Thursday, May 31, 2007

Librarian Pops her Top (Almost)

Here's a funny from the mail bag:

"Dr. Vince,

"My mom asked jokingly if any Q-links have ever
exploded, after she had a particularly stressful
day at school.

"She was on her feet all day, never got to stop for
lunch, was solving everyone else's problems,
running a book fair, and ran out of chocolate too.

"Since she's the librarian (and librarians don't
do anything ;-) she gets every extra duty or job
that doesn't specifically fit someone else's job
description, teaches three classes, does book
fairs, and everyone brings their problems to
her - including all IT problems.

"So, she's really happy about the Q-link, and is
looking forward to the end of school when she'll
be able to talk in complete sentences.


Dr.V: To my knowledge, no Q-Link has ever
exploded, but I can see why she was concerned.

The bad news is, Momma Adam is not alone. Stress
is piling up on us left and right at home, work,
school...and when work and school happen to be
the same place--look out.

The good news is, the QLink helps your body
relax, de-stress and keeps you focused during
the day. That's why I have lots of teachers and
home-schoolers who wear them.

And it's built to last a lifetime. About the only
way you could break one is to bang it with a hammer
(I don't think that would do it either, but I'm not
going to try)

To find out how Adam's mom stays relaxed in the
pressure cooker that is Middle School, you can
go here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I offer a family and employer discount on
the QLink pendants to keep everybody happy.

P.S.S. If your QLink ever does explode or
otherwise break/malfunction, I'll replace it right
away. And you get a 90-day guarantee from the
manufacturer, so it's worth a no-risk trial just
to see how well you sleep with one on...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Boys vs Girls: who wins?

What's the difference between boys and girls?

Not much.

Besides the snakes, snails, lace and string,
we're all pretty much the same underneath.

But may be saying. What about
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,
and boys go to Juptier to get more stupider.

Yeah...that little bitty difference translates
into a HUGE difference mentally, emotionally,
socially and otherwise.

But deep down, we're both human. And our
bodies need the same nutrients and same
movement to keep them running right.

Not exactly the same, of course. We make
concessions for different organs and some
of those special needs, but we're not
really all that different.

For instance, Omega-3s from flax oil have
been shown to aggravate both breast and
prostate cancer. And the Omega-3s from
fish oil (DHA/EPA) have been shown to help
reduce or reverse breast and prostate

So make sure to feed and exercise yourself
as a Human first...then tweak it for your
specific gender if you need or want to.

Lots of you boys and girls are using these
next 90 days to get back into shape. But
remember, you can't do the same thing you've
always done and expect a different result.

So, I'm hooking you up with two of my friends.
One boy. One girl. Both impressive. Both in
great shape.

Tim Kauppinen (Coach K) designed a workout
program based on his years of track/speed
coaching to help you burn fat, build muscles
and get your heart and lungs stronger than
ever. In record time.

Tiny Rivers compiled her vast knowledge and
experience as a personal trainer who helps
ladies get their shape, size and confidence
back. It's a lifetime of learning, with
exercises for the mind as well as the body,
and help with your eating plan, too.

The cool thing is that either of these programs
will work for either gender. Tim's wife and
kids do his program; Tiny's husband only wishes
he could do her program (I can do everything in
it, but some of it's still a challenge)

So take your pick, get to work and get ready
for a new you come September.

Coach K's Uphill Fitness Training

Tiny's SuperPowered Woman

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you want a sneak preview of Coach K's
course, don't miss the June issue of the Wheel
of Life. He gives you 5 reasons (out of 20 or
so) why hill sprints can take your fitness to
a whole new level. We also talk about the dangers
of some popular exercise equipment.

The Caveman Cardio CD is worth the price of the
test drive alone, not to mention the Caveman
Cuisine QuickStart Guide/CD, Wheel of Life
Self-Checkup, Caveman Concentration and the
Hidden Eyes Visualization CD that come free
with your test drive. It literally is a steal.
Find out more here:

How Far Can you Reach?

I don't think I'm giving anything away here by
telling you that they saved Private Ryan.

But was it worth it.

If you're not familiar with the story,
three Ryan brothers were killed in WWII, and
the Army wanted to find the fourth brother and
let him get back home to his mother.

They sent a team of eight soldiers into enemy
territory to get him. Private Ryan made it out,
but the rest were not so lucky.

Was it worth it.

Were those eight lives worth Private Ryan's just
because his brothers had gotten killed.

They didn't know if he was alive or dead when they
went after him. For all they knew, he could've
lived through the war. Or he may have been dead
already, so trying to find him was an
unneccessary risk.

How many lives are worth someone else's life.
And what reasons are good enough to risk them.

Not easy questions. And even more difficult

I think our lesson comes when everyone else is
killed by Ryan, and the dying Tom Hanks says:

"Earn this."

Make it mean something that me and my men just
traveled so far, risked our lives and gave up
our lives just so you can go home.

And I think Ryan got it. Because at the D-Day
Memorial, when he was remembering all this, he
asked his wife:

"Tell me I've led a good life; tell me I'm a
good man..."

Tell me my life has meant something to someone;
that it was worth eight guys dying just for
me to get home.

He was surrounded by his wife, and kids, and
their kids...and you could tell he'd made an
impact, made a difference.

From the Revolution to our current conflict,
many more than eight men and women have given
their life so that you can "go home".

Hope you'll offer some gratitude for them today.
But the best gratitude is to make their sacrifice
count for something. To earn it.

To live like you mean it.

Dr. Vince

P.S. if you don't have a copy of the Secret Power of Gratitude, you can download
yours here for free...just skip all the credit card stuff and you'll get it right away

Monday, May 28, 2007

How Big Should your Goals Be?

Despite several obstacles (three Fourth
of July picnics, two bee stings, a late night
with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and my 40th
birthday party) I changed my body and my life
during the Memorial Day-Labor Day stretch back
in 2003.

