringed when you read 'diet' just now,
you're not alone. Even in it's best sense, the
word 'diet' stirs up all kinds of emotions...most
of them negative, that will disturb the healthy
internal environment you're trying to create.
If you want to rid your mind of 'diet' thinking
once and for all (or know someone who needs to)
send them or go yourself to

How Your Parents make you Plump

"Eat your food...there are starving children
in China."

or Africa.

My parents never actually said that. But just
about everyone else I know heard it at some point
while they were growing up.

Halfway between Mother's and Father's Day is
a good time for a little parent-bashing.
(Just kidding)

But here are two problems with the 'starving
kid' approach to health and wellness. Neither
one of them is really your parent's fault, but
problems nonetheless.

1. Our eyes are bigger than our stomachs.

I've talked about the tyranny of plate size before.
We're programmed to eat everything on our plate--
biologically and with help and encouragement from
our parents. The problem isn't really how much food
is on the's how much food we THINK is
on the plate...that short-circuits our body's ability
to tell us we're full.

2. Confusing gratitude with guilt.

The 'starving kid' line is supposed to sound
something like this:

'Honey, we worked hard to get this food on the
table. Being thankful for the food doesn't just
mean saying God is great/God is good/let us thank
him for the food...

'Some people don't even have food to eat, or have
very little. So when you don't eat your food, I
hope it's not because you don't appreciate it...I
hope it's because you've had all you want.

or something like that.

But what usually comes out is: "there are starving
kids all over the world, and I worked all day to fix
this, so you better dang well eat it--and LIKE IT"

Oh, well. Nobody ever said parents were perfect.

But guess what? Surprise--your parents aren't the
only ones giving you guilt signals:

- I can't believe I ate the whole thing
- pig out
- sinfully delicious
- decadent
- cheat on your diet
- junk food
- are you on a diet
- I know I shouldn't be eating this, but...

See? there are all kind of bad feelings around
food and eating.

That's the beauty of Caveman Cuisine. First, it
feeds your body the way it's designed to be fed, so
you get to a healthier weight--automatically.

But second, it retrains your brain to think
healthy, too...and gets rid of the food guilt
once and for all.

So, start eating on a smaller plate, and
join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club

Take the test drive and then decide for
yourself. You're the only one who can.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you want to re-learn your Mind
about real gratitude, get a FREE copy
of the Secret Power of Gratitude

(just skip the credit card stuff and it'll
be sent right to you for download)