Sure, I was one pound away from my goal (d'oh!)
but I considered it a success. (and Caveman
Cuisine helped me blow right past the goal
thirty days later)

That's a big key. Einstein says that we need
to develop the skill of setting goals that are
just within our reach if we give it our best
effort (paraphrase)

If the Goal's too small, not enough energy,
excitement and enthusiasm.

If it's too big, too much self-doubt and

Having the goal is the most important part;
it'll keep you moving through the bee stings,
the late nights and if you celebrate too much.
(I tell you how to deal with all these ups and
downs in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide)

But it also helps to have a helper. Right after
I got started in '03, my business partner saw
my gut hanging over my bathing suit, looked at
what I was eating (I wasn't really 'on' my
program that day...must've been a rough start)
and said, "So, how's your new program coming?"


And last year, after I'd gotten a little
fluffy, my wife said, "Next week when school
starts, we've got to get back on the path"

And I did. And still am.

So, if you'll pardon my nostalgia, I think
there are some good tips for you here.

Your timetable is here. Now 'til Labor Day.
Or June 1st to September 1st. whatever.

You pick the goal(s); you pick the helper.
You CAN do it.

And you'll have great memories, a better
present, and an amazing future.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I can be one of your helpers. Normally
you get 30 days email support when you join
the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. But if you join
this month, I'll extend it all the way to
Labor Day. That way you can get the results
you desire--and deserve.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Getting the Most out of Memorial Day

Four years ago this weekend I was finally fed
up. With how I looked and how I felt.

I wasn't in great shape (I was actually in poor
shape), and 40 was coming up in a month...and
I knew something had to change or it would go
nowhere but downhill from there.

So, I embarked on an eating program (which
was the first stab at Caveman Cuisine)
and an exercise program to get healthy

I set goals for Memorial Day to Labor Day.
For a couple of reasons:
1. they're about 90 days apart, which is time
enough to make some progress
2. THey both start and end with a three-day
weekend. So you can use the Mondays to celebrate
3. Having a 'finish' date gives you something
to shoot for and a way to measure your progress

But I didn't just set physical goals. I set
goals in all areas of my personal, professional
and spiritual life.

I was ambitious...three pages worth. Books to
read, trips to take, things to do, a person to
become. And I got 90% of them.

So take some time this weekend, and look at your
life, pick a few areas that you want to improve
and grow, set some goals and get going.

I still use this method, which I turned into the
Wheel of Life Self-Assessment. It comes FREE
as part of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club
welcome package.

The Wheel of Life details the seven areas and
helps you find your weak spots, brainstorm ideas
for growth, and reach your goals.

Since the mail won't run again until Tuesday,
if you join this weekend you'll get your
welcome pack by June 1st.

But if you're ready to get started now, just
say "I'm ready to get started NOW" in the
special directions block, and I'll email you
a copy of the Wheel of Life and the Caveman
Cuisine QuickStart Guide so you can have those
right away...and you'll get your hard copies
with the rest of your materials.

Like Morpheus told Neo in the Matrix:
"I can only show you the door; you're the One
who's got to walk through it"

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS If you're wondering about the exercise program,
I'm talking about it in this month's newsletter
and CD...called Caveman Cardio with special
friend and guest Coach K. So take a gander at
my Before and After, get inspired about your own
possiblities, take the test-drive and learn how
to cut your workout time in half and double your

PPS Have a relaxing weekend!

Fat Actress's Big Problem

Kirstie Alley's got a new body and a new show,
but the Fat Actress has still got a big problem.

She's lost a lot of weight as a Jenny Craig
spokesperson ("Fettuccini!!") I felt a little
embarrassed for her when she paid her bet by
wearing a bikini on Oprah's show.

To put it nicely, she wasn't quite ready for the
bikini yet. But, hey: I've seen worse at the
beach plenty of times.

I give her credit for a couple of things. One is
sticking to her program, and the other is embracing
the process.

She didn't wait until she'd lost all her weight before
she strutted her stuff. Just 'til she'd made a certain
amount of progress.

And that's a big tip about your own struggle to
lose weight and re-create your Ideal body. Don't
fret over what's left to do; congratulate yourself
on what you've done already.

And use that success to spur your continued success.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Oh, yeah. Her big problem.

She's doing fine while on her pre-packaged meal
plan, but that approach is hard to do for very
long. What if she wants to go out. Or go
on vacation. Or gets tired of their food. Or
wants to eat real food.

Portion-control is one way to lose weight, but it's
not terribly effective in the long run, because in
the back of your mind you're always thinking:
"When can I eat normal again?"

Kirstie's big problem is she can never go off her
diet. And some of the stuff she's eating is not
fit for human consumption, even though they've
counted her calories.

So that's really two big problems. The weight
may come off, but she won't be as healthy as
she can be.

My big solution is Caveman Cuisine, which
is not a diet, so you don't go on or off.
It helps you get healthy again from the
Inside-Out. And you don't have to count anything
(except how many pounds you've lost)

I'm not just playing a game with words here.
I'm not using the tired old saying 'It's not
a diet, it's a lifestyle.'

It is, sort of, but that's not the main thrust. Heck,
I don't care what lifestyle you have, you can apply
the principles of Caveman Cuisine to lose weight
and feel great. And no one can tell you've changed
anything by what you're eating...just by how you look.

Then you'll feel better about wearing a bikini.
You still may not want to, but you could if you
had to.

Don't call Vinny

Thursday, May 24, 2007

When to Eat Rotten Meat

Rotten meat makes a healthy buzzard. It's
part of the Grand Design.

But rotten meat can also make a healthy human.

Before you gag, no, I'm not recommending it.
Rotten meat is not on the Caveman Cuisine

But there's at least one person who says he
owes his life to rotten meat.

Or at least the critters that live in it.

Believe it or Not. (As my Uncle used to say
I'll 'not' that one)

And I wouldn't believe it either, if I hadn't
seen it with my own eyes. On Ripley's
Believe It or Not, they featured a guy who
had cancer (lymphoma), who read that the
bacteria and other parasites in rotten meat
would help his immune system eat away/clean
away all the cancerous unhealthy tissue.

So, he started eating spoiled meat and he's
living a long and healthy life now.

It worked for him, and whether it was the
bugs or the placebo effect, he's cancer-free.

If it were me, I'd have stopped eating it once
I was better...but he seems to have developed a
taste for it (that taste is called 'yuck') and
keeps an unplugged refrigerator full of rotting
meat--aged to perfection, at least 18 months.

Raw? Sure. I've got at least one 'raw
food-ist' in the Club, and my wife and
I enjoy sushi and medium-rare steaks.

But rotten? no, thank you.

Meat is definitely part of the Caveman
Cuisine plan; how you cook it or don't
cook it is up to you. Eating the way you're
created to eat is the key to your health and

Live like you Mean it...fresh, frozen
or fomented

Dr. Vince

PS The best part of Caveman Cuisine is that
it's flexible. It can be modified to any taste
or temperament, or any cooking ability, non-ability
or laziness factor.

If you can get your hand to your mouth, you
can do it...and get healthy again.

Find out more and take the test-drive here:
Dr. Vince Caveman Club

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

the Worst Kind of Shrinkage

Good Old Saying:
"If you don't use it, you lose it"

Better New Saying:
"If you stress it, you shrink it"

At least as far as your brain is concerned.

Some rat studies at the Neuroendocrinology
Lab at Rockefeller University in NYCity showed
that stress caused their brains to shrink.

They lost their mental flexibility, which
points to trouble with the attention/decision-making
part of the brain (called the prefrontal cortex).

That's bad news for us humans. Because the
pre-frontal cortex is about the only thing
we've got going for us (besides the opposable

It's what helps us think, create, imagine,
solve problems. It's what allows us to
invent a computer--and the funny ads to sell

But stress shuts it down. Overloads it.
Shrinks it.

That's why it's hard to concentrate, think,
create, imagine when you're stressed.

And that makes the stress cycle all the more

One way to get ahead of the stress cycle is to
get more magnesium. Because stress drains
your magnesium; and being short on magnesium
makes you stress out more easily.

And so it goes.

Leafy greens, vegetables and mineral water
are all good sources of magnesium.

Or at least the should be. But our modern
farming has left our veggies nearly empty.
That's why it's important to supplement with
magnesium...because modern life is stressful
and modern food doesn't have much magnesium
in it.

That's why Mega Magnesium is part of my
Core Four
Especially because magnesium protects your
DNA at every point while it's copied and
turned into new cells.

Reducing stress helps your brain grow bigger;
more magnesium helps you decrease stress and
build better cells.

Live like you Mean it...and protect your
precious Humanity

Dr. Vince

PS If it seems like your clothes are shrinking,
it may be time to make a change. And I don't
mean get bigger clothes. Get new clothes, but
a few sizes smaller by joining the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club.

My friend asked me if I still had the pants from
my Before picture...and I do, but I had them
taken up. They were literally falling off my

That's a great problem to have. Better your
waistline shrinking than your outfits.

Go here to reveal the True You:

How Former Arthritic Wrestles Again

Good News for our four-legged friends. Here's
an interesting note from one of my readers:

Dr. Vince,

Just wanted to update you on my 14 year old
Labrador Retriever I have on your fish oil.
He has suffered from arthritis in his back
since he was 4 years old, and now he's two days
older than dirt and weighs eighty pounds. He
also has had problems with dry skin & excessive
shedding even with very high quality food and vet

Your fish oil has him up and wrestling with my
5 month old Golden Retriever puppy in addition to
having a fantastic looking coat with not a hint
of the previous skin conditions. He truly is in
amazing shape for a dog of his age and the change
from last year to this year with your Fish oil is

My wife's coat is also shinier; I (as you may
recall) have no hair. But I do know the difference
your product has made for my health and I thank you
again for your help.

Tony C.
Cape Coral, Florida

Dr. V: Thanks, Tony. Glad to hear the good news.
I appreciate how you give fish oil to everyone in
your family--including the four-legged ones. Your
new supply is on the way.

For the rest of you:

you may feel like Tony's dog:
older than dirt, and a little big for your size.

That's OK...the Omega-3s in Concentrated Omega-3
pharmaceutical-grade fish oil can help you look
better, feel better--and even make you feel like
getting a little frisky.

How? because Omega-3s are nature's anti-
inflammatories. So they help with joint pain like
arthritis...but also heart disease, osteoporosis,
diabetes and other health problems that are
caused by chronic inflammation.

If it's been a while since you've been rambunctious,
or you just want that healthy glow again, then
get your fish oil here:

And get some for everyone at your house: "all
Creatures great and small"

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS A shiny coat is great; still sporting a
winter coat not so great. Remember, the DHA
in Fish oil helps you shed that extra flab by
burning flab, keeping your body from forming
more flab cells and making the flab cells you
already have die an untimely death.

So whether you want to look good for swimsuit
season, or to be able to horseplay with the
kids, Concentrated Omega-3s will help you do it

Guess Who Peeked

At least one guy admitted to peeking at my
last email

(if you didn't, it's OK can see it here)

Anyway, he asked a good question:

Dr. Vince:

Thank for all messages. Just a question.
Do you think a person can gain fish oil by
eating fish regularly? Thanks.


Dr. V: Yes you can...but you have to eat oily fish,
like Salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, swordfish...

And you have to eat a lot of it. THe trouble with
eating fish (and why some doctors say NEVER eat fish)
is because of all the toxins--mercury, PCBs, and other

That's one of the troubles with trying to imitate our
original diet--modern technology has given us "modern
problems" (kind of like the Chevy Chase movie when he
turned nuclear)

And that's one of the reasons I recommend taking
only pharmaceutical-grade fish oil

The distilling process done at the pharm plant removes
all the toxins, mercury and other pollutants, making
it ultra-safe. And mine is more concentrated than
any other I've seen (600mg EPA/DHA per capsule)

That's another hint: always judge your fish oil
and how much you take by how much EPA/DHA is in
each cap...not just the amount of oil. The
research dose is around 2000 EPA/DHA each day.

The cool thing about the pharmaceutical processing
is that it also takes out the fishy smell and taste.
But just in case, they add a little orange oil to
give it a pleasant taste. (I can chew one up and
not even notice it...just the slightest oily feel
and a hint of if you swallow them
whole, you don't notice anything)

Rule of Thumb: if your fish oil is brown, or if
you can smell it--trash it. If it smells, it's
not pure enough and you could be putting your
brain at risk (the very thing you're trying to
protect by taking Omega-3s in the first place)

Fish Oil is one of the ways we can use modern
technology to our advantage, so use it as a
good source of Omega-3s.

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS another way to use technology is to
protect yourself from the electro-magnetic
forces coming from your computer, cellphone,
iPod, blackberry...that can disturb your
brain function, too.

Save your brain and feel better all day. Find
out how much stress is affecting your brain by
going here:

Friday, May 18, 2007

For Ladies Only

I just checked my Caveman Club Mailing list,
and realized that almost a third of the
members are female.

(I won't start calling it the Cave-person
Club until there are 50% + 1...and then it
still might take some convincing)

And I just got a notice from Medicare about
women's health issues...most of which are not
because of age, or mileage...but because of
chronic inflammation.

Those inflammatory chemicals cause trouble
all over the body...literally from head to

Heart Disease, osteoporosis, diabetes,
arthritis, Alzheimer's, cancer...all of these
have their origin in too much inflammation.

That's why I recommend these nutrients for
women especially, as a starting point of
better health:

Fish Oil: helps with depression, anxiety,
sleep and other stress-related troubles...
it also helps you stay thin by burning fat,
keeps you from making too many new fat cells and
lets the ones you have die sooner.

Magnesium: helps reduce stress, minimizes PMS,
helps with migraines/headaches

CoQ10: more energy, strong antioxidant (good for
skin), protects heart, normalizes cholesterol

Multi-Vitamin/Mineral: combats aging, good
anti-oxidant; protects DNA from mutating into

So ladies, don't just cross your fingers and
hope for the best. Even with all of our
high-tech diagnostics, we still can't find it
until it's already there. And promoting health
is ten times better than treating disease.

Controlling inflammation is the key to better
health, losing weight and living longer. That's
why I have all these anti-inflammatory nutrients
in my Core Four packs

You can still get all your tests and check-ups...
just think of the Core Four as the way to 'study'
for them.

Live like You Mean it...
(and even though we don't say it as much as we
should, we appreciate you)

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you really want to turn our heads and
get into amazing shape, then check out my friend
Tiny's course

And to all you guys who went ahead and peeked in
here anyway...I dare you to try it

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Platter makes Phatter

Tuesday I took my friend David out for a
Cave-friendly birthday breakfast at our
local Cracker Barrel.

We ordered eggs, meat, apples...but none of
the grits, toast, biscuits and gravy (the
waitress looked at us funny and asked,
"Are you sure?")

When the food came, David made this

"I just ordered the Mindless Eating book
you recommend, and one of the reveiwers
was talking about plate size and how she's
learning to visualize the plate smaller"

(Mindless Eating is Recommende Reading in
the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide

"When I got this plate, I thought, Wow,
that's really not much food..." Then
he cupped his hand and blocked out half
the plate..."but that looks about right."

So I told him another story from Mindless
Eating about an antique dealer who sells
old plates. But shoppers always think
the dinner plates are salad plates and
the serving platters are dinner plates.

Because we've gotten used to supersizing

So, David moved his food to my six-inch
bread plate, and it looked like a true
heapin' helpin'.

Then he held up the plate his food came
on, and said, "This IS a serving platter"

I'd never really thought about it until then,
but that 'plate' was the same size as the
platters I have at home. Yikes.

The more we see, the more we eat. It's
hardwired into the brain as a survival

The thing is, it was put there when food
wasn't so plentiful and we didn't have as
many choices (or non-foods either)

So now, as we get more civilized,
sophisticated and modernized, we're getting
sicker, fatter and weaker...and getting
more mental problems as well...mainly
because we're disrespecting our biology.

Plate size is just one thing. I cover the
hidden dangers of 'variety' in this month's
Caveman Cuisine newsletter. Don't eat
jelly beans, M&M's or a buffet again--
until you read it.

The experiments I talk about also come from
the book Mindless Eating, by Brian Wansink, PhD,
which I highly recommend you get.

'cuz when you get your Body and your Mind working
together, there's no stopping you.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I'm sending out the newsletter today, so
if you want one you'd better hurry. You'll
also get the QuickStart Guide/CD, the Wheel
of Life guide, the Hidden Eyes CD, Caveman

take charge of your health today.

Mom's Got a Secret

My Mom's had some great ideas in her life.

Of course, marrying my Dad (welcome yours
truly), taking me to the chiropractor, stuff
like that.

But she's also come across a few ideas that
you can get some direct benefit from.

The first one got her a hug from Najeeb the
Produce Man several years ago (it also kept
me from being scarred for life).

She was walking down the aisle getting groceries
and noticed that Najeeb had band-aids on every

"Working with this wet produce all day keeps
my fingers chapped...they crack and
I can't be bleeding all in the celery..."

So, she gave him an idea:
"Get some Vitamin E capsules, poke a hole in
the end of one and squirt the oil onto your
fingers three times a day and see what happens"

A week later, Najeeb saw her in the store and said
"I've got to hug this lady's neck..." After just
a few days, his fingers were as good as new, and
he hadn't had any trouble since.

That summer I burned a 2-inch stripe on my right leg
from ankle to knee on my mini-bike motor. You can
imagine how nasty it looked.

After running cold water over it for several minutes,
I put Vitamin E oil on it every day until it was
gone. Now you can't even tell I was burned.

So, if you have any skin issues, try a little
Vitamin E...and I'll pass along any hugs.

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Mom discovered a cure for canker sores, too.
(mouth ulcers/aphthous ulcers) She knew there
ought to be something in the pantry that would fix
them, and she was determined to find it.

She got it on her second try (take that, Edison)

Mom says I can tell you the secret in this
month's Caveman Cuisine newsletter (yes, she's
in the club) don't miss out

But I'll give you another secret, too: even
though "no one knows" what causes canker sores,
since I've been eating like a Caveman, I haven't
had any to begin with.

Either way, find out for yourself and take
the test drive today:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How Mom can Do Her Thing

We just celebrated our mothers' devotion to us.

But is she getting the care she needs?

A recent report says 'No'...that women struggle
more with health costs than men do. (I found
this interesting article in the Wall Street Journal)

Part of the reason women need more health care
is 'just biology,' since women's reproductive
systems need more attention than men's usually

The study also showed women more likely to use
prescription drugs and twice as likely to have
mental-health problems such as depression
and anxiety.

At the same time, women have a harder time paying
for care, according to the study. Women have lower
incomes than men, higher out-of-pocket medical
costs and less access to employer-provided
health insurance because many don't work full time.

So what can women do to hold down health costs
and get the care they need?

They recommend that women keep an eye out for
local 'health fairs' where they can get tested at
relatively low costs for blood pressure, cholesterol
levels and bone density.

OK, now Dr. V chimes in...

Part of the high cost of women's health care is
all the screening tests, so looking for cheaper
ones is a way to save some money.

But nothing in the article spoke about getting
healthier, just how to find out if you're sick
cheaper...and how to pay for your drugs cheaper.

That's part of our problem with health care in
general...male or that it's not
really 'health' care.

It's 'sick' care.

That's why feeding yourself right is so important.
Blood pressure, cholesterol and bone density are
all mostly a factor of what you eat and the
nutrition you get from it.

That's why the Core Four is so important. These
nutrients work together to normalize blood pressure,
cholesterol and bone density.

Einstein said you can't solve a problem at the
same level of thinking that created
for the ladies in your life, it's time to stop
waiting for something to happen and then try to
treat it...and get ahead of the curve, feed your
body right and let Mother Nature do her thing.

The best place to start is here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. In this month's Caveman Cuisine newsletter,
you'll learn an interesting fact about blood
cholesterol levels and calcium levels...and
what they do or don't have to do with heart
disease and osteoporosis (if you know me at
all, you know it's probably 'don't'...)
There's also a bit about blood pressure, too.
It's not really a Mother's Day issue, but
there's plenty in it for Mom to digest.

Take the test drive here:

or if you get a Core Four pack, I'll send
you this month's newsletter as a gift (just
make sure to remind me in the comments section)

Dr. V

Sunday, May 13, 2007

No One Loves you Any Better...

..than your M-O-double-M-Y

A quick note to say thanks to all the Moms out
there, but especially mine...and the Mother of
my daughter.

And you should thank them, too.


My Mom first took me to see a chiropractor for
my asthma, allergies and high-blood pressure,
when I got no help from the traditional approach.

She said, "There's got to be some sort of
neurologist or nutritionist or something
that can see why your body's not working right..."

(I guess I turned out to be a little of both.)

My wife inspired me to actually become a
chiropractor. I knew I wanted to be one, but
thought it would be impossible, or at least
impractical (I'd just graduated from Ga Tech,
and also according to the traditional approach,
I should be an engineer my whole life and just
dream of what it would've been like to be
a chiropractor)

I mentioned to her, half-joking, that my
chiropractor wanted me to go to career day at
the college.

"Why don't you?"

I couldn't think of a good reason, so here
we are.

So without my Mom Sylvia and my lovely wife
Ruth, there would be no Dr. Vince and certainly
no Dr. Vince Online.

I thank them for seeing me bigger than I see

You can thank them for whatever you feel like.
Just don't forget your own Mom.

Live like You Mean it...and thanks to Mom for
giving me my Life...

Dr. Vince

W and Nancy Pelosi Agree

President Bush and Speaker Pelosi have at least
one thing in common: they'd love to have an
extra $24 Billion to spend.

I'm sure porkers on both sides of the ailse
would be licking their chops over that dough.
(the way they spend it, though, it might not
seem like much to them...but any "B" illions
is nothing to sneeze at.)

And they could have it, if just a few nutritional
supplements were given to a few select groups of people.

A report released this month by the Dietary
Supplement Education Alliance (DSEA)
concluded that the use of dietary supplements
could result in a savings of at least
24 billion in health care costs over a five
year period.

The current report updates a similar report
in 2005 which estimated 5.6 billion dollars
in savings over five things seem to
be getting worse--not better.

The report says that calcium and vitamin D by
postmenopausal women could potentially avoid
776,00 hospitalizations for hip fractures and
a significant number of extended nursing facility
stays for this group, resulting in a savings of
16.1 billion dollars.

If folic acid were used by the 44 million
American women of childbearing age, 600 fewer
infants would be born with neural tube defects,
saving 1.4 billion over five years.

Omega-3 fatty acids (1800 mg/day) for those over the
age of 65 would save 3.2 billion

And just 6 to 10 milligrams lutein with
zeaxanthin per day should save $3.6 billion
by preventing loss of central vision
from macular degeneration.

I talk about three of these four in this month's
Caveman Cuisine newsletter

and I reveal a secret about calcium that
your Mother really needs to know--especially if
she's in menopause.

(and no, it's not 'take more calcium')

"Rapidly escalating health care costs in
the U.S. have severe implications for our
society as a whole," DSEA president
Jon Benninger stated.

This study gives a pretty easy solution to
"... the budgetary problems facing federal
and state health insurance programs,
corporate health cost managers and
individual families."

I can hear the porkers now: Budget problem?
There's no budget problem. We get your
money. We spend it. No problem.

But it all boils down to the individual family.
Your state insurance program won't do it.
Your Corporate health cost manager surely
won't do it.

You've got to do it for yourself...and your

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Nutritional supplements fall under
Caveman Connection #5: Protect your Biology.
Modeling the Original Diet is not an either-or's both/and...

Learn more about the recommendations above, plus
the inside scoop about calcium for Mother here

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Why Bumpy is Better

Fred and Barney were catching up over a
saspirilla at the Sabertooth Lounge.

Fred loved his day; Barney hated his.

Fred had the time of his life; Barney couldn't
wait for it to be over.

Fred was beaming, energized, excited.
Barney wet himself.

"What were you doing that was so terrible,"
Fred asked.

"I was riding a roller coaster," Barney said.
"It scared me to death."

Fred looked at him funny and said, "Really?
That's what I did, too...and I've
never felt more alive"

I can almost picture them sitting together on
the front car of the roller coaster, Fred with
his hands in the air, shaking from the excitement.

With Barney sitting next to him, gripping the
rail with all his might, eyes welded shut, praying
for it all to end quickly.

Same situation, different reaction. Polar opposites
sitting in the same seat.


"As a man ......-eth in his heart, so is he"

It's not what's happening, it's what you think about
what's happening that decides how you feel about it.

Modern life is a roller coaster...up and down,
fast and slow, bumpy, unpredictable (but it gets
easier the more you do it), anticipation, dread...

You can live it in fear, or exhilaration,
your choice.

Actually, fear and exhilaration are almost
identical's what you do with them
(think about them) that decides how they express

We talk about how to use that energy productively
on this month's Wheel of Life CD
My friend Matthew White gives some tools, exercises
and insights to staying calm--instantly.

Not chilled out, retreat, disconnect from the
World, but plugged in, connected calmness that
lets you ride the rollercoaster and love it.

With your hands in the air.

Next time you feel the fear, ask yourself if it's
really exhilaration in disguise, and use it as
a gift.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I bet pre-historic life was like a roller coaster, some food, be chased for something else's food,
climate control meant you were controlled by the climate.
Guess what. Life is a roller coaster. It's supposed to
have ups and downs. The only thing that's flat is the
flat-line, which signifies there is no more life in you.

Don't put yourself there too soon, physically, mentally
or spiritually -

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's Not Quite that Simple

Yesterday we were at the florist picking
up some 'good cheer' for Grace's friend who fell
off the horse.

She told me about a sneak preview for a show
she saw, where some kid named Nick gave his
philosophy on health:

'I'm not all that worried about my health.
I know how my body works. I eat. I poop.

Ah, youth. If it were only that simple.

It used to be. Back in the Stone Age, that's
probably all they knew about 'health'. They
didn't need 'meal replacement bars', or
aerobics classes or try to work in a work out.

Because their lifestyle was functional. They
got sunshine, fresh air, movement, challenge
and good food as part of their everyday life.

We, on the other hand, have disconnected
from our food, our environment, ourselves.

In fact, Oprah had a show on the other day
about poop, and what it can tell you about
your health.

Nothing like gettting back to basics.

The one thing we know for sure is that our
food is not as nutritious as the caveman's--
even the 'good' food. For our health to be
as simple as eating and pooping,
we've got to make better choices in the
eating department (which are often the
opposite of what most people consider healthy).

The Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and CD
help sort things out for you, and give you
a simpler that's in tune and
in harmony with your body. The body that's
been passed down to you through the ages.

And there's plenty of fiber for you-know-what.

It'll help you start thinking simpler and
younger again. And it'll keep your kids from
getting old too fast as well.

A little youthful exuberance never hurt anyone.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS on this month's Wheel of Life CD, we talk
about some ways to get more energy with a few
simple techniques...and how to summon it
instantly. Don't be afraid to reconnect with

Why Dad Wears a Helmet Now

Falling off a horse is one thing. But being on a horse while
it's falling is something totally different.

That's what happened to our neighbor last week, who's
one of Grace's best friends. Grace heard she fell off a
horse, bumped her head, had to go to the hospital, but
is OK and at home.

Falling from that high is scary, and I knew she wore a helmet,
so I figured she bumped her head and got a little shaken up,
went to get checked out, no big deal.

The dad called this morning to come over and get adjusted.
Turns out the horse fell with her on it. "It was just like
cracking a whip."

A thousand pound whip.

She actually cracked her skull, and was in the hospital
unconscious for a few days.

"Here, look at her helmet..." On the right side, the styrofoam
was normal, about an inch thick. On the left side, the
styrofoam was only 1/8 inch thick. That's where her head
compressed it when she fell.

That's a lot of force on a twelve-year old head. Or any
age head for that matter.

Good news is, they normally do three CAT-scans before
they let you leave, but hers were so good they only
needed to do two. We're all thankful and relieved.

"She was a very lucky girl," dad says. He also says he'll
never let the girls ride bikes without their helmets anymore.
"I'm even thinking about getting one for myself."

I know I talk a lot about protecting your brain from the
Inside...but let's remember to keep protecting it from
the Outside, too.

Buckle up, wear your helmet, wear your safety glasses,
send some healing thoughts and prayers our way...

and keep Living like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS I also know first-hand the importance of keeping your
airbag working. If the warning light comes on, don't
hesitate...check it out. Same goes for your health.
Ignoring your body only makes it start talking louder.
And when it has to yell, it's not pretty. I've got tools
to help at

Monday, May 07, 2007

Why I'm Wanted in Vegas

Could you lose 20 pounds for a Mill-yun bucks?

Gabe Rudiger had a chance, but blew it. With a capital B.

Gabe was one of the sixteen hopefuls in this season's The
Ulitmate Fighter reality show. TUF is amixed martial arts
tournament held in Las Vegas, with a $1M contract as the
grand prize.

But he showed up 20 pounds overweight.

And kept eating junk food and snacking. He even ate
ice cream cake the day before he was picked to fight.

He tried to cut the weight in the sauna, the plastic suit,
everything...but it was too little, too late.

Gabe should've checked in with me before he went out
there, and I would've given him some better advice, so
he'd a least have a chance (he would've gotten
creamed by the guy he was supposed to fight, but at least
he'd have given it a real try).

I would have made sure he was taking a double dose of
Omega-3s every day, and put him on my Core Four

Besides the whey protein helping him burn blubber and keep
his muscle, the fish oil would help him burn it in a couple
of ways, too:

1. DHA in fish oil keeps new fat cells from forming
2. DHA also encourages the fat cells you have already to
die early

Fish oil lets you use less insulin, making your cells more
sensitive to it. That also keeps your fat cells from forming.

You may not be fighting for a cool mil, but you want to look
cool this summer, and do the cool things you want to do with
your family. Carrying an extra 20 doesn't make it any easier.

Nor does it help you live longer.

If you need help getting back to your fighting weight (or at
least your training weight), don't fly to Vegas, just go here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Gabe was lying on the floor outside the sauna, begging
the guys to put him back in there for the last 3 pounds.
His coach said, "I'm not putting you back in there, you've got
to get up and do it yourself."

He didn't. He gave up. He quit.

Don't be a Gabe. Be yourself. But I can only show
you the door; you're the One who's got to walk through it.

Why the Last Two are so Big

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Most 5th graders haven't heard of Xeno's paradox. You
may not have either...but you've experienced it.

Xeno said that it's impossible to get anywhere. Because
to get from point A to point B, you have to cross a point
half-way between point A and point B.

And once you get there, you have to cross a point between
there and point B...etc...and since you've always got to cross
a halfway point, you'll never get to point B.

Xeno's original example was using a turtle. And you can
feel like a turtle sometimes, especially when you're trying to
lose your winter coat (or matrimonial coat or baby coat...or
handles or thunder thighs, etc.)

Especially the last two lbs.

Like my Mom used to say when she taught Weight Watchers:

Fat Fast -- Slim Slow.

But those last two can be S - L - O - W

And that's when it can be trouble...because you're stuck on
the last two, and get discouraged, and forget all the success
and good feelings you have from losing the previous 18 or so...

and you hate the way you look. Again.

All because of two little lbs.

Your Mind can be your best friend or worst enemy. And in
the battle of the Bulge, you definitely want it as your friend.

That's why I spend so much time talking about the Mind in
these tips and in the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. In fact,
the Wheel of Life CD is dedicated to the Mind each month.

The Test Drive alone will give you the tools to reach your
goal; but since you're human, the monthly newsletter and
CD are designed to keep you educated and inspired
(edu-spired?) along the way.

And you don't have to eat Turtles. or Hares.

Live like You Mean your own Pace,

Dr. Vince

P.S. Xeno's problem was that as the half-points got
closer together, they got really close to zero. And dividing
by zero is 'undefined'.

So you really can get anywhere you want to go...if you've
got the right tools, the right motivation and the right

You CAN do it.

Why the First Two are so Big

'I lost two pounds this week'

It was Cindy's first week on Caveman Cuisine. Actually,
it was only 5 days.

'I'm so excited I can hardly stand it'

Over just two pounds? (you may be asking)

Trust me: the first two are HUGE

I remember four years ago when that scale finally bumped
down two pounds, I was ecstatic. I felt like running outside
with my shirt off (neighbors are glad I didn't)

It's still a ways to go from 2 to 11 or 20 or 30 or 50 or
whatever your goal is, but those first two prove that
you can do it.

That's why they're so big.

If you can lose two, you can lose as many as you
need to...just keep putting two and two together.

Cindy couldn't stop talking (she even apologized a few
times for blabbering on, but she couldn't help it, she
was excited).

'I feel lighter, I've got more's been so long
since I've felt this good.' She was radiant.

Five days. Two pounds. To feel as good as you've
felt in a looong time.

And it only gets better from there.

But you've got to get started.

Live like You Mean it...even if it's been a while

Dr. Vince

P.S. Yes, it's that easy. It's so easy a you-know-what
can do it. I've done all the hard work for you, and will
do just about everything except spoon it into your mouth.
But that's're a Big Kid now. Feed yourself well.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Don't Lose your Mind, Too

Maybe you wouldn't cut off your toe to look good in a pair
of pointy shoes.

But would you trade your bulging belly for a psychiatric
disorder? Lose your Mind in the process of losing inches?

The newest miracle drug coming down the pipleline is
having trouble getting approved...

Thank goodness.

The FDA and the public are both a little nervous about
new miracle drugs, after fen-phen, Vioxx and all the
other recalls.

'Accomplia' supposedly helps you lose weight by shutting
down receptors in your brain (the same ones that those
pointy-ended cigarettes stimulate to give stoners the

To me, that's the trouble with medicine in general. Come
from the Outside and force the body to slow down or
speed up by blocking things...shutting down receptors...
interfering with the body's natural function.

That's why the side effect disclaimers are starting to get
longer than the rest of the commercial (they're talking a
lot faster, too.)

Side-effects, yes. Mood swings, aggression, depression,
anxiety. Subjects on Accomplia had almost 3 times the
psychiatric troubles as those on placebo.

One person said it gave him 'a lovely and welcome
disinterest in food.'

I guess that's OK to drop a few, but it's no way to live
your life.

We're created with an interest in keeps us alive.
That's why it looks, smells, feels, sounds and tastes so good.

That's why blocking receptors is such a bad idea...
especially in the Brain (like Woody Allen says, it's my
second favorite organ).

Instead, we should be looking to sensitize our receptors,
so they don't have to work so hard to digest the food
we're eating...and secrete less insulin to do the job,
which gives you better blood sugar, less inflammation,
and less phat around the middle.

That's why it's so important to supplement with Omega-3s

They keep your cell walls flexible, your receptors responsive
so your body can do its thing with minimum
energy and maximum result...making your Mind sharper
and your waist smaller.

And your life a whole lot more interesting.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Fish Oil helps all the things Accomplia is supposed to
help with...obesity, blood sugar control, better HDL and
triglycerides...without any harmful side effects. Fish Oil
even helps with mood swings, irritability, depression,
anxiety ('cause it's brain food).

That's why they call Omega-3s "essential" fats. But they're
conspicuously absent from our modern diet.

Feed you Mind and Body right.

Meet Sally Eight-Toes

Ladies will do almost anything to look good.

All manner of makeup, plucking, curling irons, flat irons,
mousse, gel, styling, waxing...not to mention the wardrobe,
earrings, bags, shoes, belts, etc...

And we appreciate it.

But would you believe that some ladies want to wear those
pointy-toed shoes so bad that they have their 'index toes'
removed so they'll fit better?


A patient of mine was a shoe salesman for 20+ years, and
he said he'd seen more than one woman missing their
second Little Piggy.

My brother-in-law is missing his, but only on one foot (due
to an inopportune meeting with a lawn mower).

Folks will do some crazy things to look good. Like taking
dangerous di-et drugs, starving themselves, eating cabbage
soup all day, sticking their finger down their throat.

Even stapling their stomach shut.

These don't work for long, because
a. they're not in harmony with your human nature
b. wherever you go, there you are

What I mean is this: most folks try to drop their excess
baggage by focusing on their body. But most of the
baggage is in their Mind.

That's why most people who get their stomach stapled
also get all their weight back...because you can't solve
a problem with the same level of thinking that got you
there in the first place.

That's why I spend a little time each month in the
Dr. Vince Caveman Club talking
about your Mind and your Thinking. To help
you get great results WITHOUT doing anything drastic.

OK, if you're eating like poopy-poo, then you're gonna have
to change something...but it's lots easier than you think.

With a few, small changes you can make a BIG difference.
In your physical, family, career, social, financial or
spiritual Life...but it all starts with the Mental.

Think. Think of two small changes you can make this week
that'll make your 'pointy shoes' fit better. Write them
down...and get going.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Even if you don't change want to change your
food choices, there's an easy way to get better health.
Just chase it all down with a big slug (4 gelcaps, actually)
of Concentrated Omega-3 pharmaceutical-grade
fish oil. The Omega-3s help balance out your Omega-6s,
help reduce inflammation, and cover over a multitude
of nutritional sins.

It's not the ideal approach...but it's a start. And it's easier
than chopping off a toe (and toes don't weigh that much

How to Make Every Day a Vacation

She looked happier than she'd been in months.

When my accountant came in for her weekly adjustment,
I could tell by the smile on her face and the
pep in her step that 'tax season' was finally
over. I asked about her vacation last week.

'Where'd you go?'


'What'd you do?'

'Whatever I felt like doing...and I didn't do anything
I didn't feel like doing. It was wonderful!'

That got me to thinking: what if every day was
that wonderful.

What if we did whatever made us feel good every day.

It could be, I guess...but something's happened to our

Most of the stuff we do every day isn't helping us express or
experience more life, but we keep doing it anyway.

It would feel weird if you didn't. You've got routines, habits.
Some productive; some not-so.

That's why you're stagnating in one or more areas of your
life right now:

'I've never done it that way before.'
'I've always done it that way before.'

And you feel like you have to stay on that course, because
it's uncomfortable--scary--to do something different.

Why not start today. For the next few days, re-calibrate your
feeler. Look at your daily routines, habits, schedules and
ask yourself:

Do I really NEED to be doing this. Do I really WANT to be
doing this. Is this helping me become the person I want to be.

Feel the feeling of being bigger than you are (on the Inside,
and how good it would feel to be a little smaller around the

Then start doing the ones you feel like doing and stop doing
the ones you don't feel like doing.

I know it's scary...but if you do it, it'll be exhilarating.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. There's always a 'feeling' issue around food. Either
you feel like you should/shouldn't be eating what you're
eating...or what you're eating is making you feel like

You feel better when you feed your body better.
And last month, I showed the Cavemaniacs a way to get rid
of their guilty food feelings once and for all.

If you test drive the Dr. Vince Caveman Club this month,
I'll throw in last month's newsletter as a special bonus.

So check it out here, and start living the life you've imagined:

3 Best Doctors Ever

These doctors won't poke you or prod you. But they will
give you a long, healthy life.

They were first recognized by a non-doctor, Jonathan Swift:

"The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet,
and Doctor Merryman."

Doctor Diet has fallen on hard times lately. Mostly because
our version of 'diet' has gone terribly off-track.

To us, a diet is something you "go on" (and then of course
you go off). You have to eat weird food. You have to
explain yourself to others. It's about what you "can't" have.
Counting, points, fat-grams, carb-grams, artificial food.

You feel deprived. Limited. You cheat. You feel guilty.

No wonder we hate diets. Too much negativity.

Totie Fields said, "I went on a diet for two weeks, but all
I lost was 14 days."

If the only choice was to go on a diet or be fat, then I can
see how someone might choose to go on a diet (and I think
that shows us why so many folks are still fat).

But there is another choice.

A choice that respects your biology and your humanity.
A choice that feeds your body the way it's designed to
be fed. That protects your biology.

Doctor Diet is listed first for a reason. Your body uses your
food to recreate your Body day by day. And like they say:

Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Trouble is, most of the so-called 'diets' out there are

That's why I created the Caveman Cuisine program. To
sort through all the confusion and contradiction about
eating, and get back to being Human again.

Healthy humans.

Check it out here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS The cool thing about Caveman Cuisine is that it's not
a 'treatment'...if you have X disease, then eat Y food. It's
designed to feed your body right so that the Doctor Inside
can do his or her job...and recreate your Ideal Body from
the Inside-Out